Gianluja Buffon - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Career Goalkeeper 2021



Gianluja Buffon Football world calls Gieji affectionately and confident that the man is the best goalkeeper of modernity. At the dawn, the Italian was not going to get up on guard of the gate, just carried away by games, but over time I realized that he did not like to run a lot. So the talented goalkeeper was born, which legends go there today.

Childhood and youth

Sport surrounded by Gianluigi from birth. Under one roof, they gathered at all athletes. Mama Maria Stella Masocco - the kernel pusher, wore the title of Italy champion in throwing disc. Father also made a core pusher career, and two sisters were part of the Water Polo Games team.

The boy has attracted football since childhood, and in the family the football players also had - Brother Grandparents Lorenzo Buffon defended the gate of the Italian national team. Gianluja disappeared at the matches by choosing the cumier club "Genoa". And when he grown, and he himself went to comprehend the basics of the game with the ball, becoming a student of a football school in the town of Spice. Later already in the hometown of Carrara, located in the north of Italy, played together with lovers' football players in two clubs as midfielder.

The talented young man noticed the club "Parma" and in 1991 bought it. Two more sports organizations claimed to buy, but lost the "auction". Even the "Parma" Buffon cost expensive, the debt had to pay two years. At the age of 14, Janluigi has already served as the main goalkeeper of the youth team.

Gianluja Buffon in youth

For the sake of sports hobbies, the young football player threw his studies in high school without receiving evidence of education. In the future, fill this gap solved the purchase of a lawyer's diploma in the "Research Center Antonio Manori." In 2004, the deception opened, the famous goalkeeper shone the prison sentence.


Doors in Big Football for Gianligi Buffon opened in 1995. The young man was determined to the main team "Parma". Fans and athletes admired the gift of the 17-year-old young man - so virtuoso and qualitatively played a novice goalkeeper. The skills were compared with the experience of veterans of European football, and the cost of contracts rapidly grew.

Gianluigi Buffon in the Club

In total, "Parma" Buffon played 168 matches, having completed the Cup and Super Cup of Italy and one UEFA Award. Six years later, in 2001, the goalkeeper repeated "Juventus". Having learned the amount spent, the sports world became € 52 million, so much paid for any rating midfielder or attacker.

In a new place, the footballer showed itself even better. Juventus with Gianluja managed to take a pedestal champion of his native country four times, and Buffon himself won the third supercup. However, in 2006 a terrible corruption scandal broke out, during which the club selected two champion titles and transferred it to a lower league.

Gianluigi Buffon in the Club

In addition, Juventus lost a number of top players. But Buffon remained faithful to the club, although the opportunity appeared perfectly to get in Manchester City - the British in 2008 were offered a goalkeeper € 15 million. This amount would raise the goalkeeper in the first place in the list of the highest paid footballers.

The scandal touched the goalkeeper personally. Gianluja was accused of doing rates in matches, the athlete hardly justified. In 2012, Buffon helped his native club to take a place in the Higher League.

For a career, the goalkeeper managed to set two records on "dry" matches in 2014 and 2016: did not allow the enemy to score the ball first 745 minutes, then this time extended one minute. Buffon managed to join the glorified colleagues on the workshop: Argentinee Javier Sanetti, fellow countrymen Paolo Maldini and Francesco Totti in the number of games in the series A - in 2016 passed with his participation of the 600th match.

Blonded the talent of Buffon and outside the football clubs. As part of the national team, the young man appeared in 1997. For the first time in the international arena, they fought with the Russian team for the ability to protect the country at the World Championships. The game ended with a draw, but in the response match the Italians won, the Jhangligi championship went to the third spare goalkeeper.

Gianluja Buffon in the Italy national team

At the world championship in 2006, the Italian footballer pulled out the championship, and at the same time he received the Yashin Prize as the best goalkeeper. However, two years later, the title goalkeeper, which was put at the head of the team, failed to save the national team, though she defended the gate virtuoso. The team had to leave the quarterfinals. A series of failures reached. Only at Euro 2012 the national team reached the final and got bronze at the Cup of Confederates-2013.

It was not in the sports fate of Gianluigi Buffon and without injury. Goalkeeper accounted for a short time to leaving "on peace", once he could not even go to the European championship.

Personal life

Janluigi Buffon is a handsome man with an ideal sports figure (its growth is 1.91 m, and the weight is 92 kg). It is not surprising that the fan of the goalkeeper has always been a lot, and in a personal biography - two serious novels, which are known for the press, and three children.

Gianluja Buffon and his wife Alena Shan

Gianluja met for almost four years with a Czech, a professional model of Alena Shana. In 2006, young people were betting that if Buffon wins the world championship, then the girl would take a proposal to become his wife. The Italian brought a victory and celebrated the wedding. In the first family with a difference in a couple of years, two sons were born. To choosing the name of the firstborn, the parents came seriously, the heir is named after Cameroonian goalkeeper Thomas N'cono, the idol of the Italian goalkeeper.

In the spring of 2014, the couple filed a divorce, at that time Buffon had already met with TV presenter D'Mico. In this union, the third son of the football player Leopoldo Matthia appeared.

Gianluigi Buffon and his wife Ilaria d'Mico

Gianluja earns not only football. The man owns the hotel and bathing, divides business in the field of ski tourism. The income comes from several parking lots, restaurant and shop. He has a rich list of real estate: 25 apartments, villa and two mansion.

Buffon is an active user of social networks, the football player has pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter", which are a photo of a photo on the sporting theme. Pictures from personal life Italian shares extremely rarely.

Gianluigi Buffon now

In 2017, the football player frightened fans, which will soon complete the career at the international level. Such a statement, Gianluja made after his team did not enter the list of participants in the 2018 World Cup. But still an athlete continued to speak.

Gianluja Buffon in 2018

In April 2018, serious passions were launched at the Champions League Games. Juventus lost in the quarterfinals of the Real team. At the end of the response match, Judge Michael Oliver appointed a penalty to the Italian gate, during the dispute the Buffon shouted to Oliver, for which he received a red card. The fans of the football player indignantly, arguing that it was impossible to remove Gianluigi from the field, because it was the last chance to win the Champions League - the Dreamer of the goalkeeper "Juventus".


  • 1997 - Silver in Mediterranean Games
  • 1998/99 - Winner of the UEFA Cup
  • 1999 - Winner of the Super Cup of Italy
  • 2006 - Gold at the World Cup
  • 2012 - silver at the European Championship
  • 2013 - Bronze on the "Confederate Cup"
  • 2015, 2016, 2017 - Winner of the ITALY Cup
  • Champion Italy
  • Champion of the B Series
  • Vice-champion of europe
  • European Champion among youth

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