Valentina Serov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Valentina Serov was one of the most popular actresses of the Soviet Union of the late 30s-early 40s. When the film "Girl with Character" came to the screens, the audience was taken by the storm cinemas. Valentina Vasilyevna chose her husband and no less famous. This woman should be thanked for the birth of touching poem "Wait for me", giving the forces to millions of men during battles in the fields of the Great Patriotic.

Childhood and youth

Valya was born in the Ukrainian family in Kharkov. Father Vasily Polovikova, a hydrolyth engineer, repressed. Mom Claudius Polovikova was an actress, there was not enough time to upbringing the daughter, so Valentine grew up at grandmother with her grandfather.

When the girl was 6 years old, she together with her mother went to the capital of Russia. Claudia Mikhailovna settled in one of the Moscow theaters. Valya met a charming atmosphere of theatrical life and fell in love with the acting profession. Once it was even entrusted to embody on stage the image of David's boy in the play "Time will come" with mom in the lead role.

Valentina Serov in youth

In the biography of Valentina Serovoy there are two years of birth - 1917th and 1919. The fact is that young Valya gathered to comprehend the Aza of acting in the central technical school of theatrical art, but did not pass by age. The educational institution was taken exclusively from 16 years, I had to correct information in the birth certificate.

Valentine's career Vasilyevna began with the theater scene, he was part of the troupe of today's Lenkom (earlier this temple of Melpomen was called as the central tram).


Serov made his debut in the painting "Pug Kornakov" (1934), where he reincarnated to the main heroine in his youth. But the viewer did not see the girl on the screens, the episode with her participation was cut out. She then appeared in the drama "Strict Youth", which was removed in 1936 by Abram Room. She was distinguished by the secondary role of Lisa, in the credits was still spelled out as Polovikov, and on the film she shone a bright brunette. The general public belt was presented only by the mid-70s, and before that, dust on the shelf with the verdict "gross deviations from the style of socialist realism".

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Ascent to the top of the glory and visual love of Valentina Vasilyevna began with the film "Girl with character." A young sympathetic actress director Konstantin Yudin presented the main role of brave Kati Ivanovoy, workers of the Zvezoshoz. Valentina appeared before the audience blonde by a pretty beauty. The actress appeared the army of fans, the men's half delightly sighed, female - tried to imitate.

A year later, Konstantin Yudin again called Valentina Serov to the set of his new film "Four Hearts". In a light, water comedy, she divided the pedestal of the two main characters with Lyudmila Celikovskaya - the girls play the sisters of Murash, strict Galina and a windy shrock.

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It is noteworthy that this artistic work also fell on the screens of cinemas not immediately after production, now due to the fault of the war with the fascists. Show such a frivolous tape into severe times for the country of times considered blasphemy. The premiere took place on the eve of the victory, in the early 1945th, and added bonuses in the piggy bank of the success of Valentina Vasilyevna.

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Serov decorated the inimitable game and charm of the film Vladimir Yurev "Spring Stream" (1941). Here the actress reincarnated into the pupil of the orphanage, which, becoming a teacher, returns to his native school and puts on the path of the most hopeless ward.

Then, in the career of Valentina Serovoy, a series of work on military topics was reached. The brightest picture with her participation, Tretewalking spectators to the depths of the soul, was the production of Alexander Stolper "Wait for me." The director took the places of the same name Konstantin Simonov. The actress tried out the image of the Lisa Yermolova, contrary to common sense who does not want to believe in the death of her husband in the war and rightly waiting for his return.

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In the 50s and 60s, Serov was rarely invited to the cinema. The list of paintings was replenished slowly - the star of the screens could not cope with the experienced tragedies and was addicted to alcohol. The tape about the defenders of the Brest Fortress "Immortal Garniszon" became the last serious work. After a woman received three small roles - in the Drama "Arena" (1967), "Kremlin Quarants" (1970) and "Children Vanyushina" (1973).

Personal life

Personal life Valentina Serovoy was tragic. In 1938, the girl married Anatolia Serov, the legendary pilot, the famous Hero of the Civil War in Spain. The happiness of the young family lasted not long, a year later, the pilot crashed on the exercises. Together with him, the famous pilot Polina Osipenko died.

Valentina Serov and Anatoly Serov

Valentina Vasilyevna was already pregnant, a few months after a terrible tragedy gave birth to a son who received a name in honor of the Father. Anatoly Serov Jr. in his youth visited the colony, and when he returned to his homeland, he began to drink hard. A man died at 36 years old.

The second husband actresses also knew the whole country. The star of Soviet screens has become a spouse and the Museum of the writer Konstantin Simonov. But this marriage was unhappy. The tension in a pair appeared after her husband insisted that the Son Serovoy was sent to the boarding school - the total language was not found with stepfather and stepper.

Valentina Serov and Konstantin Simonov

In 1941, Simonov, having occurred randomly from the front to Moscow and sitting at the dacha at the Lion Cassil, in one breath wrote a poem "Wait for me", which became a hymn of female loyalty. Konstantin Mikhailovich devoted the spouse of the Pieces and collections of poems.

At the end of the war, rumors crawled out that his beloved woman changes with the warlord Konstantin Rokossovsky. This also increased the crack in the Simonov and Serovoy Union. The relationship was destroyed and the harmful habit of the actress: after the death of the first husband, Valentina Vasilyevna began to drink hard.

Valentina Serov and Konstantin Rokossovsky

However, in spite of everything, the marriage lasted for 15 years. In 1950, the daughter of Mary was born, which grew by the mother actress. Claudia Polovikova has sued all right at the gray on the heir. Valentine had to humiliate, in letters to ask about rare meetings with her daughter.

In 1957, Konstantin Simonov and Valentina Serov broke up. Girlfriend and colleague on the workshop Rimma Markova recalled that after breaking with her husband, the woman began to drink even more, as a result, no theater wanted to cooperate with her. Masha's daughter, living at her grandmother, also dreamed of returning to the mother, which did, as soon as she was 18 years old. But it was not able to live next to a very drinking person.


Valentina Serov discovered dead in his own apartment at night on December 12, 1975. The accommodation was completely looted, however, it did not surprise anyone - the actress often took marginal guests with which he drank. Valentina Vasilyevna herself died, or she was helped and the secret remained.

Valentina Serov in recent years

The star brightly climbed on the screens of the 30s, was buried modestly. Only readers of the newspaper "Evening Moscow" from a meager, invisible neccratologist learned about death. Konstantin Simonov after the divorce did not communicate with the former spouse, but on the day the funeral sent a bouquet of roses. Valentina Serova rests in Moscow at the Golovinsky cemetery.


  • 1935 - "Strict young man"
  • 1937 - "Border on the Castle"
  • 1939 - "Girl with character"
  • 1941 - "Hearts of Four"
  • 1941 - "Spring Stream"
  • 1943 - "Wait for me"
  • 1946 - "Glinka"
  • 1950 - "Conspiracy of doomed"
  • 1956 - "Immortal Garning"
  • 1967 - "Arena"
  • 1970 - "Kremlin Quararti"
  • 1973 - "Children Vanyushina"

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