Victoria Galushka - biography, photo, personal life, news, Alexander Tsecalo 2021



Bright blonde named Victoria Galushka became known after marriage at the popular showman and producer Alexander Tsecalo and singer of the singer of Faith Brezhnev. However, the girl herself does not give up in talents to such a stellar surround. Victoria is a large mother, owner of his own succeeding business and a skillful mistress.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Galushka was born on December 22, 1984 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk (which in the Dnipropetrovsk region). The girl's family was more familiar: Victoria and her twin sisters Anastasia also have older sisters Vera and Galina. Father Viktor Mikhailovich worked at the local chemical plant. Mother girls, Tamara Vitalevna, by educating medic, however, she worked, like a husband, at the factory.

Victoria Galushka with mom and sisters

A big family dictates special rules - from the early years of Victoria got used to help the sisters and mother in the economy. The girl has learned early to cope with any homework. According to his own admission, Vika since childhood knows and how many salt add to borsch, and how to properly screw the light bulb and score a nail into the wall. Also, the girls early had to start working up to help parents feed a large family.

After graduating from school, Victoria Galyushka went to the honeychatum, but did not happen to work with a specialty a girl. Immediately after his end of Vera Brezhnev, at that time the famous singer of the team VIA Gra, helped the sister move to Kiev and find prestigious work. So Victoria became an employee of the notorious designer company Olga Navurotskaya.


Victoria Galushki did not have a dizzying career. The girl sacrificed his own ambitions, devoting all the strength to children and family. However, even in such a tight vica schedule found time for business. In 2013, the girl opened his own clothing store.

Vera Brezhnev and Victoria Galushka

This store is notable for the fact that instead of fashionable new products, things are sold there, which at least once put on someone from the stars of show business. Surprisingly, there are no extra charge from those who wanted to acquire "star" outfits.

It is also known that Victoria Galushka loves to cook. The girl even passed courses of cooking at Veronica School of Belotserkovskaya, recognized cooking and famous blogger. Who knows, perhaps soon, Victoria will delight fans and gourmets with a new culinary project or the opening of their own restaurant.

Personal life

Victoria Galushushki's personal life has been happy. In 2007, the girl met Alexander Tsecalo, Showman, singer, composer and producer. Alexander, according to his own confession, fell in love with the shaking beauty-blonde at first glance and immediately invited the Vika on a date. Despite the considerable difference between the ages (21 years) and the growth (wiki's growth - 1.71 cm, and Alexander - 1.67 cm) lovers were happy with each other.

Victoria Galushka and Alexander Tsecalo

For the very checked relationship with Victoria did not become the first serious novel. The man married twice: Alexander's Passion became the singer Alyon Schiferman. According to rumors, these relationships broke off due to the treason of Tsecalo, acquainted with Lolita Milyavskaya. Is it so much unknown, but soon Lolita really became a singer's wife. This marriage lasted 10 years, Tsekalo and Milyavskaya have a common daughter Eve.

After a break with Lolita Alexander, long time for lonelling. Tsekalo attributes a whole series of Romanov with girls, but only one of them - Victoria Galushka - managed to take possession of the heart of Tsecalo for a long time.

Victoria Galushka with her husband and children

In 2008, a new page was opened in the biography of Victoria Galiushki - the girl became the official wife of Alexander. The wedding passed without excessive noise: the newlywed celebrations were invited only close friends. And how it turned out, there was a reason: Victoria was already carried under the heart of the first child. In the same year, Galushka gave her daughter to her husband. The girl was called Alexander. And after another four years, Vika, the second time became a mother, Rouching the Son, who received the name Mikhail.

In 2017, the Internet had news about the fact that Victoria Galushka gave birth to a third child. The spouses themselves did not comment on rumors about the pregnancy of 35-year-old Victoria and the alleged newborn.

Vera Brezhnev and Victoria Galushka in 2018

And after some time, new photos of Victoria Galyushki and Faith of Brezhneva appeared in the network. Wika fans delighted her figure - the girl boasts an excellent form. Now Vika is still slim and sexy.

At the end of 2018, Alexander Tsekalo got into the center of the scandal. In the Italian restaurant in the center of Moscow, the producer rested with his friends and did not hesitate to demonstrate the feelings for the brunette named Darin. Tsekalo embraced and kissed the girl, and in the interruptions whispering with her and kissed his hands.

In January 2019, Alexander put all the points over "I". The showman said that he had long been divorced from Victoria, because the mistress was wrong to call Darin. According to Tsekalo, he intends to marry a new choices.

Victoria Galushka now

Now the most of the time Victoria is dedicated to children. The girl does not comment on a personal life, questions about divorce with Cequo also remain without answers.

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