Maria Adoevtseva - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



The ex-participant of the project "Dom-2" Maria Adoevtseva, unlike many residents of the star telestroy, was distinguished by intelligence and loyalty to the selected partner. Ukrainian beauty managed to create a strong pair and build a real family, which, and after the perimeter, proved viability for as many as six years.

Childhood and youth

Motherland is the legendary Odessa, and the real surname of Radine. She got from Mom, who raised her daughter alone, the girl had never seen his father in his life.

After school, Maria entered the institute, choosing a complex direction - political science. The study was laid hard, even visited the thoughts to throw a university, but the purposeful girl was still a diploma.

Maria Adoevtseva

Even during the student, Masha realized that the soul demands creativity, and thought about the career of the actress. His study at the Institute combined with the courses of acting skills, at the same time comprehending the basics of directorial art.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Maria did not devote the life of the chosen profession, and opened his own school for novice actors. True, not long. Soon, for personal reasons, the girl had to go to Kiev, and then to Paris, where she learned French.

"House 2"

Maria Adoevtseva visited the show "Dom-2", a total of a contract with the producers of televostroika lasted for about two years. For the first time, the girl came to the favorite of the fan of the project by May Abrikosov. However, the young man did not answer reciprocity, and a week later, Masha left the shooting platform.

Maria Adoevtseva in the project

Odessa met Sergey Adoevtsev, who later will become famous viewers as Sergey Palych. At first, the novel developed by phone, and soon Maria accepted the proposal of a man to move to Moscow. Young people began to live together, but one day the beloved just disappeared. As it turned out, Sergey went for glory and new relationships on the TV program TV program.

Maria did not want to just give up to the project, returned to the project, stating on a serious relationship with Sergey Palach, although he had already met with the ladies of a scandalous construction. But the stubborn Masha achieved reunification with the beloved. For reconciliation with the former civilian wife, Adoevtsis pushed jealousy - Nikita Kuznetsov began to take care of Maria, and Sergey could not stand. The couple became one of the brightest on the TV show.

Maria Adoevtseva and Sergey Adoevtsev

In the future, the Union did not prevent sympathy from other participants: Maria hovered fans, he cared for her, including Alessandro Materazzo and Gleb Strawberka, and Sergey sometimes watched on other girls. The fans of the Shawish show followed the development of the relations of the philosopher of adoevtshev and jealous round.

Pickiness was added dead addictions and negative qualities of Sergey - a young man distinguished himself with love for alcoholic beverages and disgust to work. Alcohol problems led to loud scandals with comrades on the TV project. In 2010, directly at the site "House-2", the guys celebrated a modest wedding, and soon they had to leave the project on the results of voting a family pair.

Personal life

Fans of Maria Adoevtseva have always been enough, in her early biography there was a stormy novels. In his youth to the capital of Ukraine, Odessatka moved at the invitation of a young man, with whom serious relations developed. To France also went with a man.

Maria Adoevtseva and Sergey Adoevtsev with daughter

Marriage with Sergey Palchych resista for six years. After the project, the young man was carried away by photodel, and finally and irrevocably threw a drink. Masha opened the showroom, where he sold the evening dresses, later also learned to handle the camera, arranged wedding, children's and family photo shoots.

Adointees dreamed of heir, and in 2013, the spouse gave her husband to Lisa's daughter. The relationship of the couple was public in nature - the fans followed the life of ex-participants of the telestroy on their pages in social networks and the official site "House-2", which generously shared in detail. Even the daughter of the spouses showed fans almost immediately after birth.

Over time, religion entered the interests of Mary Adoevtseva. Pages in social networks were filled with photos from the graves of saints and from the temples that the girl often visited her daughter. In addition, Maria took up charity, helped the Pocheevsky house of mercy, creating interior belongings for sale with their own hands.

Maria Adoevtsov in 2018

In early 2016, Masha disappointed fans, which had already dubbed the adoevis perfect pair. The girl in an interview told that it was divorced with her husband. The main reason for the separation called misunderstanding from Sergey, explaining:

"For me, marriage is the unity of the shower. But when such a connection stops, the family collapses. "

Later, Maria frankly stated that immediately after the birth of her daughter understood - Seryozha is not suitable for the role of reliable and responsible husband. And after breaking the relationship, the man is not even interested in the child.

Maria Adoevtseva now

After the divorce with his spouse in "Instagram", a photo began to appear, where the girl poses with two children - a daughter and an unknown baby. Fans suggested that Odessa launched another girl. But it turned out that Maria Adoevtseva married again.

With the new chosen name by Mikhail, the former participant "House-2" was married in 2017. The fans learned that the girl with photographs is a daughter chosen one, her mother died a few years ago.

Maria Adoevtseva with family

Lisa with the named sister of Varai, which is older than just a year, are perfectly soldered, a lot of time spend together. Girls accepted new parents just and with joy. As Maria recognized in social networks, Varya immediately began to call her mother, and Lisa did not hesitate to contact Mikhail as a father.

In February 2018, telestroy fans who do not get tired to follow the ex-participants, noticed a change in the appearance of the girl, suggesting that the Ukrainian beauty awaits a child again. However, then Masha dodged from a direct response. On the eve of the Great Post, she only wrote about the resolution of the father not to fast. But in April, everything became clear without words - soon Mary will be the second time.

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