Chingachguk - character history, image and appearance, big snake, the last of the Mogican


Character History

Character of the Nomanians of the American Writer James Phenimor Cooper. North American Indian from the Mogican tribe. The young leader, a brave and fair warrior, respect friends, inspires the fear of enemies, kind and wise.

History of creation

Fenimore Cooper - Writer of the XIX century. Then the "noble savary" type was widespread in the literature. Chingachguk refers just to him.

Writer Fenimore Cooper

In that epoch, it existed that people who never faced with modern civilization possess some innate nobility and virtue, which distinguishes them from the "spoiled" civilized person. Idealized characters of this type were displayed in the literature of the era of romanticism, to which the work of Phoenimor Cooper also belongs.

In addition to the noble Indians, Cooper, such as the Leader of Oceol at Thomasa Main Reed, the character named Quickeg in the novel by Herman Melville "Mobi Dick". The image of the "noble savage" continues to live in mass culture and was last embodied in a series of films "Avatar", where aliens are represented in such a vein.

Last of Mogic


"The last of the Mogican" is the second and most famous novel of Phoenimor Cooper about the White Hunter Nathaniele Bampo and the Indian Chingachguk. Heroes are trying to save two daughters of one of the British commanders. The girls were on the territory of the English forty just at the time when the Indians with the silent consent of the Allied French arranged there a massacre. Trying to save the eldest of the sisters, the only son of Chingachguk dies, leaving the hero "the last of the Mogican."

No less known and novel "Zvetle, or the first trail of war", where Chingachguk tries to return the beloved, captured by people from a hostile tribe. In this hero, all the same hunter Bampo, which was called by the Hyperobe, was helped. The fellow traveler is traveling - Harry March, who wants to seek attention from Beauty Judy Hatter. Judy lives on the lake along with the old father and younger sister. At the end of the reader's book, there are quite a few tragic moments, but Chingachguk still managed to return the bride, which later becomes the hero's wife.

Chingachguk and his wife

Chingachguk's beloved stands out among the tribesmen, a beautiful, pleasant and quiet voice for which he received a name. UA-Ta-UA in the Language of Delaware also means "quieter, even quieter." The heroine had, in addition to a charming voice, a sharp mind and beauty. Gave birth to Chingachguk the only son, whom UNKAS called.

In the third novel - "Pathfinder" - Chingachguk and Nathaniel Bampo help the sailor Charles and his young niece of Makel to get to the fortress standing on the lake Ontario, where the father of the girl serves.

Son Chingachguk - UNKAS

The book "Pioneers" Cooper wrote and published first in the series, but on the internal chronology this novel is the fourth. In the novel, in particular, is described how Chingachguk died. The hero, who survived so much dangerous adventures, peacefully dies with an old man, after which Nathanael Bampo, a friend of the Indians, goes to look for new lands in the West.


In 1990, a two-seater film "Zvetle" director Andrei Rostotsky was released in the USSR. The film was removed based on the novel of the Phoenimor Cooper. The role of Chingachguk is performed by George Pickelaururi, and another actor voiced - Andrei Gradov.

George Pickelaururi in the image of Chingachguk

In the film, Chingachguk's beloved Wa-Ta-Ua fell into the hands of people from a hostile tribe. The hero to free the woman, resorts to the help of a friend - the White Hunter of Nathaniel Bampo on the nicknamed St. John's wort, pulling into the military conflict between the Indian tribes.

The film gives an idealized picture of the life of the Indian Prairies, shows how the first European colonists lived in North America, how their relationships were built with the indigenous inhabitants of this land. The film demonstrates the point of view and those and others.

Prior to that, in 1967, another adventure Western on the novel "Zvertoy" came out in the GDR called "Chingachguk - Big Snake". In the role of Chingachguk, the Yugoslav actor and Kaskader Goyko Mitich, who became famous for the roles of the Indians. In 1983, the actor played the leader White Feather in the film of the same name, before that - the Indian Troop Falcon from Westerns "White Wolves" and "Falcon Trail". Total Goyko Mitich starred in 13 Westerns filmed by the German film studio "Defa". In Russian dubbing, Chingachguk voiced the actor Vladimir Frienders.

Goyko Mitich in the image of Chinghachguk

Here the Indians turn out to be pawn in the war between Britain and France. The British want to assign French colonies in North America. The seed troops are racing local tribes to each other. The French configured the gurons tribe against the Melvar tribe. In the hands of Gurons, the Bride of Chingachguk gets - Ua-Ta-Ua, the daughter of the leader. The hero, together with the other, a white hunter on nicknamed St. John's wort, is going to free the girl.

In 1992, the American film screening of the novel "The Last of Mogican" was published under the same name. Director - Michael Mann. The role of Chingachguk was performed by the actor Russell Mins - Indian on the origin, a public figure and a fighter for rights.

Russell Mins in the role of Chingachguk

The script of the film is significantly different from the Roman Cooper. The plot is: the Indians of the Guron tribe attack the military escort, which accompanies on the road to the Fort daughters of the English colonel. Chingachguk and his son Unshas along with a falconian eye - a white hunter who became Chingachguk by the adoptive son, - go to the deposited by the French port to save women and help surviving British.

Penetrating into the fort, the heroes will find out that a traitor began in the British bed - this is Indian, an escort conductor. Military bosses denies the British in reinforcement, and the Fort has to pass. Women turn out to be in the hands of gurons. Chingachguk and a falconian eye are trying to save them, but the tragic junction expects many heroes of the tape.


Many are memorial to the phrase of Chingachguk from the Soviet film "Zvethoy": "- And this is what kind of dog? - This is not a face! This is a great snake. It revives butterflies! " "" She [UA-Ta-Ua] is such a young, fragile, gentle, it is impossible to treat her rudely. - But Chingachguk loves UA-Ta-Ua very much. - Promise that you will never beat her, never make her carry her gravity, chop firewood, to cut the skins, harness bread, give birth a lot of children. She is so ... - Why is it then necessary? "

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