Wayne Rooney - biography, news, photos, personal life, football player, "Derby County", hair transplant 2021



Wayne Rooney - the star of British football, since 2003 he was in the main composition of the England team, since 2014 was its captain. In 2021, she completed the game career and became the head coach of the club "Derby County".

Childhood and youth

Wayne Rooney was born in Liverpool on October 24, 1985 (Zodiac sign - Scorpio). Father Thomas Wayne Rooney was handymen in the local port, Mother Janet Mary is a housewife.

Grandpa and grandmother from the Father's side by nationality - Irish. Wayne is a senior of 3 brothers in the family. Together they studied at the Catholic Decoral College in Crocustet. Football was a family hobby, all relatives were sick for the Liverpool team "Everton", where Kumir Wayne was playing - Dancan Ferguson.


From an early age, Wayne challenged football on the courtyard sites along with the brothers. For the first time at the age of 7, played the match for the pub "Western", in which he scored a decisive victorious goal. Already at school, he signed the first contract with the youth team "Everton", where at the age of 15 spoke together with 19-year-old athletes.

Coaches of youth teams allocated his talent and innate technique. Because of the strong physique of the football player, an exceptionally powerful blow that the goalkeepers noted more than once. Because of the inaccurate strike of Forward in 2012, the ball flew out of the field and broke the hand to the fan. Also, Runes since childhood worked out the penalties, for which on his own initiative remained 1-1.5 hours after training.

Professional football biography of the future star began at the age of 16. In 2002, he came to the match Premier League "Everton" and "Southampton". He spent the first official game on the bench. After a couple of months, Wayne was again declared for the game, this time the coaches released a football player on the field against Tottenham. After the successful game of Rooney included the team. In a matter of days, he became a leading player, and then the main club of the club.

He scored a lot, besides, he was noticeable on the field due to a dense complex. Growth and weight of the athlete - 176 cm and 83 kg. However, this did not prevent Roney in a short time to make their way into the national team - in 2004, he already set off as a striker to the World Cup in Portugal.

It was at this time that rumors were crawled that a talented football player is closely in Everton. The team immediately stated that selling an athlete at least for £ 50 million of Rooney, the leadership proposed an increase in wages up to £ 50 thousand per week and the extension of the contract. Wayne responded with refusal.

At the beginning of the career, Rooney was known for a violent temper and aggression, often argued with players and judges, cursed a mat on the field. For such behavior, he repeatedly received warnings, he was removed several times.

The quickness of Wayne more than once became theme for scandals in the press. So on the World Cup 2006, Rooney did not restrain the emotions because of the complaint of Cristiano Ronaldo Arbitratu, pushed the football player and was removed from the field. At the same time, Ronaldo wink to someone, which caused the indignation of the English fans. After the game in the British press, information about the rage Wayne appeared - he was attributed to the attempt to break into the Portuguese dressing room and beat Cristiano. In fact, athletes figured out peacefully and even friendly.

Over time, youthful dust UGAS, and the football player has become calmer and maintained.

On August 31, 2004, Rooney moved to Manchester United, the total amount of the transaction was £ 27 million. There he acted under the number 8. Since 2007, after the depositor of the Ruda Nis Nistelroy, Wayne changed the T-shirt on the number 10. In the team he spent 10 Seasons: 5 times Rooney became the champion of England, 1 time won the Super Cup of England and became the owner of the English football league Cup three times.

Since 2014, he was the captain of the national team. On September 8, 2015, in the match against the Swiss national team, Wayne scored the 50th goal for the team of England and became the best scorer in the history of the national team. The previous record in 49 goals belonged to Bobby Charlton and lasted 45 years.

Rooney has incredible performance, quickly analyzes the field, masterfully gives distant passes. He knows how to attack from the depths, despite the fact that he has a fixed role. Successful football career brought a star a lot of awards. Professional merits and high levels of the game allowed him to remain among highly paid football players.

In August 2017, Wayne announced the care of international football. On August 23, on a page in "Instagram", he posted a photo on which he said goodbye to the national team and thanked for their support.

Because of this, the famous athlete did not arrive at the World Cup 2018 to Russia. Rooney called the decision to solid and added that there were many talented football players in the team who fight for a ticket to the World Cup. In July 2017, Wayne returned to Everton, signing a contract for 2 years.

After the transition, the attacker in an interview told the media that he received suggestions from Chinese clubs who offered impressive amounts for the player. But the salary is not the main thing for the football player, it is more important to play the desire.

In June 2018, the athlete concluded a contract for a period of 3.5 years with the American club "DI SI UNITED", but in January 2020 he moved to Derby County.

Personal life

From the school bench, the footballer met with a girl named Colin Macloflin - they met when they were 12 years old. In 2008, Wayne and Colin officially became her husband and his wife. In the family of 4 children, all - boys: 2009, 2013, 2016 and 2018 year.

Even before the wedding, in the early 2000s, the bride caught Wayne on treason. After a successful European Championship, the Star of Football decided to relax and spent several nights with a girl of easy behavior Charlotte Glover. In addition to the money, the autograph left her for the services rendered - on it and got caught.

At the end of 2004, the British media accused Rooney in connection with the 48-year-old Patricia Tarnney, a worker of a brothel. The difference in the age of football player was not embarrassed. The woman confirmed the fact of acquaintance with the athlete, but denied a sexual connection.

After that, Wayne's scandal confirmed his passion to easy relationships: he admitted that the brothels and massage salons attended his youth. Rooney also reported that he regrets the actions and hopes to support Colin and fans.

After the wedding, his personal life was calmly, while in 2009, the employee of Jenny Thompson's escort did not speak about long-term relationships with Wayne. From her words, a footballer during the first pregnancy of his wife often spent the night with her, estimating each at £ 1000. Colin again found the strength to forgive her husband and continued his relationship with him.

In September 2017, Wayne's pregnant wife left the house after the scandal when the football player was caught driving into a state of alcoholic intoxication in a girl of easy behavior. According to The Daily Mail, on the day of her husband's her husband, Colin rested with children in Mallorca.

After the media began to discuss the situation, the woman immediately returned home, gathered things and moved to the house to their parents, taking children.

In those days, the sources close to the family stated that the marriage had long cracked along the seams, and this situation just became the last straw. However, the spouses found the strength to reconciliation and continued to live together.

An anonymous source from the environment of the couple reported that Colin Rooney is a large mother for which children in priority. He is confident that the woman is interested in preserving relations with her husband for financial stability.

In February 2018, the 4th child appeared in the family - again the boy who was called the Cash Mac. A few days after his birth, a large father posted a photo with sons in "Instagram", which comicively signed: "The team for mini-football is equipped!"

During the sports career, the athlete entered into advertising contracts with Nokia, Ford, Nike and Coca-Cola, 4 times appeared on the cover of FIFA game issues. In 2010, after the scandal associated with the treason of a football player, Coca-Cola eliminated Rooney from an advertising campaign. Recently, Wayne is famous for not only sexy scandals, but also a failed game in a casino: in June 2017, about € 600 thousand lowered in one night.

In 2019, the athlete realized the need for professional assistance in the fight against alcohol drinks and subsequent debaches and decided to recover from alcoholism. Experts believe that alcohol and a game dependence, from which Rooney was also treated, did not allow Wayin to get a "golden ball." The undoubted achievement of the football player was 53 clogged balls for the national team of England, according to statistics, he scored 312 goals for his career.

Rooney is engaged in charity and helps NSPCC, childhood hospitals, hospitals, charitable Foundation "Manchester United". The organization of charitable matches allows you to provide substantial support for funds to help children.

Wayne Rooney now

In January 2020, Rooney became a player "Derby County". In this English professional football club from the city of Derby, the athlete combined the functions of the coach and player team.

In November 2020, the head coach of Derby County was dismissed Phillip Koku, and Wayne became a temporary acting head coach.

Now Runes finally completed the player's career and from January 15, 2021 was appointed head coach of the club "Derby County". The contract was signed until 2023.



  • 2002 - Best young athlete of the year BBC
  • 2005 - the best young fifpro world player
  • 2005/06, 2009/10, 2011/12 - Member of the "Commands of the Year" in the Premier League according to PPA
  • 2006, 2010 - the best player of the year in England according to fans
  • 2008 - the best player of the World Club Championship
  • 2008 - the best scorer of the World Club Championship
  • 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015 - author of the best goal of the first 20 seasons of the English Premier League:
  • 2009/10 - Golden Boot Landmark Award winner
  • 2010 - the best player of the year in England according to the players of PPA
  • 2012 - author of the best goal of the first 20 seasons of the English Premier League
  • 2016 - winner AFJ award for merits to football


  • 2006, 2010, 2017 - Football League Cup Winner
  • 2007, 2010, 2011, 2016 - Winner of the Super Cup of England
  • 2008 - Winner of the UEFA Champions League
  • 2008 - Winner of the World Club Championship
  • 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 - Champion Premier League
  • 2016 - England Cup winner
  • 2017 - UEFA Europe League Winner

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