Group "Factor-2" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, Songs, Duet 2021



The Russian estate of the early 2000s is difficult to submit without instantly memorable motives of "Beauty" and "War" - perhaps the most popular compositions of the Factor-2 group. And although at first the radio station and TV channels were wary of the simple songs about love performed by Ilya Podstlov and Vladimir Panchenko, they still managed to prove that they were worthy of referring to real stars.


The initial composition of the Factor-2 group was the Ilya Rystlov and Vladimir Panchenko. Ilya was born on July 17, 1980 in Vorkuta. He was fond of music from childhood - by the shoulders of the singer Music school and school. In the 1995th, the young man with his parents moved to live in Germany, but did not throw music. Ilya composed poems, tried to pick up suitable melodies and dreamed of glory and fans.

The second participant of the first composition of the group Vladimir Panchenko comes from Kazakhstan. He was born in the village of Tulkubas on August 28, 1981. Like a colleague in the team, Vladimir (or, as he himself calls himself, Vlad) since childhood, pleased with his parents with excellent hearing and interest in music. The young man did not miss the classes of local children's choir and participated in school concerts. Later, the family also moved to Germany, where Panchenko and met a shot.

In 2012, after the collapse of the team, Ilya continued to speak with the repertoire of the group. The company was a new member of the project Andrei Kamaev. He was born on October 13, 1970 in Serpukhov near Moscow. Kamaev passed a difficult path to fame - performed in restaurants and at corporate evenings, however, of course, dreamed of more. The turning point in the biography of Andrei was acquainted with the editor, which immediately realized that Kamaev would fit into the updated team "Factors-2".

The second soloist in Duet Vladimir Panchenko became his native brother Denis. The young man also has a musical hearing, so it was easy for him to make a company to brother, the performer of many hits "Factor-2". Previously, Denis worked with a duet as a concert director.


The history of the creation of a duet dates back to 1999. Young Vladimir and Ilya decided to work as a joint project. Regarding the subjects of the songs, there was no differences: both Painchenko, and the rhythms preferred romantic ballads, simple rhythmic melodies and touching poems about unrequited love, harsh male friendship and girls who do not know how to be loyal. The chosen genre of music is the yard chanson - also corresponded to the trend of time.

But the name of the project forced the musicians to break the head. At first, various options were offered, among which Ilya and Vlady are especially remembered by the Berlin Dudes and Zone-19. Under some of them, the young group even managed to speak. However, it was decided to stop at the option "Factor-2".

The first concerts of the team cannot be called particularly successful: the lack of experience affected. However, the main task of these performances were still fulfilled: during one of such concerts, the songs of the group heard DJ Vital (also known as Vitaly Moiser).

Vitaly offered cooperation with young people, and after some time the team began to constantly speak with new compositions, gradually conquering fans. At first, the names of Ilya Podstlov and Vladimir Panchenko were known only in Germany, but soon the songs of talented guys were sprouted in Russia.

The new twist of the popularity of the guys contributed to the acquaintance with Sergey Zhukov, a soloist popular at that time of the group "Hands up". In addition to his own project, he was engaged in both young teams, helping novice musicians to make their way to the scene.

Disc with the records of songs "Factor-2" interested Sergey, and he invited guys to Russia. According to his own confession, young people were first afraid to leave Germany, but the dream of glory helped Ilya and Vladimir to make a decision. And as it turned out later, faithful.

Immediately after the start of cooperation with Sergey Zhukov, the group recorded two albums in a row. The first was called "Factor-2", the second - "in our style." Compositions from these plates instantly secured on the first lines of all possible charts and hit parade. Soon there was a new disk "We Fake MS" with an explosive track "Class, Babe, Class" ("And we are alone on the balcony"). And although not all the songs were able to break through radio stations, the popularity of the group began to grow.

At the same time, the first clip of the team on the hit "Beauty", which was also perceived by the group fans with delight. A separate success of the team, of course, became the cherished Prize "Golden Gramophone", which singers received in 2005.

Immediately after that, the team went on tour, first in Russia, and then on European countries. After some time, the shootings and Panchenko released another album "Stories from Life". The name of the plate reflects the content of songs, each of which is a small story, cheerful or sad, but invariably realistic.

Ilya rams and Justin Timberlake are similar

In these stories, he could believe every listener, everyone could imagine himself as a character of a particular composition. Perhaps this is just such simplicity and "close to the people" group "Factor-2" and deserved the love of millions of fans. It is noteworthy that the album was released in two versions - Light and Hard. They were distinguished by the presence and absence in the texts of the songs of obscene vocabulary.

In parallel, the soloists worked on the filming of the new clip on the composition called "stepfather". The video is noteworthy in that initially the musicians have shifted three different options for the final. The final chose with the help of a vote conducted among the audience of the MUZ-TV channel.

Collapse of groups

In 2007, Vladimir Panchenko and Ilya Runstekov interrupted a contract with Sergey Zhukov. The artists in an interview were recognized that relations with Sergei by that time were greatly complicated, but they were not called the reasons for the rupture of arrangements. Young people returned to Germany and at first appealed under the name "Ilya and Vlad", then as Faktor-2. Musicians replenished their discography with new plates, including the album "Rarita".

Each new team composition invariably became popular, so no one believed in the news of the decay of the group. However, it turned out to be the truth - shootings and Panchenko decided to close the project "Factor-2" and went every of his creative dear. In one of the interviews, Ilya hinted that the reason for the collapse of the group was disagreements on financial issues. A year later, in 2013, both performer have already given solo concerts. On the posters of both it was written the name of the non-existent team "Factor-2".

And after some time, Ilya Razstrelov decided to revive the group in Russia and return to the former glory. The musician invited to the team of the new artist Andrei Kameaeva, and they began to conquer the musical Olympus again.

For the news of the collective, you can follow the "Instagram", as well as on the official website and fan pages of fans. Interestingly, in Vkontakte, each soloist has its own page dedicated to the creation of the group, and there are reflected news of different compositions.

Group "Factor-2" now

Now "factor-2" performs on the scenic sites of Russia and Germany. The musicians were secretly divided by the market - Ilya Steplov works in his homeland, Vladimir Panchenko acts in Europe, and concerts come to Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Baltic States. The question of copyright Artists decided not to raise: both use the songs in their repertoire who have gained fame in the early 2000s.

In 2019, Ilya presented to the fans of his ward Evgeny Zykov. The singer protrudes under the pseudonym Jerry is the producer project of Podstlov. His photo appear on the official website of the producer center of the musician.

Between the former colleagues still have a shortage of joint debts of the group. According to Ilya, he missed Vladimir a part of the amount that had to be returned.

But Panchenko argues that, on the contrary, Ilya ran away from Germany to Russia from financial problems. Due to the collapse of the joint business, the musicians formed an impressive debt, 80% of which had to be given to creditors, 20% - Father Ilya. But the shooters allegedly chose not to touch the issue of payments, for which he starred from registration in the German city and threw a family. About this in an interview Vladimir told in 2020.


  • 2002 - "In our style"
  • 2003 - "We are fake MC"
  • 2004 - "In our style" (reissue)
  • 2004 - "We are fake MC" (reprint)
  • 2005 - "Stories from Life" (EXTRA LIGHT)
  • 2005 - "Survey of Life" (Super Hard)
  • 2006 - "Immunity undervalued"
  • 2007 - "Stars fall"
  • 2008 - "Raritet"


  • "I will try to forget"
  • "Gorgeous"
  • "Stepfather"
  • "I'm marrying"
  • "I know"

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