Igor Rurikovich - biography, photo, personal life, board



Igor Rurikovich - the Grand Duke of Ancient Russia, the son of Rurik, the husband of Prinjean Olga, Father Svyatoslav. Dynasty Rurikovichi rules by the state over 700 years. On the events in which the prince of Igor participated, today only from a number of chronicle, sometimes contradicting each other.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of Igor is unknown. And if the "Tale of Bygone Years", in principle, is silent about this moment, then in other annals a year of birth will be much varied. It is most likely that he was born in 875. His father Rurik was the founder of the ancient Russian state. But when he died in 879, the boy was too small to rule. Therefore, Igor was appointed regent - Rüric's relative - Oleg. He was a warrior and often took the boy in military campaigns.

Igor Rurikovich

About mother Igor Information is extremely small. Only in the Ioamakhova chronicle it is indicated that it was the Norwegian Princess Epanda. Historian Tatishchev considered her sister Oleg.

It is possible that Igor had brothers, and sisters, however, in the annals, there are no mention of these people. But in some sources nephews and cousins ​​of Prince are mentioned. Most likely, they did not possess land and authority, but entered the squint of the prince.

Igor Rurikovich - biography, photo, personal life, board 15220_2

Often, his name is mentioned with the adjective "old". There are two options for the origin of this nickname. Since in the Rurikovsky dynasty was not one Igor, they decided to call the first one of them. And, most likely, to use it was the historians of the late periods, and not his contemporaries. Another reason for this nickname could be the fact that the prince came to power did not come to achieve the majority, but only after the death of Oleg. Igor was about 37 years old at that time.

Governing body

Propening Oleg left Igor's rich state, showing his own example, how to manage it. But the authorities brought a lot of worries. As soon as the Drevlyans learned about Oleg's death, they immediately refused to pay the new ruler to tribute. Igor was forced to collect a squad and go to their lands. And in order for them in the future, it is no promotion to rebel against the prince, put them in the tribute to twice the same. Since then, the Drevlyan has shoved a strong offense at him.

Igor Rurikovich - biography, photo, personal life, board 15220_3

Internal and foreign policy Igor Rurikovich had a conquest. After the uprising, he decided to collect tribute from people otherwise. Every year, along with the warriors, the prince climbed the land subject to him and collected the tribes that lived there. I took everything: flour, grain, honey, animal skins, etc. Now it was called felt. But Igor's people behaved with the people extremely rude and bold. And the prince himself was distinguished by a steep and hot-tempered temper.

In 915, Igor went to the aid of Byzantium, which was attacked by Bulgarians. In 920 he broke Pechenegov. But the most important military campaigns in the life of Prince Igor become his campaigns for Byzantium.

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In 941, he sailed in Byzantium, accompanied by thousands of ships. However, the Greeks managed to repel the attack, they applied new weapons at that time - "Greek fire" - a mixture of oil and other combustible substances. With the help of "Fire", they burned most of the enemy ships.

Igor was forced to return home, but only one goal is to collect a new army for the next hike to Byzantium. This time success was waiting for him. The prince concluded a peace treaty with Byzantines, according to which he was provided with cash payments.

33 years old stood Igor at the head of the ancient Russia, the years of his rule - from 912 to 945 years. His generic sign was a stylized peak falcon.

Personal life

Igor's wife became a pcvityanka with a fabulous name discontinued, which a young prince before the conclusion of the Union gave a new name - Olga. Why he did, again, several options. Or it was his capricious and demonstration of power. At the time of their marriage, the young man was 25 years old, and the girl is only 13. Or the reason for this act was much deeper.

Igor Rurikovich - biography, photo, personal life, board 15220_5

In some sources it is said that Olga is the daughter of Oleg. Namely, Oleg and sucks her Igor. His goal was to strengthen the impact on a matured young man. Olga's name - derived from the male name Oleg. A woman entered the story as Olga, becoming the great princess and the first government who adopted Christianity.

They had a son Svyatoslav, who became a prince in three years under the guardianship of the mother.

Svyatoslav Igorevich, Son Igor Rurikovich

Igor had other wives, but Olga always remained his beloved woman. She was wise, to solve issues, approached thoughtfully and weighed. Were children in the rest of the marriages of Igor, not reported in the chronicles.


Separate attention deserves the death of Prince Igor. In 945, his warriors began to complain that they lack money that they were not materially safe. Warriors persuaded the ruler to go to collect a fire in the Drevalnsky lands. They took tribute over the appointed measure, committed violence against residents.

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On the way back to Kiev during the prival, Igor unexpectedly decided to return to the rallies for an additional tribute. The prince let go of the troops with the already assembled in Kiev. And himself with a small number of warriors went back.

As soon as the rallies heard about the return of the prince, they decided to resolve the situation in a peaceful way, but Igor refused to leave the earth. Therefore, the Trees led by their ruler, the prince of Malom, they decided to rebel against Igor, since the activity was violated the norms of the established mistake.

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Igor was in a minority, his twigs were quickly struck, the prince took captive, and soon they were executed. According to the Byzantine Chronicler of Lev Diacon, the killing of the prince was made with particular cruelty. Igor tied to the tops of bent trees and broke the body into parts.

After his death, the prince of Olga rose to the throne, as Svyatoslav son was too small. Becoming at the head of state, Olga decided to take revenge on the death of her husband.

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Prince Mal sent the Swash's Princess. Doodle sailed along the dnipro on the boat. Olga ordered the warriors to carry the boat on his hands along with guests to the palace, thus having honor. But by that time in the courtyard, a pit was buried, in which the match was thrown off with a boat, and after buried alive. Soon the ambassadors from Mala came to Olga. The woman said that those first were swam from the road. Men went to the bath, she was immediately closed and set on fire.

Prince Igor buried near the town of Earrows, Olga decided to go with a friend on the grave of her husband. Princess was met by Drevlyan, but immediately asked where the ambassadors, whom the prince sent her. The woman convinced them that they were followed by the Kiev squad. At the memorial feast, she was without a measure, and when they were already drunk, ordered the vigumers to chop them all.

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Olga besieged the estimate, but the Around the Drevdansky people were not going to give up. Therefore, the princess decided to take their cunning. She informed them that her husband was shared, and demanded from the inhabitants of the conditional tribute: three sparrows and three pigeons from the yard. Citizens, unaware, with obvious relief, performed the requirement of princess.

Olga ordered his soldiers to tie the leg of each bird grilled clutch and let go of them. Birds returned to their nests and set fire to the city. Drevlyan fled, but immediately fell into the hands of Olga. Some were killed on the spot, others were captured, and after sold into slavery.

Acts of Princess Olga, who took the death of her husband, terrify. But those times were characterized by their cruelty, so her acts corresponded to the businesses of the epoch.


  • Igorevskaya Street in Kiev


  • 1983 - "Legend of Princess Olga", in the role of Igor Alexander Denisenko


  • Igor, A. Serba
  • "Prince Igor and Princess Olga", V. Sedugin
  • "The tip of the scabbard of a sword from Kurgan near Korosten", M. Fehner


  • "Prince Igor gathers tribute from the Trees in 945," K. Lebedev
  • "First meeting of Prince Igor and Olga", V. Sazonov
  • "Prince Igor", K. Vasilyev
  • "Princess Olga meets the body of Prince Igor," V. Surikov
  • "Prince Igor", I. Glazunov
  • "The execution of Prince Igor", F. Bruni

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