Jaghead Jones - character biography, TV series "Riverdale", image and character


Character History

Jaghead Jones is a character from the list of the main characters of the new youth series "Riverdale" and comics that are more than 70 years old. A closed young man who grew up in a disadvantaged family, together with friends is involved in the investigation of the secrecy of the fictional American town. On the basis of adventure, the hero writes a novel. First love, problems with parents, conflicts with teachers - the series Pottit's problems, for which he loved modern teenagers.

History of creation

For the first time, the character appeared as part of the company of adolescents in the comic books "Archie Comic Publications" in the 1940s. The "parent" of Jaghead was the publisher and editor John L. Galdouer, who, when creating heroes, graphic novels relied on the images of people encountered when wandered in the West of America in search of work and housing. And the appearance of the boy came up with Bob Montana. In 2015, loved characters changed the appearance - a series of stories in the drawings updated, adapting for the new younger generation. This time the artist spoke in a chip.

Jaghead Jones in comics

In 2016, the shooting of the teenage television drama "Riverdale" was started, where the heroes of comic came to life. High school students open the terrible secrets of their native provincial town. In the picture, Jaghead Jones is the best friend of the main hero of Archie Andrews. The boys quarreled for a while, but in the future renewing relationships.

Jaghead Jones Amateur Hamburgers

In comics, Jaghead's life differs from the serial, plus some points are explained. He issexual, warm feelings feeds exclusively to delicious food, especially loves hamburgers. The boy's family was considered the richest in the town, and the bastard sought to be friends with him. When the character was 10 years old, his father, wanting to get rich even more, put all the money in the plant for the production of water called Pewrzhag (translated - "pure jug"). Since then, the son is nicknamed Jaghead - "Single", "Fool", and if literally, then the "pitcher". The real name of the boy is foresight Pendleton Jones III.

Early biography

Jaghead Jones was born and grew up in Riverdale in the family of the boss of a local gang of criminals-bikers, called "Southern Snakes". The father began to lie on the alcohol, the mother could not stand the alcoholism of the spouse and, grabbing younger daughter, moved to another city. Jones settled in the Twilight Cinema, where he worked on life. In school, the hero was not popular, tolerated ridicule and mockery from high school students. Six years before the start of events reflected in the series, the boy for serious school leproses landed into the center of young violators.

Heare since childhood hated her birthday, because the unfavorable family was going together and created a kind of excellent relationship. In adolescence, the young man stopped celebrating his own holiday and generally did not speak the date of birth. The only person knew about it - the best friend of Archie, with whom Jaghead celebrated the next date by campaign on a double film.

Archi Andrews.

In the middle of 2016, a crack passed through the relationship of friends. Jones gathered with a comrade on a journey, but Archi suddenly refused because of a date with a girl.


In Riverdale, there was a tragic event that set the town on the ears - a young guy Jason Bloss drowned in the river. Jaghead, who tries himself as a novice writer, crumbles a novel about this death, sitting in a local eatery. A young man occupies the idea that something mysterious is hiding behind the mask of a quiet province.

The main characters comic

In an attempt to find the truth, the hero noticed that his friend Archie, with whom they had stretched relationships, somehow behaved strangely. In a conversation, comrade admitted that the romance was twisting with Miss Grandi music teacher and on the day of the death of Blossom was along with a girl on the river where heard shot. However, contacting the police is not going to, fear of publicity of love oath.

The editor of the school newspaper, the high school student of Betty Cooper offered Jaghead to find information for the publication. The first task is to talk to a classmate Dilton Doyley, who was also in that fatal day on the river bank. So it begins the investigation by teenagers of the death of Jason, every day opening new secrets of a quiet town.

Betty Cooper

In the second season, Jaghead investigates the case of Archi's father, who wounded the unknown shooter in a dark jacket. Representatives of the South Snakes gang representatives were connected to the investigation. In parallel, the young man is engaged in the salvation of his father, who threatens a huge prison sentence, and becomes the leader of the Soutsayd Snakes group.

In the series Jagheted Jones of 16 years. This is one of the most mysterious characters that converts its prototype from comics. The authors of the film created a mystical image of a novice writer - a young man with a calm and secretive character, a sort of gloomy nerd. A member of the football team and gave a hero with an unflattering description: Lucky and saint Internet warrior, sullen maniac.

Jaghead and Betty

Jaghead is open only with Archie and Betty Cooper, with whom he is friendly from early childhood. Other people bypass side, and at first glance it seems that he despises the whole human race. However, a character was formed on negative soil - a disorder and poverty reigned in the house, the parents swear, the father-gangster often walked under Khmel. However, the boy was lucky - he managed to find his own path in the form of literature. Having found an inventory in writing, Jaghead is given to the case with all the youthful passion.

The personal life of the character reminds swing. During the investigation into the murder of Jason Blossom, Jones comes closer to Betty, and young people start a pair for a while. However, soon the girl is to keep their own life, breaks the relationship. After another ten episodes, a couple is reunited, but then Jaghead Rims with a beloved, again, for good purposes. And by the middle of the second season, young people occur again.


Jaghead Jones - character biography, TV series

The premiere of the TV series "Riverdale" took place at the end of January 2017, then the multi-sieu picture extended the second season. Directed by the director whether Tolland Cryger, who took earlier the Melodrama "Century Adalin", and whether Rose, beyond which a series of serials, including the University. Roberto Agirare-Sakasa and Greg Bertland worked on the script.

The grim tone of the series scripts tried to revive with humor, even in the mouth of such a sullen hero, like jaghet, invested jokes. However, they did so that the ability to laugh seeking as a teenage protective reaction when they invade their personal space.

Actor Cole in the image of Jaghead

Young writer plays a novice actor Cole in Apres. In an interview, the young man confessed:

"Personally, I like the mysterious jaghead. The way he mysteriously sits or shamelessly peeps. "

Abroad, the popularity of the film beat conceivable records, he received the "Saturn" award as "the best television series in the genres of action / thriller." Yes, and in Russia, the heroes of the teenage drama teenagers fell in love. The VKontakte network covered dozens of pages dedicated to Jaghead Jones, a fictional character even has its own page in "Instagram". One of the translations of the series into Russian belongs to the company "LOSTFILM". In the interpretation of this studio, the Hero is called Caclane to go around the direct meaning of the word "jaghet" (fool), but at the same time explaining the audience that the name of the character is just a nickname.

Jaghead Jones


"Do you believe in order or chaos, the result is still alone. We either control our lives or just think so. "" You did something good. Just sometimes ... when people do something good for me, I close. Maybe I'm not used to it. Maybe I'm afraid. What will hurt. Or what they will be rejected ... because of the one who I am. "In our life, everything is controlled, but then something like the murder of Jason Blossom, and you realize that there is no control. There is only chaos. Nevertheless, some of us seek to impose and maintain order in the world, which, in fact, is messing. "" He had a nickname, so he is fine. "

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