Spoon - Biography of the killer of gods, ability, appearance and character


Character History

Spoon - the gloomy and cruel killer of the gods - existed on Earth hundreds of centuries. For the mask of the Terrible leader of the hellish army, various souls were hidden, which a powerful demon was selected. Only with the last incarnation of the spa came on. The former CIA agent Albert Simmons did not plan to play for the rules of the evil forces at all and proved that only a person decides which side to fight. Even when it seems that there is no choice.

History of creation

The author of an unusual antihero - Todd Makfarleyne, an artist who received fame among comic fans after working on a man-spider. Cooperation with Marvel, which lasted 5 years, ended at the initiative of the artist. Todd did not want to draw more strangers of heroes more, the man dreamed of creating his own character.

Todd McFarley

The only opportunity to embody the idea of ​​reality was the basis of his own publishing house. The first release dedicated to Spauna was published in 1992. On the cover proudly, the name of anyone is not a well-known brand - "Image Comics".

According to MacFarlene, Spaun is a combination of man-spider and the personality itself. The new hero instantly gained fame. A bright cover and a gloomy plot did their job.

The illustrated book "SPAWN №1", the circulation of which amounted to 1.7 million copies, scattered in record time. In order not to slow down the turnover and even more interested readers, Alan Mura, Frank Miller and Neil Gamean invited to work on the plot. A small publisher was managed to do the impossible - to create a character, the relevance of which does not subscribe even under the onslaught of new superheroes.

Spoon in comic books


Albert Simmons dedicated life to work in US law enforcement. A man succeeded in the chosen area and after diligent training was taken to the service in the CIA. On this biography, the hero loses the iridescent color.

Alberta fails to find a common language with corrupt manual. The boss orders to shoot the interfering agent. Simmons died and got into hell, because during his life a man did not differ on righteous behavior.


The soul of the military almost did not save memories. The only thing that worries a man is - a favorite woman remained on Earth, with which hero did not want to part. To return to the mortal world, Albert concludes a deal with a powerful demon Malbolgia: the hero will be revived, but after another death will return to hell, give the soul to the demon and will lead the army that will destroy God.

Any deal with the demon has consequences. The man turns out to be on earth again, but now it's not Albert Simmons at all. A person who returned from hell almost does not remember his own past, his body is worn, and the new abilities that the body is now put on, frighten.

Demon Malbolia

In addition, the beloved Hero over the past time (on earth has already passed for 5 years) managed to marry and give birth to daughter. Albert realizes that he drove into the corner. He has no place in the human world, but I don't want to go back to hell.

It would seem that the choice is obvious. The risen dead could devote himself to the fight against evil. But Albertu opens another truth: the more hero applies new abilities, the faster the day of his repeated death is approaching. The man does not remain anything, how to find a dark doorway and settled there, not showing the eyes of the residents of the city.

At this point, there is a new hero. Albert is humbled with a fallen share and turns into a spa (the value of the pseudonym - "Freight"). The first victims of Antigero were the Manyak-Psychopath, who killed children, and criminal groups, who claimed the territory of Hell.


The hero does not care about the salvation of the Earth, the only thing that is important for the spa is his own peace of mind and the well-being of loved ones (ex-wife and her family). But the permanent persecution of demons and angels force a man to fight.

Assistance came unexpectedly. Spoon collided with the personification of the purgatory, who did not like the injection of the war of Paradise and Hell. The man received new abilities - now the hero feels everything that the land is experiencing. Unable to endure torments, Spoon comes into fighting with everyone who disrupts peace in the earth's kingdom.

Forces and abilities

The source of superposses of the hero - necroplasm, from which the body of the spauna is. The substance allows a man to move in space, manipulate time and elements, resurrect the dead and heal the wounds.

Spoon without mask

Another type of energy that the leaving from hell successfully applies, - aggression. Spoon is able to focus with the negative emotions of people and animals. One touch to a person hero comes to the enemy all the sensations that the sinner is experiencing in the underworld. Do not forget that, thanks to the past life, Spoon owns various types of weapons and martial arts. A new embodiment has improved these skills.

Special properties endowed with the clothes of the hero. A symbiotic suit has intelligence and thinks separately from the owner. Equipment joins the nervous system of the owner, after which it forms an inseparable connection with the body. Therefore, the suit protects the sauna even when he loses consciousness.

Parts of the equipment can be transformed at the desire of the hero, becoming weapons (raincoat, for example, easily cuts off the enemy's head) and even serve as a portal to move to another dimension.

Enemies and allies

The first friend and mentor in the new life for Spoundow became a tramp named Koglyostro. The man himself was once a sauna, but managed to stay in the earthly world for a long time. True later, it turns out that Coglyostro is not so simple and from the very beginning had his own plans for the hero.


Not less than the benefit of the spa will bring homeless Bobby. Batman who attacked the antihero will dissect the face from hell face. A man will not want to use his own strength to cure, so Bobby will wound the wound with a shoe from the shoe. Well, Spaun and without a mask was not a handsome man, hardly someone noticed the difference.

During the battles, fate reduces the hero with the sorcerer. A girl who calls himself Nicks will become a friend and a man's constant companion. The magical arsenal of witches is directed exclusively for protection and healing, so Spoon will teach the girl more powerful magic.

Spaun and Batman

In the personal rating of villains "Enemy No. 1" for the revived dead man will be Malbolia. The demon deceived Simmons, for which the newly connected Spoon will revenge with special cruelty. But the first defendant will be the default. The main task of creatures is to force the spa to create evil, which will allow you to pick up the soul of the risen back to hell.

The minion of Paradise, who delivered a lot of trouble, - the Redeemer. Representatives of this race are the response of heaven to the actions of the demons. By the way, in the past life of the Redeemer, too, was an employee of the CIA. The agent killed his partner, whose name was, of course, Albert Simmons.

The universe is full of villains and the bastards, but in the most powerful battle the hero is opposed by paradise and hell, whose representatives arranged on Earth. The life of the dead did not kill God and the devil. He simply moved the deities to another dimension, forcing displeasted parties to solve centuries-old conflicts.


Michael Jay White in the image of a spa

The first film telling about the formation of the hero was released in 1997. The film is based on the first spooney comics, but contains small deviations from the original story. The role of the rebel from hell played actor Michael Jay White.

In parallel with the premiere of the film on the screens, the animated series "Spaun" came out. The cartoon entered the top 5 best animated films based on comics of all time. The actor Keith David became voice of the hero.

In 2014, comic fans from France created a short film called Spaun: Call from the Past. Estuziastov left for the creation of film cornocartes. The image of a gloomy wrestler with evil embodied the little-known artist Gregory Paris.

Frame from cartoon

In 2019, the continuation of the film "Spaun" 1997 will be released. The script and director heads directly the creator of the character Todd McFaralin. Producers argue that kinocartine will noticeably differ from previously released blockbusters based on comics. Who will be brought in high roles - it is not known, the acting of the planned militant has not yet been approved.

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