Konstantin Rokossovsky - biography, photo, personal life Marshal, death



The legendary marshal, who made an immeasurable contribution to the victory of the Soviet Army over the fascist invaders. Biography Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky is studied in schools and universities. Monuments in the cities of Russia and Poland are established in honor of the commander, memorial plates are placed, the streets, squares and avenues are named after.

Childhood and youth

The beginning of the biography of the Great Soviet commander is ambiguous. The date of birth of Konstantin Rokossovsky is known - December 21. But the year is different in different sources. It is officially assumed that a military figure in 1896 was born, although some documents contain a reference to the 1894 year.

Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky

The same applies to the place of birth. Pole by origin, Rokossovsky was born in the capital of Poland - Warsaw. Until the end of the Great Patriotic War, this city was indicated in the questionnaire questionnaires. However, in 1945 Konstantin Konstantinovich twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, which entailed the need to install the bust in their hometown.

Erect a memorable sign in a friendly, but independent Warsaw was uncomfortable for the authorities, therefore the Great Lukes of the Pskov region declared the official birthplace.

Bust Konstantin Rokossovsky in Great Luki

The origin of the commander was also adjusted. The fact is that the future Marshal of the USSR had no proletarian roots at all. Rokossovsky's ancestors belonged to the Greater Poland's shuttless, owned the Rokossovo village, from the name of which the family name occurred. True, the gentleman is lost after the uprising of 1863.

Father Rokossovsky served on the railway, and the mother worked as a teacher. In addition to the bone, the sister smasted in the family - Helena Rokossovsk. Parents early left children with orphans - in 1905 the Father died, and in 1911 the mother was gone after him.

Konstantin Rokossovsky in youth

After enrolling the brother in the Red Army and until the end of the war in 1945, Helena did not see a young man and lost his connection with him. All this time, the sister of the commander and Marshal lived in Warsaw and did not suspect the merits of Konstantin Konstantinovich.

Osapotev, the boy earned an existence, assistant to the confectioner and a dentist, Kamenotes. Since the education was interrupted due to the death of the father and the lack of payment opportunities, Kostya, engaged in self-study, read a lot in Polish and Russian. In 1914, the young man was signed by a volunteer in the cavalry regiment of the Russian Imperial Army.

Military service

As part of the squadron of the Russian army, young Rokossovsky distinguished himself in the battles of the First World War. At first, the troops were fighting under Warsaw, then Divisia Konstantin Konstantinovich was transferred to Lithuania. As part of the regiment, the future marshal fought until it disbanded in 1918.

Commander 35 Cavalry Regiment Konstantin Rokossovsky

In 1917, after rejecting the throne of the last Russian emperor, Rokossovsky voluntarily enters the Red Army. In 1919, he receives a membership ticket of the Bolshevik Party. Despite the wound during the Civil War, Konstantin Konstantinovich successfully continues the military confrontation with the White Guards, grows through the career military staircase, receiving the squadron first, and then the cavalry regiment.

After the victory of the Red Army in the civil war, Rokossovsky remained in military service. The courses of improving the command formulation, where he gets acquainted with G. K. Zhukov and A. I. Eremenko. Exercises command in Samara (where under his beginning the future great Marshal of the Victory of Zhukov serves), then in Pskov.

Listener of cavalry courses Konstantin Rokossovsky

Unfortunately, even the commanders of the Red Army are not insured against the rails of the machine of mass arrests and repression. In 1937, Rokossovsky accused of ties with Polish and Japanese intelligence. The arrest and conclusion in the walls of the NKVD. According to the greatness of the agreed commander, Konstantin Konstantinovich was subjected to cruel beatings. The tormentors did not achieve any confessions from Rokossovsky.

In 1940, the future Marshal was rehabilitated and exempt from custody. By the way, there is a version that the military has not been in prison at all, but carried out a reconnaissance mission in Spain. Anyway, immediately after liberation and holidays with family in Sochi, Konstantin Konstantinovich receives the title of Major General, and then comes into command of the 9th mechanized corps.

The Great Patriotic War

The vantor attack of the fascist troops was committed at a time when Rokossovsky with the subordinate mechanized corps was not far from Kiev. The commander recalls that the Morning invited the Division commanders to go fishing. The event had to cancel. The beginning of the war Military met on the southwestern front. Tactics of the enemy isolating, despite the technical superiority of the latter, brought victory by the Rokossovsky corpus.

Konstantin Rokossovsky in war

In 1941, the commander was sent to Smolensk, where he had to restore chaotic retreating and disbanded detachments. Few later took part in the battle near Moscow, where it acquired a real commander authority and the Order of Lenin.

In March 1942, Konstantin Konstantinovich receives a difficult injury, undergoing treatment in the hospital until May. And in July, he stands at the command of the troops in the battle near Stalingrad. Under the leadership of Rokossovsky, Feldmarshal F. Paulus.

Commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front Konstantin Rokossovsky

Next followed the brilliant victory of troops on the Kursk arc, and then the successfully implemented Operation "Bagration" in the summer of 1944, which was the result of the liberation of Belarus, as well as parts of the Baltic and Poland.

But the honor to take Berlin was awarded the Marshal of Zhukov, with which Rokossovsky had a rather complicated personal relationship, although the commander was never switched to the open confrontation.

George Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky at the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945

The command of the 1st Belarusian Front Stalin handed Georgia Konstantinovich. The reason for this decision remains a mystery to this day. Rokossovsky commanded the 2nd Belarusian Front and provided invaluable support to the main troops.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, Rokossovsky commanded the Victory Parada, who took who Marshal Zhukov.

Personal life

The beautiful, state military, whom we see on family and archival photos, could not not become an object of female sympathy. Marshal attribute numerous novels and love adventures. In fact, the commander, according to the memories of contemporaries, was distinguished by shyness in communicating with girls.

Konstantin Rokossovsky and his wife Julia

Married Konstantin Konstantinovich was only once in Yulia Petrovna Barmini. Military with a fragile teacher later, after seeing her in the theater and fell in love. Modest Rokossovsky traveled every day past the lover's house, not deciding to go. The couple is officially represented by each other while walking in the park with joint friends.

Yulia's parents categorically responded to relations with the Red Army, but the iron character of the girl won over the criticism of relatives. Rapid love led to marriage in 1923. In 1925, the spouses had a daughter Ariadne. With his wife, the commander lived his whole life.

Konstantin Rokossovsky with family

Front-line life imposes imprint and specifics in human lives. While in the hospital in 1942, Konstantin Konstantinovich meets Galina Vasilyevna Talanova, Voestor. Young people begin a novel that leads to the emergence of his daughter's daughter. The Commander of the Red Army admitted the girl, gave his last name, but after parting with Talanova did not support relations.

The novels attributed to Marshal, including one of the popular rumors about the love of Rokossovsky and the actress Valentina Serovoy, are not confirmed by anything. Although these bikes have become a reason for the creative inspiration of the directors and served as the basis for the plot of films about Marshal.

Konstantin Rokossovsky and Valentina Serov

They rumored about the indispensable number of extramarital children. From time to time, such "Sons of the Regiment" arose in the press and declared relationship with the commander. All these rumors and conjectures offend Rokossovsky's relatives.


As a result of the comprehensive marshal, the legendary commander died on August 3, 1968. The cause of death was the oncological disease of the prostate gland. Urn with dust rests in the Kremlin wall.

Monument to Konstantin Rokossovsky in Moscow

During the day before leaving the life, the commander signed a book of memoirs "Soldier's duty" on the period from the prevailed years before the overthrow of the Nazi oppression.


  • St. George Cross IV degree
  • Georgievskaya Medal IV degree
  • Georgievskaya Medal III degree
  • Georgievskaya Medal II
  • Order "Victory"
  • Two medals "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union
  • Seven orders of Lenin
  • Order of the October Revolution
  • Six orders of the Red Banner
  • Order of Suvorov I-th degree
  • Cutuzov I-th degree
  • Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
  • Medal "For Defense of Stalingrad"
  • Medal "For the defense of Kiev"
  • Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  • Medal "Twenty years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
  • Medal "For Taking Konigsberg"
  • Medal "For the liberation of Warsaw"
  • Medal "XX Years of the Worker-Peasant Red Army"
  • Medal "30 years of the Soviet Army and Fleet"
  • The medal "40 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  • Medal "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
  • Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"

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