Denis Borisov - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Beauty and aesthetics of the body are important in the image of a modern man. The popularity of fitness and work on muscle relief determines the demand for advice and recommendations of experienced bodybuilders and bodybuilders. Denis Borisov projects on the network are dedicated to this direction.

Childhood and youth

Denis Borisov himself told some details of birth and childhood, refreshing this part of the biography for interested fans. Made it athlete on the pages of a personal blog.

Denis was born, or as an athlete was later called on the network - Denchik, September 14, 1980. The boy's father is a military man, and the mother is a pre-school teacher. The Professional Father's service was the reason that the Son was born on the island on the border with Turkey, in a closed military city.

Denis talks about the fact that Mom is a creative person and in the youth played in the theater, therefore supported the boy's desire to art. I encouraged the hobbies with music and singing, and later justified ambiguous participation in dance show programs to the scene.

Borisov's hometown remains Minsk, although a schoolboy was often able to change the place of residence due to the permanent movements of the parents. Denis jokes that his father could not decide in what city he likes more. Therefore, the first three grades of the elementary school, the boy graduated in Kiev, and the older classes are already in Minsk. Borisov notes that each new class began in a new school, and sometimes in the new city.

Denis Borisov in his youth

Permanent moving has affected the performance - marks in the diary have come out average. Nevertheless, after the completion of secondary education, the young man passes the exams in the Military Academy, planning to go in the footsteps of the Father. The atmosphere, unfavorable for the army, established in connection with the disintegration of the Union, forces to change the plans.

The newly new student entered the faculty of economic law to the Minsk Institute of Department, who had safely graduated and received a lawyer's diploma. True, the Rights from the young man did not come out.

Photo session Denis Borisov

Back in school years, the Denchik begins to play hard, and to be more accurate, to work on the power loads and improve the figures for physical training. From the fifth grade spends the summer on the horizons, trains independently at home. The future athlete confesses that at that time the workout did not wear a planned nature, were carried out with the help of girlfriend dumbbells, an expander and couple of chairs.

Despite the inexperience, classes brought the result. Denis was able to surprise classmates, tightening 20 times on the horizontal bar.


Amateur inhabitation by bodybuilding led Borisov to professional performances. From 1997 to 1999, he takes part in the championships of the Republic of Belarus on Bodybuilding. The desire to win and stubborn workouts helped hold places in the prize triple, although silver got more often at the athlete.

Bodybuilder Denis Borisov

After Denis committed himself with the Championships on Bodybuilding, the path led a man to dance erotic shows. Borisov recalls that began to participate in the programs since 2001. At first it was dance numbers, then elements of undressing began to appear, and ultimately everything ended with a male striptease.

The dancer's career was conducted at a professional level - until 2004, the bodybuilder participates in the erotic show of Europe. In 2004, he moved to Moscow, where he works as an administrator of the erotic show "Night faces", while at the same time entering the group of speakers.

In 2008, the athlete moves into Kiev. It is there that he begins to develop the project "Fit4Life". Borisov's striptease gradually tied. Now, although the day is not ashamed by the last biography, still does not proud of the experience, considering the striptease weakening society.

In 2014, in connection with the instability of Ukraine, returned to his native Minsk. It continues to live and work into two cities, in parallel visiting the city of Russia and glad the followers with seminars and meetings.

Denis Borisov in the gym

A channel was gradually added to the blog on the hosting "YouTube", page in "Instagram" and "Periscope". The video block manager publishes training videos for beginners of amateur athletes, which gives training on training and nutrition. In the "Periskop" meets with fans online, answers questions.

In 2015, Borisov created an English-speaking version of the site. In addition, the athlete publishes its own indicators. The athlete performs the bench lying (tilt up header): 140-160 kg 6 times (working weight), classic beasts with chest standing: 100-110 kg 6 times (working weight). Because of the injuries to the injuries, Borisov abandoned squats and brazing.

Denis has developed a training program that includes, in addition to the recommendations for the load mode, diet and nutrition tips, both during a set of muscle mass and for the drying period. The basis of the program when increasing volumes - consume more proteins and carbohydrates than spent during training.

The athlete without sticks declares that absolutely all professional athletes use steroids, no matter what they talked about nutritional nutrition. However, for bodybuilders of the amateur level of steroids of unnecessary, and excellent results can be achieved by balanced nutrition and a properly selected diet.

Tattoo Denis Borisov

In addition to activities on the network, since 2012, video calls wrote and issued a number of books with recommendations on the body of a dream.

In addition to the issues of bodybuilding, the site and pages of the blog, Denchik loves to argue into philosophical topics, raises the psychological topics, the problems of the relationship of a man and a woman, gives advice on marketing.

Personal life

In 2016, the athlete announced the wedding with Anna Malyarov. The girl is a colleague of Denis as a career of bodybuilding athletes and videoclogging.

Denis Borisov and his wife Anna

Anna was repeatedly becoming a champion in the directions of fitness bikini and bodyfity. After the completion of the career on the podium leads a personal channel on "YouTube" with the recommendations on body work.

Denis Borisov now

Currently, Denis Borisov continues to conduct projects on social networks, regularly publishes articles and videos on the site and personal blog. In 2017, the light saw three new athlete books, still dedicated to how to make the body perfect.

Denis Borisov in 2018

Together with his wife Borisov, Fit4Woman canal leads, whose audience, as obvious from the name, are girls and women.

Periodically, the athlete pleases fans with free seminars and conferences. At the same time, such meetings take place not only on the topic of sports and fitness. Blider also talks about marketing and psychology of relationships.


  • From 2012 - Fit4Life blog


  • 2012 - "Algorithm for choosing your training program"
  • 2012 - "Hyperplasia"
  • 2013 - "Volume Press"
  • 2013 - "Antichimik"
  • 2015 - "School of Personal Trainers"
  • 2015 - "Summer Scheme"
  • 2016 - "My biologically active additives"
  • 2017 - "Body Drying: Rocket. Life fat burning "

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