Zhenya Milkovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, songs, Alina Ошеева 2021



Whatever the city arrived with the charismatic Zhenya Milkovsky concert, he invariably collects the full halls. Thousands of fans adore the touching execution of a talented Ukrainian musician, whose songs are simple and understandable, filled with lyrical and tenderness. Eugene himself joking that the endless charm is worth thanks to the outstanding nose: it is 80% of his success.

Childhood and youth

Zhenya was born in the mining town of Krasnoarmeysk (now Pokrovsk) on May 9, 1991. Mother, talented pianist, taught in a music school. The boy since childhood mastered the piano, I tried to write poems for songs, and at 9 years I managed to pass a hard selection into the choir of Kharkiv Music School. At the age of 14, the desire to play the guitar and for another birthday received a welcome tool as a gift from uncle. It became even easier to create its own compositions, says Zhenya. Yes, and parents supported the Son in everything.

When Eugene studied in the 11th grade, Casting was held in the Ukrainian reality show "Star Factory". The young man set off to try his happiness and easily passed the competition, adding the ranks of the "Star House". But a kind romantic, as friends call friends, could not hold out for a project for a long time - confessed in an interview, which turned backstage intrigues.

After school, Evgeny Milkovsky entered the budget to the Institute of Culture, where the Aza Resepsu was compiled.


In 2009, Zhenya Milkovsky decided to introduce the first compositions to the general public - "Yes or" and "Station" Mist "" and immediately found the army of fans. Inspired by success, created the clips for these songs, which Melomanna also took warmth. The idea of ​​the video "Station" Togan "about life in a student hostel suggested Yuri Bardash.

In the same year, Evgeny worked with the "Karats" and Marselle groups, the light saw the track "Persons" and a clip on him. Soon the musician and vocalist pleased the fans on a debut album and the only solo "in my room", and then the Milkovsky project has already become a group "Nerves".

At the dawn of a creative biography, the vocal data of the magnificent were compared with the manner of the exercise of Roma of the beast. In the spring of 2011, the guy tried the role of the director, his own removal of the video on the song "Radovolena", and in the fall he presented to fans even three of the video - the singles "stupid", "smoke" and "coffee - my friend." No less positive feedback caused the "Battery" composition. In his youth, he walked without a beard, and therefore looked very young, which is visible in the clips of those years.

The splash of the popularity of "nerves" fell for 2012. The team of four young people challenged through the cities and weighs of the CIS countries, collecting full halls at concerts. The planting pop rock composition sounded from each radio receiver, the guys even nominated for the Muz-TV Prize, but the title of "breakthrough of the year" they gave way to the Ukrainian musician Max Barsky. The team did not stop pleaseing Melomanov with new clips, one of the popular videos for the song "Crow". And then he presented a new song "The girl is waiting."

Zhenya Milkovsky is easily divided with journalists details of the birth of songs. According to a young man, millions of thoughts are constantly spinning in the head, even at night can get up and write a new composition.

Part of the songs are inspired by the events that occurred with Zhenya himself. For example, the heroine of the watch track is a harsh hostel worker, where Milkovsky lived in student. Once, the Women's fault, Eugene had never had to spend the night on the street. And in the "Rain outside the window" composition, the musician transfers his own experiences into one of the moments of life.

The promotion of the collective was engaged in the production center "Kruzheva Music", but in 2014 the musicians spread up with him, and the fans learned the unpleasant news - the "Nerva" project closed. Eugene engaged in solo progress. However, after six months, the musicians again gathered together, resumed creativity under the wing of Raper Basta and his Gazgolder label, holding out there until spring 2017. After the "nerves" began to work with Yuri Bardash.

During the years of life, the team was completely renewed, only Evgeny Milkovsky remained a constant leader of the group. The discography of "nerves" has grown to five albums.

2017 issued for Eugene hot. The "Nerva" group released two plates, combined with the name "the most expensive". The main song was the composition "The most expensive person". And in March 2018, the guys went with a large-scale tour in Russia and the CIS countries - touring are devoted to these albums.

Later, a new bassist Dmitry Klobkov appeared in the group. With the former, Dmitry Dudka, the team said goodbye to early 2019. In the same year, the team presented to the court of spectators the 6th "Studiode" called the "lay and depression". One of the key songs the plate was the composition "Lighter", which in October the musicians took off the clip.

The director of the video was performed by Milkovsky himself, the leader of the Kirill pale group was invited to the main role. The shooting was conducted 2 weeks, the first part was filmed on the industrial zone, where the main storyline was revealed, and the second in the "Izvestiya Hall" club.

In 2020, the musicians presented a concert video that was called the album "lay and depression".

Personal life

Life life of Zhenya has long remained a mystery. Occasionally, he frank himself with journalists, which is not yet ready for a serious relationship. But in the spring of 2018, fans learned that the young man was finally ripe for family life. On March 13, right during the concert of the Nerves group in Ivanovo, Milkovsky offered her hand and heart singer, the finalist of the show "I want in Via Groj" Diana Ivanitsky.

In 2019, it became known that the wedding did not take place: Eugene and Diana broke up. About the reasons of rupture young people did not apply. After the musician, I spun a novel with a former member of the Serebro group of Polina Favorskaya.

And after some time in the network began to discuss the scandal that occurred between the former and new girls of Milkovsky. Diana shot a clip on the "Spring" track and shared in Storsis a video from the filming. After his watching Polina stated that the actress stole her idea, thus demonstrating that the girl lacks his own creativity.

Diana responded to accusations by writing in "Instagram" that the idea of ​​the clip belongs not to her, the whole team was engaged in the shooting, including directors, the authors of the scenario, stylists and make-upras. According to Ivanitsky, it does not have to write a script. After the singers, phoned and explained to each other, finishing this history by reconciliation.

Zhenya Milkovsky - Personality versatile. Once he even tried forces in journalism, creating a program "Fog Station" on the Internet. The guests of the first release were former participants of the "Star Factory", including his good friend Lera Kozlov.

The musician leads a page in "Instagram", where regularly publishes fresh photos from life and with concerts. The pictures are clear that Zhenya loves to travel, spend time in a circle of friends and in noisy companies. The female part of his subscribers notes the external attractiveness of the artist, and indeed, with a height of 171 cm (the exact weight is unknown) it looks slim and tightened. A couple of tattoo on the body makes recognizable on stage, like an unusual hair color, which it changes periodically. The age of Milkovsky has long moved away from the young, but the singer is also young and is still going to have to acquire children.

However, this circumstance does not prevent him from entering serious relationships. Now Milkovsky, as well as in the line of his songs, "Too in love". His chosen is also an artist - the drummer of the Kis-Kis group Alina Olesheva.


The name of Milkovsky pops up not only in the context of the release of new songs or clips. At the end of 2019, in an interview with Yuri Dudu, Yuri Bardash told that she broke off with a soloist "nerves" all contacts after one unpleasant incident. Kristina Bardash took part in this, more famous under the scenic pseudonym of the moon. Everyone thought that Zhenya brazedly seduced Christina, but later the musician told this story for his part.

In the program "And to talk?" With Irina Shikhman in March 2020, the artist said that Christina simply used them to pump the bardasha when he threw it, tolding a relationship with another girl.

While in the club, she asked Zhenya to come, because was upset because of parting with her husband. I suspected anything, he appeared and saw Yury on the dance floor along with his new passion. In his eyes, Christina began to "pester" to Milkovsky, tried to kiss a man, but he pulled back and said that he would not tell anyone about what had happened, so as not to spoil her reputation.

The next morning Bardas gathered an urgent meeting with the participants of the "Nerva" group and announced that Milkovsky "Mutit" with his wife. Zhenya tried to explain the situation to which he heard: "I know you no longer want." After this situation, the team continued to work with Bardet, but on other conditions, the producer stopped investing in the development of the team and their advertising, and therefore concerts stopped collecting the former number of fans, no more than 100 people came to speeches.

So there were several performances of the "nerves", after which the team decided to leave Bardas and went to free swimming. After the decision of the decision, Yury with Yutiuba disappeared all their videos, the group in Vkontakte was removed, like music from all areas. According to Artist, Yuri called to all labels and radio stations, asking not to work with "nerves".

The next meeting of the men took place in 2019 at the festival, they even tried to reconcile, but this artist and producer did not work out, and therefore Bardas had an unhealthy responded about him in an interview with Dudia and a lot lied about their relationship. Nevertheless, Zhenya remains grateful Yuri for everything that former comrade for him did.

In May 2021, the singer rushed in the Moscow Bar because of the girl. As the director of the "Nerva" project said, unknown men were married to Alina and did not respond to her words that she had a boyfriend. The scuffle was short, however, information about this was leaked to news media, causing a lot of questions from the musician fans.

Zhenya Milkovsky now

For the musical group, restrictive measures associated with a pandemic of coronavirus infection, gave an unimaginable impetus for creativity. Less than for the year Milkovsky with colleagues streamlined their archives and at the beginning of 2021 released a collection of unnecessary songs, as well as one concert album.

Further fans waited for curious magic numbers. On April 7, "Nerves" published the seventh album (studio) with the concise name "7". Well, those who expected to see the same number of tracks in the record, were surprised: this time the musicians were pleased with the fans 21 by the composition.

Such non-standard album filling many are associated with 2021. The compositions included in the collection became absolutely multidirectional, among them there are both grunges and guitar acoustics.

In May, the admirers of the "Nerves" group could enjoy a new clip on the song "since it is necessary." Zhenya became a director of a new video based on an effort. In an interview, the singer admitted that he was inspired when creating a project by the work of Guy Richie.


  • 2010 - "In my room"
  • 2012 - "All around"
  • 2012 - "So that we can hear each other"
  • 2013 - "I am alive"
  • 2016 - "Bonfire"
  • 2017 - "The most expensive" (1 and 2 part)
  • 2018 - "Naked Facts"
  • 2019 - "lay and depression"
  • 2021 - "7"

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