Alexey Malobrodsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Producer, Arrest 2021



Alexey Malobrodsky is a former general producer of the Said "Seventh Studio". His name has become known after the scandal around the Gogol Center, where he previously served as Director General. The man was arrested in the same case as Kirill Serebrennikov.

Childhood and youth

Biography Alexei Arkadyevich began on February 15, 1958, he was born in Krasnodar. After school, he graduated from the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture and Arts. There is no information about his parents and childhood in open sources of information, as a man prefers to lead a non-public lifestyle.

It is known that the mother and sister live in Israel. In this regard, when discussing the identity of Malobrodsky, the network arises an assumption that by nationality he is a Jew.

Personal life

The personal life of theatrical producer has developed successfully. With his wife Tatyana Lukyanova, he met in 2004. After 4 years, the couple began to live together, and subsequently concluded marriage officially. Information, whether they have common children, no. The woman is the director of the Creative Center "Wednesday".

Tatyana told in an interview with RussiaGate, that before the arrest of the spouse they loved spending time together. Even a trip to the suburbs became a holiday for them. They were always talking about.

Lukyanova recalls that when Kirill Serennikov began in the house, searches began, she asked her husband, could this not affect him. But he was calm and confident. Producer understood: He will be called as a witness for testimony, but not more.

Since the summer of 2017, the joint leisure and conversations of the spouses were limited to the electronic correspondence through a special FSIN service and 40 minutes on the handset through glass and a small grid.

The man has a daughter. It became known about it from the news, which said that she was forbidden to communicate with the Father on the telephone from the SIZO.


In 2006, Malobrodsky took the post of director of the theater "School of Dramatic Art". The man came there in the period when the Moscow Culture Committee dismissed the artistic director of the very founder of this theater Anatoly Vasilyeva, a talented director who glorified Russian culture to the whole world.

The "demon, top view" and "Opus number 7" was released during the work of the Maloborrodsky performances "Golden Masks" laureates. However, in 2011, Alexey Arkadyevich was suddenly removed from the directory - dismissed "by agreement of the parties." For incomprehensible reasons, he was not even allowed to modify six months left under the contract.

In 2012, he was appointed director of Gogol Center. Together with him, Kirill Serebrennikov came to the post of artistic director. The theater immediately occurred conflict: the troupe was against new appointments. Malobrodsky began to "restore order" - followed a series of layoffs.

In the bulk, these were not the actors, but people from the administration and economic services. According to him, some were just caught by the hand, others received the salary "for just so." Also, a man reported the coming repair.

In December of the same year, an attack was committed. And Alexey Arkadyevich himself, and Kirill Serebrenniki immediately reported that it was custom. In their opinion, in the current situation of the other option could not be. Malobrodsky wrote a statement to the police, but the crime did not revealed: they did not find a performer, nor the customer.

In March 2015, Alexei Arkadevich was dismissed according to the results of the inspection, which was held at the theater at the end of 2014. Claims are associated with the economic activity of Gogol Center.

Among other things, the man was a curator of the Children's Marshak Festival project in Voronezh.

Arrest and punishment

It all started with the fact that Cyril Serebrennikov opened a criminal case. As the investigation indicates, on February 1, 2014, his seventh studio concluded from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation a contract on the allocation of funds for the development of modern art in the amount of 66.5 million rubles. Having received money, the company's management began to conclude contracts allegedly for the supply of the necessary props with one-day firms. The main goal of these actions was the abduction of money.

In May 2017, they were searched at home at the director and in the theater. Later it turned out that we are talking about a sum that exceeds 200 million rubles. This money was released by the Ministry in 2011-2014 the project "Platform", which also oversaw Kirill.

Soon after searches, the ex-general director of the Seventh Studio Studio, Yuri Itina and the former Chief Accountant of Nina Maslyaev, were detained. In fraud, accused and Sophia Apfelbum, an ex-officials of the Ministry of Culture, which took Serebrennikov's reports on the implementation of the allocated funds.

In June 2017, Alexei Malobrodsky was arrested: in 2011-2012, he was the general producer of the "Seventh Studio". Initially, he was called as a witness, but on the same day he was detained as a suspect.

And the next day he was charged with fraud when creating a play Kirill Serennikov "Sleeping in the Summer Night" in William Shakespeare. According to the investigative committee, the play has not been delivered.

Lawyer Alexei Arkadyevich granted critics reviews and reviews of the audience at this performance. Also as evidence was collected by the roots of tickets, photo and video materials, but this did not affect the course of the investigation.

The amount of damage to this episode was estimated at 2.3 million rubles. Alexey guilt himself did not admit. Artists Oleg Tabakov, Lia Ahedzhakova, Mikhail Bychkov, Mark Zakharov and others spoke in his defense.

In March 2018, Alexei's wife applied to Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin and the Commissioner for Human Rights Tatiana Moskalkova. According to her, her husband suddenly translated into the chamber, where there are only eight sleeping places for 12 people. People are forced to sleep on the floor.

In addition, in the chamber is constantly smoked, which negatively affects the health of its elderly spouse. He had the problems with pressure and heart. In early April, Malobrodsky was transferred to a four-seater chamber, where all his "neighbors" are non-smoking.

On April 22, the new artistic director of the MHT Sergey Zellovach wrote a letter addressed to the head of the Ministry of Culture Vladimir Midage, in which he asked to translate Alexei Malobrodsky for home arrest.

Being a year in the SIZO, the man did not lose. The circle of his communication was different, including Alexey Arkadyevich, was kept in one chamber with the arrested mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev. Over time, Malobrodsky began to write the so-called "notes from the SIZO", in which he told about the people with whom he met in captivity. The first part was dedicated to Pushkarev.

Alexey Arkadyevich dedicated the second part of Alexey Arkadyevich, known by the pseudonym Eric Davidych, who came out of custody after two years in prison. The third narrated about the fate of Hacker Konstantin Kozlovsky. And then the part of the fourth, no less interesting for those who followed the life of the former general director at that moment.

Alexey Malobrodsky now

On June 26, 2020, the last court in the case of the "Seventh Studio" was held, on which they found that silventmen and Iitin really created a criminal group to steal money from the budget, and Malobrodsky also joined them. The verdict explains that Kirill led member members and took active measures to conceal the embezzlement, gave instructions to accomplishments on the transfer of funds from the "Seventh Studio" account to contractors who did not know about the crime, and then this money was cashing.

Having accepted all the arguments of protection and accusations into account, the court came to the conclusion that the employee of the Ministry of Culture of Sophia Apfelbaum was not aware of the preparing crime, and therefore it was recognized guilty only in negligence. The rest of the defendants of the case received different sentences.

Troy men accused fraud, although none of them did not recognize the guilt. Serenovnikov appointed 3 years and fine 800 thousand rubles., Itina - 3 years conditionally and fine 200 thousand rubles., Malobrodsky received a period less than the remaining 2 years conditionally and fine 200 thousand rubles, and it was also forbidden 2 years to work in government agencies.

Now Alexey Arkadyevich at home. And although he fully agrees with the decision made by the court, glad that now at freedom and no longer have to spend time in anticipation of the next meeting.

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