Jacomo Casanova - Biography, photos, quotes, number of women, image



The future adventurer was born in times when the Venice republic was rightly considered the "capital of pleasure": the top ranks, though there were conservative views, but calmly treated public defects and developed tourism. The native city of Kazanov, within the framework of the Gran Tour, visited young aristocrats, who attracted gambling houses, Kurtisani and the famous carnival. In this light atmosphere, one of the most famous Venetians of the 18th century grew up.

Childhood and youth

Jacomo Dzhirolamo Kazanova was born in Venice on April 2, 1725. He was eldest out of five children actress Zarette Farusi and Dancer Gaetano Giuseppe Casanov. It is known that two brothers - Francesco Giuseppe and Giovanni Battista - became painters, another, Gaetano Alvizo, was a priest. The only sister of Giacomo Maria Magdalene married a court musician and worked as a dancer in the Dresden Theater.

Portrait of Jacomo Casanova

The famous facts of origin Jacomo Casanov questioned the edition of the ARMENIA.IM questioned. In one of its articles in 2017, employees conducted an investigation, at the end of which concluded that the adventurer - Armenian by nationality. The publication reports that the Armenian genus Casanova appeared in Venice in the 18th century, in addition, it was Jakomo who understood himself with the affairs of the evasion of Armenian merchants from taxes in the city of Trieste.

The major arguments of the publication are built on the fact that for communication with the merchants of Kazan was to know Armenian. Historians are confident that Jacomo could talk with merchants and in their native Italian, and the "Armenian race" was not at all Casanova, but Norantungyan. How are these two names are connected? The fact is that "Casa Nova" translated from Italian means the same as "Nor Tun" from Armenian - a new home. There is no more significant evidence of hypothesis with nationality.

House of Jacomo Casanov

Father Jacomo died when it was 8 years old. Mother earned, touring Europe, so the child spent the boy spent with his grandmother's march of Baldisser. The child was tormented by nasal bleeding, so on the 9th birthday, he was in the pension Padua for treatment. In one of his writings, he would later write that this event became an unpleasant surprise: Jacob seemed to get rid of him.

Conditions for life Pension provided terrible. The boy asked for a care to his first teacher - Abbot Gotszi, who taught him sciences and music. From 1734 to 1737, Casanova lived in the family of a priest. There, he falls in love with the younger sister Gozzi, Bettina.

Lifting portrait of Gaacomo Casanov

Kazanova was from nature a smart, quickly and easily studied new. At the age of 12, he entered the Padan University, which graduated from 5 years, having received the degree of a lawyer. As he later writes in writings, the profession did not suit him, but the guardian of Gotszi hoped that Jacomo would become a church lawyer.

Science, which interested Casanov, - Medicine. The young man wished to become a doctor, but fate decided differently. In the student years, Jakomo showed interest in gambling for money: quickly found themselves in debts and even was called for a conversation to her grandmother. But she did not affect the addiction - his love for the game was only rooted.


After graduation, he returned to his hometown and settled in a church lawyer. The appearance of him at that time allocated a young man from the crowd. Black-eyed, with carefully laid hair, an increase of 1.87 m - the data allowed him to quickly acquire a patron, the Venice Senator Alvizo Gasparo Malipierro. He taught the young man with etiquette and business manners.

Jacomo Casanova

The church career did not make up, even managed to visit the debts. Giacomo decided to purchase a personal patent: ordered an incredible white uniform with golden eaps from a tailor, bought a long saber. This kind of handsome wanted to fight the inhabitants of the city. But the military career was too boring for an adventurist, and he lost his salary.

Casanova leaves the service and is organized by violinist at the San Samuel Theater, where he gladly participated in scandalous walking and dubious entertainment. Giacomo realized the fear of such a life, but did not see a different path. While one day, knowledge of medicine did not allow him to change life: he was in one gondola with Senator Giovanni Di Matteo Bragadina. The official has become bad, and Kazanova provided first aid.

Jacomo Casanova runs away from prison

Senator appointed his referente with his referent, trying to make a respectable and educated person from him. But Kazanova so loved the idle lifestyle and gambling, which could not end them. Giovanni warned that such behavior would end badly, and was right. For an evil draw of his enemy, whom Jacomo with the company poured into the corpse, was accused of blasphemy and breakdown. Fearing prison, Casanova runs to the Parma.

In 1749 travels in Italy, leads a slutty lifestyle, after which it goes to Paris. On the way, he repeatedly attached to love joy.

Autograph Dzhacomo Casanov

In France, he lived two years, learned the language, but the image of his life attracted the attention of the police, so Casanova decided to go to Germany, then to Austria. As a result, it turns out again in Venice: drunks and couments are becoming even more unbridled.

Jacomo goes to prison for political prisoners, he was accused of a crime against faith. However, Kazanov managed to escape, not without the help of his patrons. The adventurer goes back to Europe again. Jacomo decided to behave more kept, seemed to be an alchemist, was familiar with Jean Jacques Rousseau and Madame de Pompadur.

Personal life

The first contact with the opposite sex at Kazanov occurred at 11 years old, in the House of the teacher of Gotszi. Beloved was the younger sister of the priest Bettin. Kazanova in memoirs will describe it as beautiful, cheerful and enthusiastic reading. It was this girl who sank into the heart of the famous adventurer of the feelings, which will become the main passion of Giacomo. Despite the fact that Bettina married Casanova retained warm feelings for her life.

Jacomo Casanova seduces a girl

After the first feeling, the love and intimate relations of Casanov were not burdened with seriousness. In the memoirs, he wrote that the main lifestyles were feelings and pleasures. However, Kazanova was always prudent, using "safety caps", which man pre-checked, inflating. To burden himself with children in his plans was not included.

Jacomo Casanova - Biography, photos, quotes, number of women, image 15183_8

The ideal connection, according to Giacomo, consisted of four stages: at first he found a woman, dissatisfied with her lover, then saved her from difficulty. After follow, he seduced the lady, a fleeing fleet. In the finals of relations, lover, losing interest in the woman, reduced her with a rich man or got married. Dzhacomo himself never was married officially.

Many of his pretties are described in memoirs. Historians recognize that the stories are full of inaccuracies, possibly exaggerated, but canvas plot realistic. It is the memories that make it possible to assume how much women were at Kazanov - at least 120, besides, in several places of memoirs, the author between the lines hints to relationships with men.


As a result of the Financial Machination, Kazanov acquired a silk manufactory in France. But his business was not interested in: he spent most of the profit on love intrigues with subordinates, turning them into a harem. And again debts, and again he is in the run. Years of wanderings did not pass without a trace for Giacomo: after he had found a venereal disease, the adventurer returned to Venice.

Jacomo Casanova in old age

There were no connections there no longer left, there were no money for women. Kazanova lived at the expense of the Inquisition - they paid funds for espionage. Simply put, collected gossip about citizens, fixed their statements about power.

In those years, Chanova began to write satirical works, which local residents cleared on quotes. Dzhacomo planned for them to arrest, so he again decides to leave Venice.

Grave of Jacomo Casanov

The last years of Kazanova's life worked as a library caretaker in the castle of Dux, in the Czech Republic. Creativity has become the only timeful. A man died in 73 years old, away from his homeland, leaving behind about 20 works, the main of which are the memoirs of the story of my life. For more than 6 years, he wrote memories, and did not have time to finish them: 3,500 sheets Editors after the departure of Giacomo from life were divided into 10 volumes.

Image in culture

The image of Casanov in culture is still relevant: films are removed, they write songs - such a fame contributed to the memoirs left. The surname of Giacomo turned into a nominal name - the nickname "Kazanova" usually give young men who often change the beloved.

Donald Sutherland as Jacomo Casanov

About his notes argued characters "Uncle Sleep" F.M. Dostoevsky and "Peak Lady" A.S. Pushkin. The famous authors dedicated Casanov whole works and books: R. Olddington - Roman, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Schnitser and A. Lavrin - Pieces, S. Collega and F. Marco Essa.

The adventurer appears in front of the audience in several movies and shows. The first on TV screens in the image of Jacomo appeared in 1927, Ivan Mozhukhukhin, in His cinema "Kazanova".

David Tennant in the role of young Jacomo Casanov

In 1976, the film of the Italian director Federico Fellini "Kazanova Federico Fellini" was awarded the Oscar premium for the best job of the artist in costumes, and the British GUARDIAN newspaper called the film "Masterpore". The image of the Ladies of the Ladies.

In 1987, the role of Casanov was performed by Richard Chamberlain, and in 2005 there was a series in which Jakomo played 2 actors at once: David Tennant portrayed a young hero, Peter Otul - an adventurerist in old age. The modern viewer immediately remembers the film of Lasse Challstrama "Kazanova", which was released in 2005. The main role in the tape was performed by hit ice.

Hit Ledger as Jacomo Casanov

The image of Giacomo also appeared in the musical compositions, for example, "Casanova" for the cello and the brass orchestra of the Dutch author Johan de Maya received the first place at the international composer competition in 1999. Well, each Russian rods of the incendiary Hita Valery Leontiev dedicated to Casanov:

"I am a lonely tramp of Love Casanova!"


  • 1927 - "Kazanova"
  • 1943 - Munchhausen
  • 1948 - "Mysterious Cavalier"
  • 1969 - "Childhood, calling and the first experiments of Jacomo Casanova, Venetian"
  • 1976 - "Kazanova Federico Fellini
  • 1981 - "Kazanova"
  • 1982 - "New World"
  • 2006 - "Love Signs"
  • 1987 - "Kazanova"
  • 1992 - "Return of Casanov"
  • 2002 - "Young Youth of Casanov"
  • 2005 - "Kazanova"


"Being a woman means to be able to run away so that you probably caught ..." "They say, old age makes a person wisely: I don't understand how you can love the investigation, if the reason for his disgusting". "In our lucky time, the prostitute is not needed at all, as decent women I will be happy to meet all your desires. "" A woman is so many years old as she looks. "" Laugh is the legal right of those who know how everything was in fact. "" In inexperienced girls you can learn a lot. "" What is love ? This is the madness, over which the mind has no power. This is a disease that a person is susceptible at any age and which is incurable. "" I do not conquer a woman, and I submit to her. "" ... A person who studies attentively will find only weakness in itself. "

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