Group "Crematorium" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Music 2021



The group "Crematorium" is one of the legendary teams that form the basis of the classical Russian rock. Along with the groups "Cinema", "Tea", "Alice", "Nautilus Pompilius" team "Crematorium", or, as they are often called fans, "cream", raised not one generation of lovers of rock music and serious lyrics. And despite the fact that the group there is no longer one decade, the songs "Crematory" and today remain relevant.

History of creation

In 1974, three students of the ordinary Moscow school created a musical group. The newly related team was called "black spots" and performed at school concerts with the compositions of the Soviet pop. Armen Grigoryan became these musicians (subsequently - a permanent leader of the team), Igor Schuldinger and Alexander Sevastyanov.

Armen Grigoryan

Gradually, the repertoire of young rockers changed: Russian-speaking hits changed to imitation of songs of AC / DC groups, Grateful Dead and other foreign rock teams. And even ignorance of English did not stop the musicians - as Armen Grigoryan recalled later, the songs were performed on the "england-like language."

After graduating from school, Rockers did not leave dreams of glory. In 1977, the company supplemented Evgeny Khomyakov, guitarist. The trio turned into a quartet, and "black spots" was transformed into "atmospheric pressure" - this became the new name of the group. The year later, young people even recorded the first album. Unfortunately, this record is not preserved, but after 20 years, the musicians restored some old songs from this collection.


The first concerts were arranged in the town houses of culture and apartments in numerous friends. The group gradually expanded the repertoire and gained experience. And, of course, acquired first fans. In 1983, "atmospheric pressure" gave way to the "crematorium".

The history of the "crematorium" name is perfectly reflected in the book of Vasily Gavrilova "Strawberry with Ice", in which the notorious artist-designer of plates and CDs collected interesting facts about the group and rare photos of the team:

"... The shockful name was born spontaneously. Whether from the philosophical concept of "catharsis", denoting the cleansing of the soul with music and fire, or in the peak of the names of the then official VIA, such as singing, funny, blue and other guitars, and may be thus affected the influence of Nietzsche, Kafka or Edgar Alan on "


The leader of the group, a permanent soloist, the author of the majority of texts and simply a symbol of the Russian rock scene, of course, Armen Grigoryan. The future musician was born on November 24, 1960 in Moscow. As a child, Armen did not differ from the peers - he played football with pleasure, disappeared on the street and not even dreamed of a musician career.

However, in adolescence, Grigoryan began to compose poems and melodies, trying on them to each other. At about the time, the first version of the future team - "black spots" appeared.


The rest of the team constantly changed. According to the memoirs of musicians, the friends of Grigoryan could also play in the group, and random acquaintances, and even almost unfamiliar people, not alien music. For the entire existence, the crematorium team has changed more than 20 musicians.

Now the "crematorium" team consists of a leader and soloist, as well as a guitarist and the author of Armen Grigoryan's songs, Drummer Andrei Yermol, Guitarist Vladimir Kulikova, as well as Maxim Georgers (violin, backing vocals, keys) and Nikolai Korshunova, who plays the double bass and bass guitar.


The first professional album "Krematia" appeared in 1983. The plate received the name "Wine MEMUMARS". However, under one cover fit far from all the compositions written by that time, and the year later the group presented the second album - "Crematorium II".

The beginning of a serious musical career was made, but serious glory was not in a hurry: the collective participants were truly well-known in 1986 due to the next record "Illusory MIR". This album includes the compositions "Strawberry with Ice", "Little girl", "Winged Elephants" and other songs that later became legendary.

The album "Coma", published in 1988, also marked the cult song. We are talking about the composition of the "trash veter", written under the impression of the works of the writer Andrei Platonov. It is noteworthy that it was on this song that the group "Crematorium" removed the first clip.

Also popular was the composition called the "ugly Elsa". It seemed that the increasing popularity should be rally the team and inspire new creative accomplishments. However, passion at that moment was raised in the group: relations between the musicians were smoldered, and soon most of the participants left the team.

Armen Grigoryan understood that it was necessary to continue to move forward. Therefore, soon the leader of the "crematorium" scored a new composition of the musicians and recorded a number of compositions. In 1994, the renewed team took part in the filming of the painting "Tatsu".

This drama Vyacheslav Lagunova talks about Hippie's boyfriend, who went to prison, refusing to renounce his beliefs. The film also starred the Nastya Polev, Margarita Pushkin, Nikita Prozorovsky. Also on the filming, Armen Grigoryan met Vyacheslav Bukharov, who later became the violinist group of "crematorium".

In the late 1990s, the team released several albums, and in 1999 the team went to debut tour abroad. Musicians drove with a tour of the United States, Israel, as well as on European countries and everywhere collected the full halls of admirers of their creativity.

The 2000s began for the "crematorium" from the album "Three sources". The Kathmandu composition, which entered this record, even entered the list of the Soundtracks of the cult painting Alexei Balabanov "Brother-2" with Sergey Bodrov, Viktor Sukhorukov, Darya Yurgens.

And again apparent exterior idyll hides a difficult situation inside the team. Despite the constant tours and the recording of new compositions, the group "Crematorium" again turns out to be on the verge of collapse, and Armen Grigoryan in an interview even hints that there will be no more discs.

Fortunately, this crisis "crematorium" managed to overcome. True, the next record fans waited only in 2008 - then the album "Amsterdam" came out. Immediately after that, the team goes to a long touring tour. Returning, the musicians again declare about creative time-out and stop concerts and work in the studio.


Five years later, the album "Suitcase of the President" was released, which was remembered by the compositions of the "City of the Sun", "on the other side of the evil", "Legion". And in 2016, the team again pleased the listeners with new songs, published under the cover of the next record "Krematia", called the "Invisible People".

Group "Crematorium" now

In November 2018, the Krematorium team will celebrate the next anniversary - the group will be 35 years old. The main surprises that the team participants were prepared for students and fans, while holding secret, but something has already become known.

Now the musicians collect rare and unknown photos for photobooks about the history of the group "Crematorium". On its official website, the group appealed to the fan community with a request to send pictures from concerts, autograph sessions and departments.


Obviously, the project will be truly interesting. Also, the musicians collect artifacts that have survived from fans: posters, tickets and publications. Each fan will be able to participate in creating a book.

But about the timing (and the fact of the fact) of the release of the next plate so far there is no information, however, they can be followed by the news on the group's plans on the official website of the Krematorium, as well as on fan pages in "Instagram" and other social networks.


  • 1983 - "Wine Memoirs"
  • 1984 - "Crematorium II"
  • 1986 - "Illusory MIR"
  • 1988 - "Coma"
  • 1989 - "Strawberry with Ice"
  • 1991 - Zombie
  • 1994 - "Tango on the Cloud"
  • 1995 - "Tequila Dreams"
  • 1996 - "Micronesia"
  • 1996 - "Giantia"
  • 1997 - "Botany"
  • 2000 - "Three sources"
  • 2002 - "Mythology"
  • 2008 - Amsterdam
  • 2013 - "Suitcase of the President"
  • 2016 - "Invisible People"


  • "Refuge"
  • "The last chance"
  • "Dustworn Wind"
  • "Little girl"
  • "White pillars"
  • "Kathmandu"
  • "Tango on the cloud"
  • "Amsterdam"
  • "Romeo and Juliet"

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