Super High - Character Biography, Appearance and Character, Quotes


Character History

Traditionally, men are in the guise of superheroes, they are men, but periodically the authors of the comic book "DC" make exceptions and bring to the light of representatives of the fine sex. Among them is a superwoman, a wonder-woman and super high. The latter was created by Binder and ELO plate. The first appearance of the heroine took place in the summer of 1958 on the pages of the comic book about Superman. The cousin of the idol of many generations has enviable forces and superconductances, and also often becomes the main acting person in animated films and TV projects.

History of creation

The character has repeatedly subjected to modernization during the existence in the fictional Universe "DC". Its biography transformed, the image changed, and the variations often confused spectators and readers. In the image of the authentic superhigh appeared Kara Zor-em. The daughter of Uncle Superman, she was older than a superhero relative, but due to the features of existence on the planet Earth found the image of the younger sister. The girl was placed in the boarding school for training. Then she became a member of the superhero league, designed to protect the Earth from the attacks of enemies. When performing a task in one of the secret missions, the superhigh died on endless lands.


The comic heroes are often resurrected, and in 2004 Kara Zor-El became the keeper of the city of Kandor, placed in a bottle in the fortress of Superman. The next Kara Zor-El turned out to be militant and brutal predecessors. It conflicted with a superman and a superbone and entered into a group of the housing of the red lanterns, fastened with aggressive energy. Under the leadership of the girl, new participants appealed to monsters.

In the absence of the super highlight, the world supported the matrix created by Lex Luther. Like the first beloved superman, she had fantastic abilities and was in love with the creator.

Super high and superman

The smallest fame is the super highlight named Sir-El, which was from the future. Simple mortal has become a victim of uncrowable peripetias and temporary movements. In contrast, the embodiment of superheroid in the appearance of Power Görl did not differ heroic actions. The girl wore a sexual uniform, which was remembered by the public. Power Görl is a super-walled superman's cousin.

Biography, strength, enemies and allies

All variations of the fictional biography of the supergirls converge in the fact that she was a superman's sister. The girl was born on the planet Krypton in the city of Argo. In view of the predictions about the death of Crypton, the parents of the SuperGurm decided to send the daughter to Earth. The capsule with a girl was lost in the cryptonite flow during the explosion of the planet, and the super highlight landed on Earth after 18 years. All this time, her appearance did not change, so the outrageous superman looks much older sister. Together with Batman, he found a capsule with a relative and took the girl under his custody.

Super home in comic books

Superman taught a relative to control the strength and sent it to the Amazons to hone military craftsmanship. During the diverse Peripetias, the SuperGerl was in the power of Darkside and the parties of evil, but managed to return to Earth and become himself. The girl acquired an attractive suit and worked independently as long as she was not invited to the league of equity. In the era of the endless crisis, she moved to the future, and then returned to the past. Return to Earth happened during the Third World War after the death of the Superboy.

Having decided to become an ordinary woman, the super-brace took the pseudonym Claire Connors, bought an apartment and became a simple schoolgirl. At 17, Kara joined the gang of outsiders and fell in love with Nigving. Together with his brother, she returned his own planet to his life, having riding her from the power of Brainniak. The girl flew home and reunited with his family. When attacking the reacton to Crypton, by the decree of the United States, the father was killed by the Father SuperGur. She had to stay with his mother in his homeland, choosing the guild of science for self-realization.

Super Highland and Northwin

The girl has unsurpassed abilities. It has a huge force, although she does not immediately cope with her. The organism of the heroine is fed from yellow sunlight, giving energy and increasing the reserves. Super home is surrounded by a bioelectric field, so the impact on her body does not bring the girl RAS or injuries. The invulnerability allows the heroine to be resistant to the temperature attack and omega-rays, and heavy loads super highways withstand up to two weeks with good energy reserve. She sleeps and eats only because it needs people around her. Habit was gained on Earth.

The effort of the will raises the superhigh into the air and allows you to fly, maneuvering in the sky at speeds exceeding the speed of light. In its arsenal - thermal vision, wrapping, super-drying, supercitness with respect to spiritual features, super-conjunction and increased immunity. The girl's body is capable of growing crystals and unstable to the effect of cryptonite.

Poison ivy

In addition to congenital forces, the superhigh has acquired skills, among which the workshop is making a hand-to-hand combat, linguistic skills, the highest level of intelligence. The girl is friendly and good-natured in relation to loved ones. Among her friends Lois Lane and Stephanie Brown, Tara Ak-Var and Demian Wayne. Among the worst enemies - poisonous ivy, Lex Luthor, Darkside, Brainnik and others.


Super home has repeatedly appeared on television screens. The series "Secrets Smallville" demonstrated this character as one of the main actors in the seventh season. The role was performed by Laura Vandervurt.

Laura Vandervurt in the image SuperGur

Melissa Benoist embodied the super highlights in 2015 in a personal television series about a fantastic heroine. Together with her, other unusual characters appeared in a multi-ribbon, for example, Montel, Prince of the Planet Daks, which Chris Wood played. The role of Leslie Willis, which turned into live electricity on the nicknamed Lyivar, performed Brit Morgan.

Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer, in which the Perekiler Lee and Florian Lima, - Couple, who had used special interest and spectators. Superman under the cover of the journalistic image Clark Kent presented Tyler Hecklin. Young actors were convincing in the frame and submitted to the public of their favorite heroes in an attractive light, so the series enjoyed great loves to the audience. Voice of the series was engaged in the company "Jusker"

Melissa Benoyst in the image of SuperGur

According to the plot of the series, the super-brace is a love relationship with simple mortal James Olsen, the head of Catco Worldwide Media. Kara and James are in relationships, but periodically tear the bonds. This leitmotif will fire the love line of Superman and his chosen, emphasizing related links between cryptonian heroes

The cryptonian appeared in the episodes of the TV series "Flash", including the crossover, "boom" and "legends of tomorrow". The next crossover, prepared on the basis of the comic "crisis on Earth X" tells about combating the racial of the detrotor.

Helen Slater in the image SuperGur

In 1984, a full-way picture dedicated to the super highlight was removed. In the film "Superdevushka" starred Helen Slater.

Kristen Bell was embodied in the frame of Superman's sister in 2013 in the Ribe "Movie 43".

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