Jeff Goldblum - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The American actor Jeff Goldblyuma filmography has exceeded hundred paintings. Nominee for the Oscar and Emmy premiums, the owner of Saturn for the role in Horror "Muha" has earned the status of Hollywood Star. He remembered the audience with bright work in star projects "Independence Day", "Park of the Jurassic period", "Great disappointment", "The project" Yeltsin ".

Jeff Goldblum in 2018

The Hollywood Star, in October 2017, celebrated the 65th anniversary, and today pleases fans by the appearance in star projects. In the summer of 2018, Goldblum appeared in the fifth film of the fantastic series "The Park of the Jurassic Period".

Childhood and youth

The future actor of Hollywood was born in the US state of Pennsylvania. Childhood and youth Jeffrey Linna passed in Pittsburgh. Goldblum was brought up in the family of orthodox Jews, he received religious education, together with his parents attended Synagogue and at 13, reached the mines of Judaism of the majority, passed the rite of Bar Mitzva.

Actor Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldbluma has Slavic roots. Grandfather's grandfather - an emigrant from the Belarusian town of Timkovichi. In America, Joseph Cookier arrived in 1911 and soon changed the surname to Goldblum. Grandmother Lillian Levenon also moved to the USA from Russia. The ancestor by Mother - Grandfather Samuel Temeles - Rod from Zolocheva Lviv region, immigrated to America in 1910.

Mom Goldblyuma - Shirley Temeles - Born in the United States. In his youth, he worked as a speaker on the radio, then organized his business - a firm selling kitchen equipment. Father actor - Harold Goldblum - therapist.

Jeff Goldblum in youth

Jeff Goldblum grew in a friendly and noisy family, where, besides him, Sister Pamela and Lie Brothers and Rick were adjusted. Parents were interested in the theater and cinema, passing the creative beginning and Jeffrey. The boy since childhood dreamed of becoming an artist, copied stars of show business, learned to play piano and from grade 5 participated in school theatrical performances.

In 15 years, Jeff Goldblum went to the University of Carnegie Melon and signed up for drama courses. In 17 moved to New York, where broader prospects for acting career were opened.

Jeff Goldblum

The acting skills of Jeff improved on the dramatic faculty of the NEIGHBORHOOD Playhouse Theater School under the beginning of the student of the famous Strasberg - Sanford Maisner.

The novice actor was taken to the Broadway Public Theater in the troupe, and in early 1970s he made his debut in the musical at the motives of the Shakespiest Plays "Two Veronatsa". Goldblum showed himself as a talented jazz pianist. Later, the actor admitted that if it were not for success in acting, would be a musician.


The cinematic biography of Jeff started in the mid-1970s. Like many colleagues, he started with episodes. Debuted in the detective "Thirst of Death" in the role of Crank №1. Then starred in the Comedy "California Poker" and the musical "Nashville", in which he called director Robert Oolman called.

On the shooting of the horror movie "Watch" met with Chris Sarandon and Avoi Gardner. In the same 1977 appeared in the episode of the romantic comedy Woody Allen "Annie Hall", where Allen and Oscar-free Diane Kyton played the main roles.

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Large roles Jeff Goldblum began to trust in the 1980s. In the drama of Lawrence Cezdan "Big Disappointment", which fell into the "Oscar" nomination, played the bright role of Michael Gold, appearing in the frames with Hollywood stars Tom Berenger and Glenn Clouz.

In the mid-1980s, Caezdan again called Goldblum to his project - Western "Silveraudo" with Kevin Costner and Rosana Arquette. The tape received 2 nominations on the main film film and entered the top 100 of the best Westerns according to IMDB.

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The taste of glory felt felt in 1986, when science fantastic horror "Fly" stars of independent cinema David Kronenberg came to the screens. The director entrusted the 34-year-old artist, the main role - the scholar Seta Brandla, who brought him the American Prize "Saturn".

After 2 years, the star entrusted a key role in the sparkling musical comedy "Earth girls is easily accessible." On the shooting area, Goldblum met again with Gina Davis, with which he starred in Fly.

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In the early 1990s, Jeff Goldblums marked in key roles horror "Mr. Frost" and a gangster thriller "under cover". But the highest success was brought the projects of the "Jurassic Park" of the brilliant Stephen Spielberg and "Independence Day".

In the first film, the audience saw an artist in the image of Mathematics Yana Malcolm. The picture was tremended by prestigious prizes, including three "Oscars". In 1997, Spielberg removed the continuation of the story about the park with cloned dinosaurs and again called Jeff.

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For work in the film-catastrophe "Independence Day" Goldblum and Will Smith nominated for the Saturn Prize. In the early 2000s, the fans saw the Hollywood star in the police drama-procedure of Dick Wulf "Law and Order: Criminal Intention", Comedy "Project" Yeltsin "and Series Sitkom" Friends ".

In 2006, the premiere of the Comedy Barry Levinson "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams and Christopher Wacken starred. Jeff played Stewart. And in 2010, Goldblum appeared in a sparkling comedy "more than a friend" with Jennifer Aniston.

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In 2014, the artist was pleased with the fans of a bright role in the tragicomedy "Hotel" Grand Budapest ". The premiere of the tape took place in February at the Berlin Film Festival and caused a flurry of approving reviews. Kopnopress called the painting in the top 10 films of the year. Jeff Goldblum demonstrated a 100 percent in the image in the role of an attorney.

And in 2016, the fans saw the continuation of the film "Independence Day", whose director spoke Roland Emmerich.

Personal life

Hollywood actor visited married three times. For six years, he lived in a pair with a colleague Patricia Gow, but the Union broke out because of the feeling of the feeling for Gine Davis. With beauty, Jeff met on the set of "Flies".

Jeff Goldblum and Gina Davis

Jina's stormy novel and Jeffrey caught fire brightly, but went out after 3 years: spouses divorced in the 1990s. Goldblum and Davis broke up with friends and continue to communicate.

In winter, 2014, the actor led to the crown of Emily Livingston. Emily is not related to cinema, she is a gymnast. A couple of 3 years checked feelings before getting married. On the wedding day, Emily pleased Jeff news about pregnancy. In the summer of next year, Goldblum became his father - the 63-year-old actor was born firstborn Charlie Oven.

After 2 years, in April, the spouse again instilled jeff - gave birth to a second child. The boy called River Joe. The joyful news of Emily shared with subscribers in "Instagram".

Jeff Goldblum told reporters that she nourishes particularly warm feelings to the homeland of the ancestors - Russia - and dreams of playing in the Russian film project.

Jeff Goldblum now

In 2017, a star actor was pleased with the fans by the appearance in the continuation of the fantastic adventure militant "Guardians of the Galaxy," where Grandmaster played (the role of Kameo), and in Road Movie "Thor: Ragnarec". In the last project, Goldblums again appeared in the Character of Comics "Marvel" - Gladiator Grandmaster.

For the summer of 2018, the outlet of the fantastic militant "World of Jurassic 2", the fifth in the series, where Goldblum again took the role of Dr. Malcolm.

Another project of the year, in which the star of impressive growth will appear (1.94 m) - Thriller of the British director Drew Pierce "Hotel Artemis. The actor shared the news with the half-million army of Instagram subscribers.


  • 1975 - "Nashville"
  • 1977 - "Annie Hall"
  • 1983 - "Big Disappointment"
  • 1986 - "Fly"
  • 1988 - "Earth girls are easily accessible"
  • 1993 - "Jurassic Park"
  • 1996 - "Independence Day"
  • 1997 - "Jurassic Park 2: Lost World"
  • 2001 - "Law and Order: Criminal Intention"
  • 2003 - "Project" Yeltsin ""
  • 2014 - "Hotel" Grand Budapest "»
  • 2016 - "Independence Day: Revival"
  • 2017 - "Guardians of the Galaxy. Part 2"
  • 2017 - "Tor: Ragnaret"
  • 2018 - "The World of Jurassic 2"

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