Andrey Kurbsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Ivan Grozny



The question of the role of Andrei Kurbsky in Russian history is even now open. The voyage with the same frequency is called a fighter with tyranny and the traitor of the king. A close supporter of Ivan Grozny left Rus, but, wanting to cross the ruler, I gleamed that letters even received a response message.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Mikhailovich is the eldest son in the family of Mikhail Mikhailovich and Maria Mikhailovna Kurbskie. A married couple was considered an approximate king, but because of the permanent intrigues around the throne did not use the mercy of the ruler. Therefore, despite the rich pedigree, the famous surname did not become a guarantor of secured life.

Information about youth and adolescence of Kurbsky has not been preserved. It is only known that soon after the birth of Andrei in the family, two more children appeared - the brothers Ivan and Roman. Even the birthday of Boyarina (1528) became public domain thanks to Andrei Mikhailovich himself. The man mentioned a significant event in one of its own essays.

Politics and military campaigns

Detailed biography of Kourby is known from 21 years. A young man showed himself an excellent strategist when taking Kazan in 1549. The bold young man attracted the attention of Ivan the Terrible. In addition to military merit, the king and boyarin Rodnil age. The sovereign was the younger Kourbi for only 2 years, so men easily found common interests.

Over the next three years, Andrei from the ordinary steel stolnik reached the title of governor. Full trust of Kurbsky receives after the victory over Khan Lartlet Gyrey in 1552. The king was particularly impressed that, despite the wound, the young hero was again sat down on the horse 8 days after severe injury.

It is not surprising that soon Kurbsky receives an invitation to join the elected Rada collected by Ivan Grozny to discuss political issues. Along with Adshev and Sylvester, the boyar helps the king to solve complex situations and decide on the course of the board.

The tension in relations with the state truck was outlined after the victories of Andrei Mikhailovich in the Livonian War. The views of Ivan the Terrible on the approximate changed dramatically. Achievements and merits stopped playing values, and to avoid opals, Kurbatov fled to Lithuania.

The true cause of escape is not installed. Contemporaries put forward two versions: Kurbatov was afraid for his own life or succumbed to the persuasion of the king of Sigismund-August, who dreamed of remarring the commander. Soon after the emigration of Kurbatov replenished the ranks of Lithuanian military leaders and even spoke on the side of the enemy against old comrades.

In a reward for treason, the Lithuanian King is awarded by Andrei Mikhailovich by the city of the jet and the estate adjacent to it. Kurbsky receives a new coat of arms Levart, on whose flag is depicted by a cheetah with a raised paw.

To dispel the longing of the homeland, a man is adopted for transfers of philosophical works. In addition to the study of the worldview of the ancients, Andrei Mikhailovich writes a letter to the former friend - Ivan Grozny. Men discussed the views on the socio-political problems and the future of the country, but did not come to a common opinion.

Under the impression of the activities of Maxim Grek, Kurbsky creates several treatises reflecting the views of the boyars on the state of the state. The former approximate king sends business letters, where his own vision expresses. In letters and messages of the Voivode appeases a fighter with tyranny and an indulgence of the insane king.

Personal life

The name of the first wife Andrei Mikhailovich, alas, not survived. It is known that when shooting from Russia, the boyar was forced to leave his beloved with his own relatives. Together with his wife, a man threw a nine-year-old son.

All the anger of Ivan the Terrible on the close approximate was collapsed on his native traitor. Mother, Child and Kurbsky's spouse sharpened in the fortress, where the latter died "from longing." The fate of the Senior Sibling of Andrei Mikhailovich is covered by a secret, and later became an object for various historical speculation.

The second marriage of Kurbsky was already on the territory of Lithuania. The new beloved of the former governor was called Maria Yuryevna Golzhanskaya. The woman came from an influential kind, which had an influence on the king. Durable this union is only the fact that Mary has already managed to become a widow and give birth to two sons who adopted the news about the new marriage of the mother aggressively.

The first few years of the relationship of spouses were in the best way, but after Andrei Mikhailovich cooled to Mary, the family mired in scandals. The proceedings (physical and property) reached the king, which decided to finish the scandals and divorce spouses. In 1578, after a long section of the property, a marriage process took place.

And after a year, Andrei Kurbsky married Alexander Semashko. Soon after the wedding, the spouses born the son of Dmitry and the daughter of Marina. The only thing that crumbled the third marriage of a man, - Maria Golzhanskaya, who did not suit the Terminal Terms. She still demanded land from the former husband and uttered a man in every way.


The last years of the life of the political figure and the former assistant Ivan Grozny passed in litigation. In addition to the Golzhanskaya, suddenly wished to declare the third marriage of Kurbsky illegal, Andrei Mikhailovich fought in court with their neighbors. Pan Kraschelsky, who owed the Money, refused to return debt. The proceedings that were transferred to the courtroom did not give results. Permanent clashes and scandals are pretty tired Andrei Mikhailovich.

A man died in his own bed in the castle of Kovel. The death of the former boyar rank between 2-23 of May 1583. The funeral was held on the territory of the monastery of the Holy Trinity. The body of the Kourbi was buried in his legs at his confessor, Alexander's father. Find the burial to compile a genuine portrait of the governor, archaeologists failed.


The era of Ivan Grozny cannot but cause the interest of subsequent generations. This difficult time written books, a lot of films and TV shows, both documentary and artistic were written.

Konstantin Kryukov as Andrei Kurbsky

One of the most notable projects was the series "Grozny", published in 2020. The role of Ivan Grozny was divided by Alexander Yatsenko and Sergey Makovetsky, and the image of Andrei Kurbsky embodied the actor Konstantin Kryukov. Arthur Ivanov, Vitaly Khaev, Lyudmila Polyakova and other actors were also filmed in the series.


  • 1564-1679 - "Four letters to Ivan Grozny"
  • 1581-1583 - "The story of the KN. Veliky Moscow about the priest, Like with a hearing of reliable husbands and the videos of our eyes, "
  • 1586 - "Tale about logic" (first edition)
  • 1586 - "From other dialectics of John Spangeinberger about Sologism pushed" (first edition)

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