Nikki Haley - biography, photo, personal life, news, performances 2021



The main opponent of Russian diplomats in UN Security Council - Nikki Haley - more than once fell into curious situations. But, like any diplomat, a woman with brilliance can find a way out. The female charm helps an American to speak on equals with opponents in the world of men politicians.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the US representative in the UN Nikki Haley begins in South Carolina, where a girl was born in the Sikh family on January 20, 1972. Parents of the future policy immigrated to the country from the Indian state of Punjab.

Nikki Haley

By nationality, Mrs. Halei is not a purebred American. In addition, the name of the woman is Nimrat, and the name in Maiden - Randhava. Since the daughter's daughter since childhood was called a gentle-second name - Nikki, subsequently it became familiar to the policy.

The Randhaw family is large enough. In addition to Nikki, parents brought up two sons and another daughter. The girl received an excellent education, graduating from the middle private school in Ordzhburg, who is preparing graduates to a college. After that, he received a bachelor's degree in Accounting at the University of Clemons.

Nikki Haley in childhood and youth with her family

The graduate got a job in the company that was engaged in the disposal of waste. Having worked there for several years and taking experience, the girl decided to go to the position of commercial director to the company of his own mother, producing the clothes of the highest quality.

Soon a small family company rose to impressive sizes and began to bring excellent profits. Since 1998, the career Nikki Haley in the economic sphere is inexorably going up.

Nikki Haley in youth

The commercial director receives appointment to the board of directors first Ordzhburg, and then Lexington. In 2004, it becomes president of the National Association of Women's Entrepreneurs.

In addition to business and business, pays time for social work and charity. Supports medical funds and sheriff funds.


The first steps on the political arena were made by Haley in 2004, when a woman was elected to the House of Representatives of the Native State. Subsequently, he was successfully re-elected to the post twice, by the results of the vote of rivals.

Nikki Haley - a representative of the Republican Party of the United States. The staff of representatives of the state was the secretary of the committees regulating the medical, military, state and municipal sphere.

Politician Nikki Haley

As a politician, the American Indian origin sharply opposes abortions. A woman believes that even a unborn child has the right to life. In this regard, voted and supported projects against abortion.

A supporter of the draft law, according to which, after an ultrasound, diagnosing conception, a decision on the preservation or interruption of pregnancy, a woman can only be done 24 hours after 24 hours, thereby preserving the opportunity to think about the result.

Nikki Haley

In addition, she is the author of the idea of ​​the wage of school teachers, focused not only on experience and qualifications of the latter, but also on the system of evaluating work by schoolchildren, parents and heads of educational institution.

In 2010, he put forward a candidate to the place of the governor of South Carolina and again bypassed the voting of rivals-Democrats. In 2014, re-elected to this post. In 2016, American woman was honored to receive an offer from Donald Trump to take the place of the US representative to the UN. At the end of January 2017, Hale's candidacy approved by Senate almost unanimously.

Nikki Haley and Donald Trump

Being an ambassador in the United Nations Soviet, a woman speaks against world politics of the Russian Federation. The negative attitude towards Russia, to the President of the country V. V. Putin, clearly slipped in each performance postprace.

Open controversy and confrontation began in the conservation between Haley and Persons of the Russian Federation in the UN, Vitaly Churkin, continued after appointing a position with Vasily Sneven. The Russian side, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, does not carely consider Hayley Russophob.

Nikki Haley and Vasily Nebby

Speaking with statements regarding the position of the United States in the strategic issues of world politics, Haley often admits behind the lack of an insufficient evidence based on accusation. Most often, the country's claims are directed towards the Russian Federation supporting the Assad regime in Syria. In addition, it was sharply expressed about the situation in Ukraine and the inaction of the UN at the invasion of Russia into the territory of the Crimea. In addition to the Russian Federation, confrontation is directed towards the DPRK.

Personal life

Since September 1996, a happy woman in marriage with his wife Michael Haley. Husband politics - Federal employee of the Military Ministries.

It is noteworthy that Nikki Halee does not forget about Sikh roots and respectfully refers to the religion of parents. Calculating himself to Christianity, nevertheless hesitate the ski rites. The wedding ceremony of spouses passed on the traditions of both denominations. A couple have two children - Rena daughter and Son Nain.

Nikki Haley with her husband and children

The appearance of a woman clearly testifies to the presence of Indian blood. Nikki Haley - a pleasant and smiling American average (growth policy - 173 cm with weight 60 kg). Looking at her, it is not possible to make a conclusion about the ability to enter into fervor political disputes.

Politician is an active user of social networks. On official pages in "Instagram", "Twitter" and "Facebook", photos and videos containing interviews and speeches of Haley have regularly appear regularly.

Nikki Haley now

In 2018, Haley continues to represent the country in the UN Secretary Council, promoting the position of the authorities in world issues.

In April 2018, Heili made a statement on the introduction of another package of sanctions directed against the Russian Federation in connection with the situation in Syria.

Nikki Haley in 2018

At the same time, the President of the states played with the opposite position as to the fact that the country will refrain from the introduction of restrictions. A member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the President did not fail to note the inaccuracy of the information declared on the global tribune.

Haley, not embarrassed, confirmed its confidence in the position expressed. True later, in an interview, the woman recognized that he was misled by the assistant. Similar careless statements, meanwhile, are serious, and Halei can be dismissed, allowing the repetition of the current situation.

Nikki Haley in the UN

The US State Department, taking advantage of the information that information corresponding to the country's policies falls into the UN, put forward a proposal on the obligatory preliminary discussion and coordination of all the speeches of the ambassador. By the way, Donald Trump is a little after appointing a policy allowed himself to joke on the fact that it will not pay and will not suffer if Heiley leaves the post.

The curious situation around Halee developed at the end of 2017, when the postpone's telephone conversation and Pranckers of Vovan and Lexus had come to the network. Internet humorists contacted a politician, introducing himself to the Polish Prime Minister.

Kiss Nikki Haley and Vasily Nebsenzi

With all the seriousness, young people in a conversation asked the position of the states regarding the island of Binomo and the struggle for the independence of his citizens. Haley was not confused and assured that the United States is aware of what is happening and keep the hand on the pulse. The problem is that there is no such island on the world map, what a woman clearly did not know about.

The welcome buddy kiss of Vasily Nebenzi and Nikki Haley, who came to the photo reporters and published on the net was also actively discussed. He commented in heavenly that, despite the hot diplomatic controversy, human relations of political opponents are very friendly.

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