Mikhail Shemyakin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Pictures 2021



Mikhail Shemyakin - Soviet, American and Russian artist, sculptor. Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria and Adygea, Honorary Doctor of Universities in Europe, America and Russia. Forced to emigrate under the threat of criminal prosecution in the early 1970s, a talented failure with a diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia" conquered Europe and America, becoming the most famous artist of modernity.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin was born in the Russian capital in May 1943. Artist's Kabardian roots: Father, early Osapotev, got the surname Shemyakin from the stepfather. His native father belonged to the ancient Kabardino-Balkan family of Kardanov. The artist's mom is an actress of Yulia Forerotcheskaya - noble roots. Grandfather Shemyakina by Mother is a graduate of the Marine Engineering School in Kronstadt. According to the artist, his grandfathers "were shot and buried in the Ukrundira."

Artist Mikhail Shemyakin

Yulia Nikolaevna, during the war of war, moved from his native Leningrad to Moscow and who worked in the theater on Taganka, gave birth to a son from the second husband, Colonel Shemyakina. Soon after the birth of the firstborn, the woman moved to her husband appointed by the commander of the cities of East Germany. Up to 14 years old Mikhail Shemyakin grew up in the GDR.

In 1957, the family returned to Leningrad. Settled in a communal from 38 rooms. Misha with mom, father and aunts lived in one of the rooms. Father, a personnel military, dreamed of sibling the same fate, but Shemyakin Jr. was delirden by art, which was rejoiced by Mama actress. In Germany, the teenager examined the albums with pictures of Van Gogh, Jerome Bosch and Gaugaen fields.

Mikhail Shemyakin in childhood

Soon, his father left the family and left for the Krasnodar region, and the young Mikhail Shemyakina, overnight drawn illustrations for the Pushkin fairy tale about Tsar Saltan, enrolled on the 2nd course of the Central Art School at the Institute of Painting. I. E. Repin.

Shemyakin studied for 4 years: the student was expelled for the "aesthetic corruption of fellow students." Mikhail generously shared with colleagues knowledge about Western art, asked for books forbidden in the Union. In 1961, denunciations in the KGB put the point in education.

Mikhail Shemyakin in youth

A dark strip of biography followed. To survive, Mikhail Shemyakin was taken for any job: worked with a black-upper, postman, a wrapper, a rigger in the Hermitage. At night, I copied the canvas of ancient masters, experimented.

Friends visited the former classmate, which did not like the neighbors on a communal service. The next denunciation in the KGB and the challenge "on the conversation" ended for Shemyakina. Veshversno: asking the artist about God and Devil, he was sent to a psychiatric clinic. A diagnosis was diagnosed in the medical record: "sluggish schizophrenia."

Mikhail Shemyakin

For half a year of injections and tablets almost turned the artist into a disabled person. The first "exhibition" of the work took place in the clinic: the attending doctor of Shemyakina showed students to student trains illustrations for the works of Maurice Droon. Thus, the psychiatrist "illustrated" the course of schizophrenia at the ward.

Mother's efforts Mikhail left the clinic walls. After "treatment", he had allergies to paint, nightmarish dreams were tormented at night. For two years, the artist returned to normal life in the mountains of Abkhazia.


The desire to be closer to the art again led Mikhail Shemyakin to the Hermitage, where he got a handyman. Worked in a brigade, where two thirds of colleagues were the same unrecognized artists.

Mikhail Shemyakin and Yuri Lots

In 1962, the first exhibition of Schemyakin's paintings was held, which the Leningrad magazine "Star" was organized. Yuri Lyubimov, Mstislav Rostropovich, Mstislav Rostropovich, Mstislav Rostropovich, Alfred Schnitka, St. Petersburg intelligentsia. After 2 years, the exhibition of works of the workers of the Hermitage was made by the director, for which everything was paid - and the leadership, and the unrecognized artists themselves.

Mikhail Shemyakin remained without work again, survived several searches, during which the reproductions of religious themes, prohibited books, mother letters. The unemployed threatened to send from the city for Tunes.

Mikhail Shemyakin and Vladimir Vysotsky

In 1967, Shemyakin organized the artistic group "Petersburg". In Tandem with the philosopher, Vladimir Ivanov, he took up the search for new forms of icon painting. 2 years was a novice in the men's Pskovo-Pechersk monastery. The exhibitions of Mikhail's paintings in the style of the underground annoyed and the authorities and colleagues who worked in the traditional, permanent framework.

Works Mikhail Shemyakina became interested in the West. Daughter of emigrants, galleryist Dina Verney, helped emigrate the spouse of the artist, with which he pre-divorced. Soon shemyakin followed his wife and daughter. He was sent to emigration, not allowing you to take even a small suitcase with things.

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In Paris, Mikhail met relatives and returns. In France, the new life of the artist began, initially difficult and on the verge of poverty. Friends helped find an angle in the abandoned billiard club. But Shemyakin enjoyed freedom, he read the prohibited books, studied West art and painted.

Series of work "Carnavals of St. Petersburg", "Metaphysical Heads", "Paris" brought Mikhail Shemyakin to Mikhail Slava. With the paintings of the Russian master, the Europeans met at the exhibition organized by the designer Jean-Claude Gobere in the mid-1970s. Orders, contracts fell on the masters as out of abundance horns. Those who wish to buy his paintings built in line.

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Soon the cultural environment of Paris seemed to Mikhail Shemyakin boring. He worked without tired - painted, sculptured sculpture, published the Almans "Apollo", opening the West the names of Russian avant-gardeists and impressionists. But France more and more "gave" the artist of small-piece and fastened peace. Having been in New York, Shemyakin got into his native element: felt a mad pace of life and got into the thick of the world creative workshop.

In the early 1980s, Mikhail Shemyakin moved to the United States and adopted citizenship. The family preferred warm and calm Greece. The first years, the master dwells in Soho, in the mid-80s, the new York art bohemian turned into Mecca.

House Mikhail Shemyakina in Chateau de Chamusso, France

After 8 years, Shemyakin acquired an abandoned castle in two hours from a raging city, in Cleavera. Posted in spacious rooms sculptural and art workshops. Soon he became a valid member of the New York Academy of Sciences and Academician of Arts of Europe. In Russia, Mikhail Shemyakin met in the late 1980s with a multifaceted work of Mikhail Shemyakin.

Personal life

The first spouse of Rebekka Modfa Right from Leningrad, an artist and sculptor. Marriage with Shemyakin was for her third. In 1964 she gave birth to her daughter Dorota Shemyakin. The daughter went in the footsteps of the parents and became an artist, book schedule.

Mikhail Shemyakin and his wife Sarah de Kay

With the second wife - the translator Sarah de Kay - the artist met for friendship with Vladimir Vysotsky. Sarah translated the American film about the Soviet Barda. She was recommended to contact a friend of Vysotsky.

According to Shemyakin, the woman took the recommendation literally and tied life with him. Together couple more than 20 years.

Shrama Mikhail Shemyakina

Scars on the face and body of Mikhail Shemyakina, according to him, became the result of burning injury on the foundry factory. It is rumored that the artist inflicted the wounds itself under the influence of alcohol.

Galifa, boots and caps have become a "branded" clothes Shemyakin, but he explains their wearing household and physiological causes. The visor caps makes sick eyes from the light, and high boots protect from snakes, which a lot in the French village, where the master lives the last 25 years.

Mikhail Shemyakin now

In Russia, the artist and sculptor happens often. According to his confession - lives in the plane. Almost all Matra projects are carried out in Moscow and St. Petersburg. He draws up performances, organizes artistic and sculptural exhibitions, builds monuments.

Sculptor Mikhail Shemyakina "Tsar's Walk"

Shemakina multifaceted talent. The monument to Peter I was working as a master in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In the costumes drawn by the artist for the ballet "Nutcracker", the artists of "Mariins" are performing. Jewelry, invented by the artist, embodied Sasonko's jewelry house.

Mikhail Shemyakin in 2018

Mikhail Shemyakina, who calls the sleep with an unjustified luxury, there is enough time to draw the canvas, organize musical festivals, filming in TV projects and even invent Christmas toys.

In "Instagram" there is a page of St. Petersburg Center Mikhail Shemyakina, where events with his participation are announced.


  • 1971 - awarded a medal at the competition book in Venice for illustrations to the collection "Classical Spanish epigram"
  • 1984 - awarded the honorary doctoral degree of the University of San Francisco
  • 1987 - Honorary Doctoral Degree of the European Academy of Arts of France
  • 1989 - Cedar Cerest College Celebration Celebration, Allentown, Piece. Pennsylvania
  • 1993 - State Prize in the field of literature and art by decree of the President of Russia B. Yeltsin
  • 1994 - Order "Cavalier of Arts and Literature" of the Ministry of Culture of France
  • 1996 - Honorary Doctoral degrees: Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU; Moscow) and University of Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik
  • 1997 - Presidential Prize
  • 1998 - Gold Medal "Decent" Russian Academy of Arts
  • 2001 - Golden Sofit Prize - as the best theatrical artist of 2001 (St. Petersburg)
  • 2001 - Petropol Prize for a unique contribution to the culture of St. Petersburg
  • 2002 - the winner of the Golden Mask Prize in the nomination "The best work of the artist in the music theater" (for the play "Nutcracker" in the Mariinsky Theater)
  • 2002 - Special Prize "Baltika" for the best author's work in the theater (St. Petersburg)
  • 2009 - Order of Friendship
  • 2018 - the breast sign of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "For the contribution to Russian culture"

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