Olivia Mann - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Nature awarded Olivia Mann by colorful appearance and numerous talents. A woman managed to make a career in different directions - she and a successful model, and a journalist, and a Hollywood actress.

Childhood and youth

Liza Olivia was born in America, in a quiet and cozy Oklahoma. Parents gave the girl a double name, only at the peak of the career actress reduced him to one. Mom got Chinese roots, and from the father of German and Irish. Childhood flew in Japan, where the new husband's husband was sent to serve, but mostly the family lived in Tokyo.

Actress Olivia Mann.

From the Early Years, Olivia Mann showed an acting ability, which shaded unusual appearance and charismaticity, so the directors of local theaters were enjoyed it in their production. And the mature girl was welcomed in circles of the model business.

Olivia eared school in his homeland: Mother once again divorced and decided to return from Japan to Oklahoma. Here, the future actress has mastered two specialties at the university - journalism and Japanese theater art. However, it did not want to work for the selected professions at home. The girl was maniling the world of movies and television, so he went to torture happiness in Los Angeles.

Model Olivia Mann in a swimsuit

In the city of Dream, good luck in the city, Olivia was taken by an observer of sports events on Fox TV channel. I had to get acquainted with the peculiarities of football and women's basketball, but the girl did not imbued with this boring theme for her.

In the future, Mann decorated the G4 channel, convincing producers to cope with the role of the ATTACK OF THE SHOW's leading show. Television drivers were not sure that the journalist decently disassembled in the games, but made a mistake. Olivia four years shared with audience knowledge in the field of the gaming industry.


Working on television, Olivia Mann did not part with the dream to get a role in movies. And soon such a proposal came. The debut exit to the movie screens happened in 2004 - the girl starred in the horror movie "Anger scarecrow." And in 2005, he was transformed into surphist in the TV series "Beyond The Break", where she was delayed for two years.

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With Hollywood celebrities - Rob Schneider, David Carradine, Jennifer Morrison - Olivia met on the set of the painting "Big Stan". In the comedy, which became incredibly popular, novice actress got an episodic, but a vivid role of a silly, sexual secretary of Mary. After that, I tried the image of a nurse of a psychiatric hospital in a thriller "devoured alive".

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Proposals from directories fell as out of abundance horns. The yield was 2010, then Mann lit up immediately in four paintings, including in the second part of the Iron Man. It was a real luck, because in the superhero militant the whole color of Hollywood is involved - Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Rourke, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson and other movie stars.

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The filmography of Olivia Mann rapidly filled, paintings "crazy date", "Super Mike", "Mission in Miami", as well as television series "University" and "Ideal Couples" were added to the acting piggy bank. More experienced colleagues on the workshop began to celebrate the bright talent of the girl. The same Downey Jr. once admitted that he was admired by the ability of Olivia to improvisations.

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In 2016, the actress was on the shooting "X-People: Apocalypse." In this film, she was distinguished by the role of mutant Betsy "Psaylock" Braddock, a negative character who speaks in the team of the main antagonist of the picture. The work added popularity, and even more interesting offers began to arrive from the directors. In the same year, Olivia Mann joined the acting staff of Josh Gordon and Will Specka "New Year's corporate party", where brilliantly played with Jennifer Aniston and Kate McCinnon.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actress is reluctant. And yet the press occasionally manage to open the veil of secrets. The girl met with the star of Hollywood cinema Chris Paine. Enough for five months to be disappointed in each other.

Olivia Mann and Aaron Rogers

Then Olivia twisted a stormy affair with an actor Yuell Kinnaman, whom the audience know the roles in the films "Robocop" and "Suicide Squad". Relationships launched two years.

In 2014, journalists actively emerged the news that Mann became the beloved American football player Aaron Rogers. Young people even announced the engagement, but it did not reach the wedding. In 2017, the fans learned the news about the parting a pair.

Olivia Mann now

2018 was marked by the output on the screens of three paintings, where Olivia Mann starred. A woman got one of the main roles in the militant with elements of Fantasy "Predator". The picture was the continuation of the same films created in different years by John Mactynan, Stephen Hopkins and Nimrod Antal. This time the shooting platform combined the actors of Boyd Holbruck, Thomas Jane, Jake Buszy. Olivia played a scientist woman.

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The role of the second plan of the actress was presented by the authors of the criminal film "8 Girlfriends Owen", which is Spin-off "Eleven Owen Friends". And finally, Olivia reincarnated again to the villain of the psailok in the tape of Simon Kinberga "X-People: Dark Phoenix".

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Olivia also did not abandon the model and journalistic career. Beauty photos are happy to print Men's Health, Men's Edge, Playboy, in the latter she even honored the title of a girl of the month. Mann occasionally shines on television, filmed in the clips of famous musicians, writes articles in magazines.

In early 2018, rumors were rapid about the fact that Olivia is found with the actor, the Galaxy Guardian star Chris Prett. The man in the summer of 2017 broke up after 10 years of relationship with actress Anna Faris.

Naturally, it was not possible to learn about the novel of celebrities, Olivia was silent. Helped paparazzi - photographers caught cinema stars for dinner in the restaurant. For these gossip, Mann had to be justified before the former Beloved Chris in "Instagram". The woman addressed Anna Message:

"I would never react to rumors of tabloid, but since we know each other, I want to contact you personally and say that we have no novel with Chris, all rumors are a lie." I am sure you know it, maybe you don't care, but I just want to personally tell you - it is not true. "


  • 2004 - "Evrus scarecrow"
  • 2007 - "Big Stan"
  • 2008 - "Email Alignment"
  • 2009 - "University"
  • 2010 - "Mad Date"
  • 2010 - "Iron Man-2"
  • 2012 - "Super Mike"
  • 2015 - "Mordekai"
  • 2015 - "Mission in Miami"
  • 2016 - "Xu People: Apocalypse"
  • 2016 - "New Year's Corporate"
  • 2018 - "Eight girlfriends Oushen"
  • 2018 - "Xu People: Dark Phoenix"
  • 2018 - "Predator"

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