Rodion Tolokoz - biography, photo, personal life, news, "songs" 2021



Rodion Toughcan is a difficult guy from Kuban. Behind the ledge from the provincial town of Krasnodar Territory, education in Gnesink and Vgik, while he works as a gardener, performs in the capital clubs and dreams of vocal career.

Singer Rodion Tolokhn

The owner of the unique timber of votes is not like any of the famous performers and does not seek it. The singing of Rodion fascinates and does not let go, forcing it to listen to the final notes. Without a doubt, the singer has a bright future, because the vocals and manner of execution celebrated masters of producing Max Fadeev and Timati.

Childhood and youth

Rodion Tolokhn was born in November 1989 in the Krasnodar Territory. In the city of Novokubansk, the administrative center of the district of the same name - children's and youthful years were held. Rodion was grew by the usual guy, bought in the Kuban River, helped her farmers for farmers and chased football. From the peers, the guy was distinguished by loving music and singing.

Rodion Tolokhn

After graduation, the descendant of the Kuban Cossacks went to conquer the Russian capital. From the first attempt to go to the Music School named after Gnesini, after the delivery of the diploma continued to education in Moscow and received another specialty: he became a student of the Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova, choosing the Scenic Faculty of Scenic.

Having received a diploma of the theater university, Rodion Tolokhn suddenly returned to his hometown, to Kuban, where he found the use of vocal talent. The guy got a job in a local philharmonic and sang in the Cossack choir. Without seeing the prospects for the development of a career in his native land, Tolokhn went to St. Petersburg, where the unique vocals and classic Bariton Kuban estimated visitors to St. Petersburg clubs: Rodion for independent music and experiments.

Rodion Tolokhn graduated from VGIK

However, the trouble happened in the family: the father diagnosed stroke. The singer returned home to substitute the male shoulder of the mother, because the farm previously held on his father was left without control.

Vocalist knows how to manage animals and work in the garden. Earns in the life of gardening. But the music and singing, a young man did not throw: gave the lessons of vocal to those who wish, receiving and remuneration, and pleasure from his beloved work. The fans of Rodion Toughcul say that the vocalist owns rare meditational practices that allow you to improve the voice.


Family problems that have forced themselves to return from the noisy capital to work on Earth, influenced the execution manner. In the repertoire and vocals of Rodion, authentic motives appeared, which added the singer of the soulfulness and opened a new facet in the creative biography.

Musician Rodion Tolochkin

The originality multiplied by the skill, noted the fans of the Casa Music MTV project, in which Rodion Tolokhn participated. His reporting concerts are an unforgettable show with a magical taste. The performer easily reached the finals of the project and multiplied the army of fans, who had previously enjoying the singing of Rodion only in the nightclubs of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In 2017, Kubanan learned about the new music project "TNT" TV channel "Songs" and did not miss the chance to light his star by participating in the show. Passing a preliminary casting, Rodion Tolokoz got on audition.

Rodion Tolokoz - biography, photo, personal life, news,

The premiere of the project with the elements of reality started on the air "TNT" in February 2018. Participants are struggling for the main prize - 5 million rubles and a contract with leading Russian labels Malfa and Black Star.

The producers of Timati and Max Fadeev were amazed, having heard the performance of the composition "You are no longer mine," and agreed to contest for further participation in the show. According to the results of the casting, Rodion Tolokoz got into the team of Maxim Fadeeva and in the top 18 participants, which was delighted by the magazine army of the fans of the contractor.

According to the audience of the realistic show, Kuban is positioning himself "as a man": for Rodion is unacceptable Niche of smart boys, he impresses the image of a peasant from Sokhi.

The originality of the beacon is not naught, but natural and unique. It seems that this Rodion "took" Fadeev, who published a roller with the ward in "Instagram". The producer believed in the sincerity and potential of the Kuban, and the audience noted an extraordinary behavior on stage and an amazing timbre, calling the guy an alien aliel.

Rodion Toughcan on stage

The fans of Rodion Toroughly share their impressions from the performance of the compositions "Your Sun" and "Horses on Ice", noting the use of several vocal styles at once. The genre in which the nugget is from Krasnodar, - Experimental music.

Members of the jury of the television show recognized the talent of the artist, but did not imagine what to do with the selected metric direction and how his speeches would take the audience at tour concerts.

There are no albums and recorded clips yet, but judging by the growing popularity, the singer has everything ahead. Incovering the project, from the first issues, received high ratings (according to MediaScope's research company, the debut edition of the show brought the TV channel to the leaders of the slot, gathering 17.4% of the audience from 18 to 30 years old), a huge luck. Millions of Russians and residents of the CIS are already known about the existence of the Toughcul.

Personal life

The personal Rodion of Tonochea prefers to be silent, considering it to not tell about those women with whom fate brought. The singer is not married. From the page in "Instagram" and "VKontakte" information about the presence of a vocalist of the companion not to find.

Rodion Tolokhn

Judging by the army of fans formed at the TV show's star to TNT, Rodion enjoys success with the opposite sex. At the concerts of the Toughca in the first rows of fans of the singer - the girls constituting the backbone of the fan group. Perhaps among them, the only one, which in the future will be near the musician.

Rodion Tolokhn loves to read, resting in a circle of like-minded people and continues experiments with a voice.

Rodion Torough now

After the stages of "castings" and "selection" will follow the third called "Realvest". The vocalist from Krasnodar passed both, but he did not get to the final.

Rodion Tolokhn in 2018

All participants were aimed at the main prize, the path to which lies through the next stages - "concerts" and "final". The winner was the singer Terry, who climbed more spectator voices.

Discography (songs)

  • "Interplanetary convoy"
  • "Victim"
  • "Be weaker than me"
  • "Inhale and exhale"
  • "Horses on ice"
  • "My sun"
  • "You are no longer mine"

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