Sergey Polunin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Dancer, Facebook, Ballet, Elena Iliny, Tattoos 2021



The British press nicknamed Sergey midnight "Bad Guy". Representatives of the Russian newspapers will be about the personal life of a frank rebar. And the dancer himself, who has already managed to achieve heights in the same form of art and began to develop a new genre for himself, is now just looking for his own place in the world and dreams of turning ballet in art, loved by all - and subtle connoisseurs, and neophytes.

Childhood and youth

On November 20, 1989, the future Master of the ballet scene was born in the city of Kherson in the midnight family. According to the sign of the zodiac Sergey - Scorpio. Already at 3 years of age, the baby was given to a gymnastic school, where the teacher immediately appreciated the child's plasticity, and a thin musical hearing.

In five years, Sergei's family decided to translate the Son to the Choreographic School, where he soon became the best student. At 8 years old, the boy went to study in Kiev. He was accompanied by a mother, and his father went to earn money in Portugal: the studies of the Son demanded considerable investments.

The works of adults did not disappear. At the age of 13, the young Ukrainian dancer took a prize in the international competition of ballet artists and choreographers by Serge Lifery. And a year later, Sergey moved to London to continue his studies at the Royal Ballet School.

In a new country, a novice dancer, all also did not allow himself to slow down. In 2006, the artist came to the final of the International Competition "Lausanne Prize". At the age of 17, Polunin officially entered the ballet troupe of the Royal Theater in Covent Garden.


At 19, the artist was appointed to the main parties in production. The hardworking young man from Ukraine became the premier of the famous London theater, and the youngest for the entire history of the troupe. With an increase in 180 cm, a 65-kilogram dancer was easily soared into the air, it would seem, neglecting the law of gravity.

The first role was the main party in "Bayaderk", and soon Polunin danced Prince Desire from Sleeping Beauty and Prince from Cinderella. But over time, the artist was more and more disappointed in cooperation.

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During the next rehearsal, Sergey left the dance hall and no longer returned to the walls of the Royal Theater. The headlines of newspapers expressed theories about the unstable psyche of the dancer and forbidden substances, the use of which Sergey did not hide.

Polunin himself explained his care because he was tired of "too tough atmosphere." The artist planned to move to America, but due to the reputation of the "bad ballet boy" the doors of all famous teams were closed before him. At some point, Sergey decided that he was completed in his career, but in 2012 he decided to move to Moscow, where he became the premiere of the Ballet Teply Theater. Stanislavsky.

The premieres of midnight took place in the capital, which can be called starry, - "Don Quixote" performances, Giselle, Swan Lake. In Russia, the dancer also collaborated with the Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk. The artist was not afraid to become a participant in the project "Culture" channel "Big Ballet". Passing all the tests and contests in front of the Russian public, Sergey took the 1st place. For a few weeks, the dancer returned the level of recognition that he was in London.

Since 2016, Sergei's cooperation with the Bavarian State Ballet began. On his scene, the dancer appeared in the main roles of popular performances. In 2019, the connoisseurs of ballet art saw halfnin in the image of Spartacus from the eponymous stage with choreography Yuri Grigorovich and the music of Aram Khachaturian. At the same time, the artist appeared in the role of Franz in Ballet "Coppelia" of Rolan Petit.

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In October 2019, the dancer presented in Moscow in Crocus City Hall his Satori show. In the play, Sergey talks about his own creative path, thanks to whom he managed to gain harmony in life. The concert was included by the Polunin solo from the ballet "Diana and Akteon" and its solo exit from the Japanese play "Moon Sonata".

Earlier, the project was presented at the Coliseum London Theater, where he gathered enthusiastic responses of viewers and positive feedback from critics. With speeches, the artist went on tour in Russia, and in every city it was waiting for an allchlag.

On the eve of the New Year holidays of 2020, the premiere of the children's play "Red Hap" took place on the music of Kirill Richter in the formulation of the choreographer Ross Freddie Rei. The artist himself appeared in the image of the woodcutter, the beloved of the grained major heroine. His partner on the stage was Laura Fernandez. In February, the first channel started showing the choreographic show "Dance Revolution", in which Polunina participated as a member of the jury. Alla Sigalova and Vera Brezhnev also entered the judicial team.

Advertising and clips

In addition to work in the theater, Sergey tried forces as an actor and model. He starred in the video project where he danced under the song Take Me to Church Hozier singer. The roller followed the work in Advertising Dior Homme under the guidance of Bruce Weber and the scandalous publication of the release of the King Kong edition, on the cover of which half-one appeared in nude in the company Pamela Anderson. The photographer David Lashapel, who was previously creating a sensational clip, was the author of the photo session.

In 2018, the first page was opened in the history of the Ballet Star Cooperation and the Balmain Fashion House. Together with the Leticia, the Karsah Polunin became the hero of another photo session for Pirelli calendar. Other shooting participants were Jiji Hadid, Ballerina Misty Copland and Actress Julia Garner. The pictures were built into the concept of general history, where all models appeared in certain roles.

The next appearance of the midnight on the screen as a hero of the music video took place in mid-2019. The artist of the ballet starred in the video for music to the song "Will I am the happiest" producer Max Fadeev. The roller was created on the stage of the Novosibirsk Opera House.


In 2016, a documentary project "Dancer", telling about the life of midnight from the young age. The director of the bright picture became Stephen Kantor. In 2017, the artist debut in the art film took place. In the film "Murder in Eastern Express", he played the role of Count Andrew. Sergey admitted that he was worried about the lack of experience, so he spent his free time for the attentive study of the work of colleagues - Johnny Depp, Judy Dench and Lucy Bointon.

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In May 2018, a spyware militant "Red Sparrow" took place in Russia's cinemas, in which Polunino fulfilled a secondary role. Then followed the work in the fiction film "Nutcracker and four kingdoms", where the cavalier of sweets played.

Bright filmography of Polunina was the work in the biographical drama "Nureyev. White Raven". Rayf Fains spoke director, famous for love for Russian culture. The artist himself appeared in the film as Alexander Pushkin, teacher of the Leningrad choreographic school. Interestingly, Fyams himself voiced the character, reading the text in Russian. On the main role - Rudolf Nureyev - invited the Ukrainian artist of Oleg Ivenko ballet, externally similar to the main character. Polunin got the image of the artist of Yuri Solovyov's ballet.

Social activity

Sergey is the creator of Polunin Inc, which is designed to unite choreographers and dancers. Under his leadership in Serbia and Great Britain, charitable funds have charitable foundations for the search for talented children. In the summer of 2019, Sergey took the temporary post of rector of the Academy of Choreography Sevastopol.

According to the idea of ​​the creators, the Academy refers to the average educational link, where at the initial stage much attention is paid to the classics. Here, children are studying music and acting. According to Polunin, great importance for successful student learning is the right nutrition. Sergey has developed a system in which every teenager competently selected a diet according to its weight.

Despite the readiness of Sergei to invest in an educational project, his appointment to the position of Rector Nikolai Tsiskaridze considered an error. According to the Moscow dancer, the midnight lacks the educational base in order to conduct pedagogical activities.

Personal life

It is known about the relationship of the rebel with a ballerina Helen Crawford. Couple spent two years together. But after the dancer began to raise the theme of marriage and the birth of children, Sergey preferred to part with the beloved. A year later, a man often began to appear in public with another ballet representative, Yulia Stolyarchuk, but their novel official confirmation did not receive.

A bright page in the personal life of the artist was a novel with a partner Natalia Osipova. But, despite the greater sympathy between the artists, their union existed for two years, after which the news about the separation of the pair. According to reporters, Ballerina left a dancer for the sake of an unknown conductor.

Later, Sergey admitted that he was experiencing a difficult period at this moment. He literally threw his "instagram" huge post-reflections. So it lasted four months, but afterwards these photos and comments artist deleted from the social network.

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Soon there was a virtual acquaintance with the champion of figure skating Elena Ilyini. Steam one time was rewritten, soon communication turned into a real acquaintance. They immediately felt attraction not only at the personal level, but also in creativity. Together they became participants in the ballet statement "Rasputin", which was presented in Russia, in Barvikha Luxury Village, and then in London.

The choreographer of the play was the Justa Yukhi, with whom Polunin had previously worked on the Sacre project. About the premiere, performers spoke on Evening Urgant show. According to the artist, it is interesting for him to reincarnate in non-standard personalities, outsiders who are capable of ambitious actions.

And on January 16, 2020, a son was born a couple. Happy parents hid this fact for some time from the public, but in March they shared their joy with fans. The boy was given an unusual name - the world.

Earlier, the artist launched his own online brand store POLUNININK STORE. On the official site there are several limits of original products. In social networks there are fan pages dedicated to the work of ballet stars. POLUNIN-ERS, created in Facebook, a group of Italian fans of Sergey, created in Facebook, is especially popular.


Living in London, the dancer decided on an experiment - along with a friend, former Gangster Anthony Lammin, opened the Tattoo Salon. New "pictures" appeared on the body of the celebrities. Among them are drawings of the swastika, trident and portrait of Vladimir Putin.

The image of the President of the Russian Federation Polunin did at the time when elections were sent to the post of head of state. Thus, the dancer decided to express his support to the current leader of the state. Later on the temple of Sergey appeared a tattoo in the form of a bird-triple. According to the star of the ballet, it means the unity of three countries. Polunino noted that all tattoos "come true".

Sergey Polunin now

In 2021, the artist continued to engage in creativity. In February, the erotic drama "Ordinary Passion" was published on the screens with Sergey, filmed by Anni Erno. The film directed by Daniel Abrid. The screen turned on the exciting story about the fatal, "narcotic" passion of the Frenchwoman who teaching in Sorbonne, and the Russian civil servant, the will of the case that turned out in Paris.

It was originally planned that the main male role in the tape will play Danil Kozlovsky. But on the eyes of the director came out the cover of a glossy magazine with a photo of a dancer. And it became clear that it was half-one who should appear in the form of a demonic seducer. Sergey himself, in an interview, noted that some features of the hero were close to him - otherwise it would be difficult to embody the desired male type on the screen.

In April, Polunin performed at a concert dedicated to the 60-year launch of the East-1 missile and the first flight of a person in space. The place for the festive program became the Baikonur cosmodrome. The stars of Russian culture participated in the show.

The dancer reappeared as a judge in the visible viewers of the show "Dance Revolution". Also Sikhalova and Vera Brezhnev also entered the jury. The leading program was changed - Irina Pegova became her in the new season. Sergey confessed to the journalist, which begins to evaluate the participant even before he starts the dance - the nature of the contestant tells a lot of access to the audience. Guardian activities continued. On the official celebrity website there are announcements with programs of his speeches.


  • TV shows "Big Ballet" on the TV channel "Culture"
  • Video Project Take Me To Church
  • Video Project TheRe Must Be More to Life Than this
  • Draft Ballerina Natalia Osipova Silent Echo
  • Draft Ballerina Natalia Osipova Run Mary Run
  • Mini movie Hunger
  • Advertising video to the opening of the National Museum in Belgrade Awakening
  • Video Clip of Movement Singe Hozier
  • Maxim Fadeev's video clip "Will I be happy"
  • Video project "Moon Sonata"
  • Solo under the song Nikolai Noscova "Live"
  • Video clip of Vitas "For her"


  • 2016 - "Dancer"
  • 2017 - "Murder in Eastern Express
  • 2018 - "Red Sparrow"
  • 2018 - "Nutcracker and four kingdoms"
  • 2018 - "Nureyev. White Raven"
  • 2020 - "Ordinary Passion"

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