Dima Maslennikov (blogger) - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Dima Maslennikov - the author and founder of the project of the same name, video block manager and the new Youtube Star. The number of dmitry channel subscribers is calculated by millions. Biography and blogger earnings are worried about fans and users of the site, dreaming of achieving such vertices. The theme of the Dima's public diary is varied: from the frightening heading Ghostbuster to informative Lifehakov. The number of views of videos exceeded 100 million.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the video blocking in the Chelyabinsk region was born in December 1994. Dmitry's childhood passed in the village of Ust-Katav. Dima is a second child in the family. At the time of his birth, parents brought up a 3-year-old primary Artem. Like most children, the little Dima Maslennikov loved when the parents for sleep coming out loud read it tales and entertaining stories.

Dima Maslennikov

Parents in difficult for the country 90s had to be not necessary, but they managed to find a place under the sun. Mom, education lawyer, found a permanent job and stable earnings. Father to feed the family, burst between two works.

Understanding that prospects for the future children in the village of modest, senior Maslennikov in 2001 moved to the capital. Dmitry Maslennikov received secondary education in the Moscow school. A. A. Leemsky, where mathematics were inepended.

Dima Maslennikov in his youth

The starting point for the Fantasy and the development of creative thinking, Dima has become a papin collection of coins. Young Maslennikov, considering the dennaunations of different countries and times, dreamed of his collection of antiques and presented himself in the future director of the historical museum.

Dima Maslennikov studied well, on his own admission, "was Botany." For the joy of Mom, the teenager became interested in dancing and he signed up in the choreographic circle at the age of 14, which visited 3-4 times a week. Successes in hip-hop led the guy to the Dance project, but it did not work until the final.

Dima Maslennikov engaged in dancing

After graduating from the school, Maslennikov became a student of a government financial university, where, thanks to school success, was enrolled without entrance exams. In their free time, Dima has time to engage in loved ones: the dance skill improves, it prepares delicious dishes, relieves and leads a video blog on YouTube.


Today, Dima Maslennikov knows how the owner of a millionth canal on YouTube. But the path to success was not lightning. Channel One Dmitry created with a friend of childhood Alexander. The guys called the show "drove the report." The resource posted video reviews from different interesting places and enterprises. But the blog did not become popular.

Blogger Dima Maslennikov

Then Maslennikov gathered like-minded people and joint efforts to develop the former blog and new, called "drove prepare" and "101 business". Success, copyright projects were not crowned, although Dima with comrades were looking for interesting and topical topics. The number of views did not exceed 40 thousand - not the result that maslennikov dreamed of.

The idea to explore ruins and abandoned houses in search of mystical phenomena visited Dima in 2016. So the GhostBuster project was born ("Hunter for Ghosts"). On the Russian-speaking "YouTube" to Maslennikov, no one did anything, and the blogger soon appeared a huge thirsty of acute sensations of the audience.

For the filming of plots, Dmitry armed with several Ultra HD cameras and went to travel to places with unkind glory. The author's show Vlogger gave his name - "Dima Maslennikov", and in 2017 he created another channel - "all over the oil."

The number of subscribers of the video blogs of Maslennikov is growing rapidly. The author removes the rollers from the gloomy abandoned buildings ("abundance") in the wilderness in which life was previously beaten and human voices sounded. According to the established stereotype, in many "borrowings" ghosts inhabit and live spirits of the dead or tragically dead owners.

Dima Maslennikov is performed by the human fears and pleases the audience with new videos from abandoned psychoneurological hospitals, mines, caves, antique castles, in which ghosts appear under the cover of the night.

Dima's "horror stories" fell to the taste of millions of viewers. With a frightened breath, they watch the plots filmed with a blogger, "distinguishing" the shadows of ghosts and "catching" the sounds of votes. Maslennikov is in no hurry with exposure, leaving intrigue. Skeptics talk about the staged video, but it does not prevent millions to believe Dmitry plots.

Popular Ghostbuster Dima removed from a dilapidated mansion in Pyatigorsk, known in the city as "Cottage Elsa" or "Pyatigorsky House". The locals assure that ghosts live in the house, so they bypass the part of the party. Milliona views gathered "GRABSTER" from the house with Poltergeist in Spain.

Dima Maslennikov skillfully creates the necessary atmosphere of voltage and nervous expectation of something terrible. In artistry, you will not refuse a young person. Everyone can see for this, who will look "Gosbster" Dima "Gussk Castle". Hydered by legends Gothic castle enjoys a bad fame from the locals. Maslennikov called the Czech Castle of Gusk "the most terrible place on Earth," where "real ghosts" live.

The number of views of the first video from the castle of Guska exceeded 3 million, and Dima Maslennikov went to the Czech Republic again to remove the mysterious place for the second time. The video was called "paranormal. Castle of the gate to hell.

Milliona views scored Maslennikov from the hospital with a fascist camp of death, where there were experiments on hundreds of prisoners. More than 3 million people wanted to see the adventures of Dima in the caves, where the blogger found a mysterious underground temple.

For the sake of a sharp plot, the site by the site was not afraid to stay 24 hours at an abandoned cemetery (ruin erosion) and spend the night in the church, following the example of Gogol Homa from Via. In Ghostbuster "Beyond the Grand", Dima Maslennikov took off, according to the real ghost.

In the spring of 2016, the author visited the corps and investigated the territory of an abandoned Hovrinsk hospital in the north of Moscow, the glory of which excites and scares the locals. Started in the 1980s construction "frozen" in 1992 due to groundwater and shrinkage of buildings. Building buildings, attracting homeless people looking for sharp feelings of children and metropolitan stalkers.

Dima Maslennikov visited here. As expected, he stumbled upon a lot of unexpected and gloomy subjects and phenomena, which is difficult to explain. Such finds include both the found brains, by the assumption of observation audience, animal origin. In the discussions of the video of the video, the subscribers suggested that Satanists and Occultists conduct rites in the empty Hovrinsk hospital.

On the platform "All Outlook", Dima Maslennikov fills the Vlogs of Lifehakov, ruthlessly removing the "filling" of cut gadgets, iPhones, balls for predictions or simply cacti.

Curious viewers, fans and skeptics are interested in the question, how much does the blogger earn. Statistics SocialBlade shows that the blogging brings an online star from $ 3 thousand to $ 7 thousand per month. Dima Maslennikov has accounts in VKontakte and Instagram, in which hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Personal life

This side of the life of the popular Vlogher is closed from prying eyes. For the first time, Dima fell in love with the 7th grade, but a classmate, who became the object of attention of Maslennikov, unexpectedly translated into another school. Roman ended up and without starting.

Dima Maslennikov and his girl

According to unconfirmed information, Dima had a 2-year-old novel with a girl, but the couple for unknown reasons broke up.

Dmitry is not married, but the guy who in 2019 will turn 25, everything is ahead.

Dima Maslennikov Now

In April 2018, Dmitry was pleased with subscribers and fans of acute sensations by the news about the winner with the participation of Egor Cre. "GRABSTER" called "Night with ghosts?" We look forward to thousands of spectators.

Dima Maslennikov in 2018

The plot Dima and Egor did after the filming of the shooting of the Show "Bachelor". The guys went to the mystical place, in which the project was shot with the participation of Cre.


  • "We drove a report"
  • "Catching you will prepare"
  • "Dima Maslennikov"
  • "All by oil"
  • "Ghostbuster"
  • "101 business"

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