Slipknot - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Music 2021



Slipknot is an American group that owns its own game style as New Metal. The albums of this team have repeatedly become platinum and in their native United States, and in other countries, and the "Duality", "Wait and Bleed", "Psychosocial", "Snuff" cheered even those who did not know English. And although the peak of the group's popularity remained behind, it is possible that hot American guys will still have time to return to the tops of the charts with new songs.


It all started in 1992, when two friends - Sean Creient and Anders Colsefney - discussed musical addictions and eventually decided to create their own group. The main thing that seemed to young people at that time, is an abundance of percussion in music. Sean himself perfectly owned shock, Anders took the role of vocalist and percussionist.

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The bass guitarist was also quickly found among friends - the musician called half of Gray. This "preliminary" composition of the future popular group chose the name "Heads on the Wall". The musicians even conducted several rehearsals, but soon Schon Creion had some difficulties, and the music went to the distant plan.

In 1995, friends remembered dreams of glory and fans and tried to revive the group. This time a few more musicians joined the team: Drummer Joey Jordison, Solo Guitarist Donnie Stillie and Rhythm Guitarist named Kan Nong. A year later, two of the latter leave the group. Craig Jones and Josh Brainard occupied their place. Also, the team joined Mick Thomson. In such a composition, the musicians began work on the first record.

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At about the same time, the current name of the group appeared - "Slipknot", which is translated into Russian as a "loop" or "rent". Also, the musicians came up with their own unique style - the team participants performed in frightening masks, and Anders Colsefney and at all at all overvoyed the face with the tape. A year later, Corey Taylor, who conquered the participants in pure vocals, and Chris Hairdry and DJ Wilson, who was preferred by Maskam, who was preferred to be an ordinary gas mask.


The first album of the group "Slipknot", called "Mate.feed.Kill.Repeat.", Came out in 1996. The team, faithful to his image, introduced the record on October 31, on Halloween. The first edition of the album is only 1000 discs, and they turned out to be sold out completely: the main part of the musicians simply crossed friends and acquaintances. It became obvious that without an intelligent producer, it is very difficult to get into the scene.

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Such a producer for "Slipknot" was Ross Robinson, after the first listening serious potential in the musicians. The year later, in 1998, the Group (with the new guitarist James Ruth) signed the cherished contract with the recording studio.

In 1999, the renewed team released the second plate, which was called - "Slipknot". This album became, by and large, acquaintance with the public. The efforts of the producer were not in vain, and the record broke up a huge circulation in a short time.

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Immediately after the release of the album "Slipknot" began to give concerts. By the time the musicians revised the group's image: the masks became better and frightening. In addition, the team began to perform in the overalls of the same cut, but different colors.

All together looked really impressive, and together with high-quality music created the effect of a real professional show. It is not surprising that the number of fans "Slipknot" increased with each performance.

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The beginning of the 2000s has become for the participants not only by the time of the triumph, but also the period of the first conflicts. The fallen glory required permanent concerts and speeches. It was necessary to record the next album and constantly rehearse. Musicians who are not ready for such workloads began to quarrel: the fatigue made itself felt.

Fortunately, this first test group "Slipknot" overcame without losses, and soon came out the album "Iowa", which is remembered by the compositions "The Heretic Anthem", "Left Behind", "My Plague". The last song even became a soundtrack for the film directed by Paul Anderson "Resident Evil" with Milla Yovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius.

After the release of the album "Slipknot" went to the tour, and then for a while disappeared from the type of journalists and fans. In the press even appeared rumors about the collapse of the team. These conjectures were heated by the statements of the Solist measles Taylor that he regrets the day when he met the rest of the group. However, in fact, the musicians simply took a time out to relax apart from each other, and also to deal with their own projects.

In 2004, the long-awaited album was still out, and immediately it became clear that the rest went to the team only. This plate has become a real starry hour "Slipknot", and the composition "Vermilion", "Duality" and "Before I Forget" became the classic world "metal" music. For the last composition, the team was awarded the Grammy Prize for the best performance of the song in this genre.

The next album came out four years later - in 2008. The plate was called "All Hope Is Gone" - "No Hope". This album instantly took off to the tops of all charts and ratings by sales. A traditional tour, organized immediately after the release of the record, lasted during the year and still remains the longest tour in the history of the SlipkNot group.

In the spring of 2010, the team fans shocked the news about the death of the Gray Paul's Bassian. As it turned out later, the musician died due to drug overdose. And in 2013, the composition "Slipknot" decreased again.

Paul Gray and Joey Jordison

This time the group left the drummer Joey Jordison. Jordison's care spawned a lot of rumors, the musicians themselves held for a long time in secret its causes. Only some time later it turned out that Joey was forced to leave music due to severe illness - transverse mixture.

Despite such undue events, the group continued to collect material for the next record, and in 2014 the album ".5: The Gray Chapter" was presented to the courts of listeners. This album was recorded already with new team members - Bass Gitarist Alessandro Venutanyla and Drummer Jeide Weinberg.

The release of new songs was accompanied by the premiere of the clip on the composition "The Negative One", which later was awarded the nomination for the Grammy Prize. True, this time the cherished award did not get the group.

The traditional "afternoon" tour ended in the already familiar statement of musicians about the care of creative vacation until 2017.

"SlipkNot" now

Promises, data in 2015, the group failed to keep. First, there were reports that the release of the new album was postponed for 2018. And recently, in an interview with Corey Taylor, the soloist of the group, said he should not wait for a new plate before 2019. Corey hinted that the songs of this album will be "dark, truly dark" and in many respects autobiographic.

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Nevertheless, the work on the record has already begun, and now the musicians gradually write down a new material. Fans still remain followed by the news about the life of the team "Slipknot" in "Instagram" and other social networks, where fans periodically lay out new photos and notes about idiot.


  • 1996 - "Mate.feed.kill.repeat."
  • 1997 - "CROWZ"
  • 1999 - "Slipknot"
  • 2001 - "Iowa"
  • 2004 - "Vol. 3 "
  • 2008 - "All Hope Is Gone"
  • 2014 - ".5: The Gray Chapter"


  • "Vermillion PT. 2 "
  • "Psychosocial"
  • "Duality"
  • "Dead Memories"
  • "Wait and Bleed"
  • "The Devil In"

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