Alexander Bashchev - biography, photos, personal life, songs, death



The charming poet, the inner world of which is well traced in verses and songs, has become one of the bright representatives of the Soviet undergrad. Alexander Bashchev (or, as his friends, Sashbash) almost did not part with a guitar, on whom he learned to play back in school years. The beloved tool Rocker and Barda stayed with a man and after death - friends put the guitar in the grave of a talented artist.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Bashchechev was born in Cherepovets in May 27, 1960. Soon after the birth of a son in the family, a second child appeared - Girl Lena. Parents, chemistry teacher and a heating shop worker, spent a lot of time at work, so the children were granted to themselves.

Musician Alexander Bashlachev

Alexander has learned early to read, and the first poem, according to his own recognition, composed for 3 years. Despite the obvious musical talent, the child did not attend a music school. Such a decision boy accepted himself, admitting his mother, that he regrets the children forced to go to classes.

Once the cool leader Bashchecheva offered to schoolchildren to release Almanac. So began the passion for Alexander journalism. The boy wrote poems for amateur edition, helped classmates with articles and led the material collection process.

Alexander Bashchev in childhood

In high school, when the passion of the poetic genre temporarily faded, Sasha became interested in prose. For attempts to draw up a peculiar description of the everyday nine-grader Friends nicknamed the boy by the chronicler. The manuscript of the young man was not preserved - Bashchev personally burned the material, since he was shy to his early works.

After receiving the certificate, Alexander went to Leningrad to enter the university. The first two rounds at the Faculty of Journalism Bashchechev overcame without difficulty. Problems began when the Admission Commission demanded to show published applicant articles. School Almanach was not enough. Having failed, Alexander returns to his hometown.

Alexander Bashchev in his youth

In order not to spend the year wasted, Bashchechev is arranged at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. Working by the artist, Alexander parallel poses its own articles in the "Communist" newspaper. And in the evenings, a young man is mastering the writing craft at the school of a young journalist.

After a year, Bashchev makes another attempt to enter the higher educational institution. The experience and talent of the young people appreciated. In 1978, Alexander became a student of the Ural State University of Sverdlovsk.


The study is given to Alexander so easily that the young man almost does not attend lectures. Instead of the cravings, Bachers spend time in Cherepovets, where, together with the "Rock-September" music team, he writes songs and performs at festivals. Alexander himself does not go to the scene, preferring the composition of songs and organizing performances.

Alexander Bashchev in youth

Having received a diploma, the poet returns to the already familiar "Communist". But now work in the editorial office only depresses a man. Ideal articles that did not bring creative satisfaction, coexist in the life of Bashchechev with alternative music.

In 1984, the Rock-September group broke up, and the patience of the poet was over. Alexander is dismissed from the newspaper and goes to Moscow to dispel and decide on the plans for the future. There, visiting the old familiar Leonid Parfenova Bologchev meets Artemia Troitsky. Under the influence of friends, the poet moves into the capital, where every evening, thanks to new connections, performs its own songs at the departments.

Artemy Troitsky and Alexander Bashchechev

Pirate records of improvised concerts scattered in the Soviet Union, making the Bashchechev a famous person. Visitors to the poet chamber speeches claimed that the man was so given to the music that after completing the concert, the hands of the musician often turned out to be in the blood - the poet washed fingers into the blood.

The man constantly changed the texts of their own songs. Quite often during the speech, Alexander on the go fixed the last lines in the compositions of "some birch of the breakdown" and "like the wind of the Autumn".

The first speech on the big scene took place in Leningrad in 1985. Together with Yuri Shevchuk, the men performed their own hits in the hall of the veterinary school. In the same year, Bashchechev finally moved to Leningrad, where he takes an active part in the life of rock-party.

Home concerts were full of spectators, but the creativity of Bologchev did not miss the TV screens. A similar attitude towards his work strongly frustrated the musician.

Alexander Bashchev with a guitar

In 1987, the director Alexey Teacher proposed Alexander to participate in the creation of a documentary "Rock". Asked with enthusiasm for the offer The musician a few months later refused filming. Similarly, a man came with the film "Bards of the passing yards" Peter Soldatenkova.

Permanent employment and tight schedule did not save the musician from Handra. In 1988, Bashchekev leaves for Moscow, where he participates in several apartment. All concerts of the musician are full of spectators and fans.

Shortly before the Moscow tour, the name Alexander sounded at the rock festival, where the poet and the composer performed the song "All of the screw". The man was awarded the prize "Hope". Shortly after returning to Leningrad, Alexander Bashlachev did not.

Personal life

From the young years, Sashbash friends watched, as an easy young man comes into close relationships with women. Despite the charm and ease of communication, Bashchechev did not talk about his passions.

Alexander Bashchev and Anastasia Rakhlin

In the student years, Alexander spent a lot of time with classmates, and the hobbies of Bologchev fell under a certain image. The man prefers to thin girls with an elongated facial oval and rusia hair. The neighbors on the hostel claim that all beloved musicians resembled a young Nicole Kidman.

In 1985, Bashchev was married for the first time. Marriage concluded with Evgenia Kametsky was ficitive. The acquaintance of Alexander agreed to the wedding, so that the musician was received by Leningrad Rest. A woman with whom during this period Sashbash has connected close relationships - Tatyana Avasyev.

Egor Bashlachev, son of Alexander Bashlachev, in 1998

Shortly after the wedding, the son of Vanya gave birth to another beloved poet. Due to severe illness, the boy died, having lived just a few months. After losing the child, the pair's attitude ended.

In May 1986, visiting the familiar Alexander meets Anastasia Rakhlinina. A fan of Creativity Bolachev went to visit to his friend, where faced with a musician. A stormy romance interrupted the death of the poet. After a couple of months after the funeral, Anastasia gave birth to the son of Bashchechev - Egor.


The last time of life the poet and the musician held in the apartment of his first wife Evgenia Kametsky. Young people preserved a friendly relationship and often conducted apartment in the girl. On the morning of February 17, 1988, Evgeny woke representatives of bodies, reporting to the death of Bashchechev.

Tomb of Alexander Bashchechev

According to investigators, the man jumped out of the kitchen window. Friends and close Alexander do not doubt that the musician could voluntarily leave life. Despite society and good mood, Bashchechev suffered from loneliness. In addition, over the past year, Alexander almost did not leave the creative crisis.

The talented musician buried in the Kovalevsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. The grave of the idol fans marked the church, which was decorated with bells. Despite the status of the suicide, Bologchev's friends have made permission to fune away Alexander in the Cathedral.


  • 1989 - "Time of Bells"
  • 1990 - "Everything will be fine"
  • 1990 - "Third Capital"
  • 1992 - "Tagansky Concert"
  • 1994 - "Eternal post"
  • 1994 - "Laho"
  • 1995 - "Kochegarka"
  • 1998 - "First concert in Moscow"
  • 1999 - "Chernobyl bobed on the edge of light"
  • 2006 - "Seven Circles of Restless Lada" (We are demanding an album)
  • 2016 - "Silver and Tears" (require album)

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