Hollide Granger - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Hollide Granger - British actress theater and cinema. She became a lot of beautiful roles in her film surface, but she became known to the Russian-speaking viewer after the role of Lucretia Borgia in the historic TV series "Borgia". Her heroine conquered the audience with beauty, grace and cunning.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on March 27, 1988 in the County of Manchester, in the town of Didssbury. In childhood, she was fond of dancing, studied Spanish. In 2006 he graduated from the secondary school of Pars Wood.

Parents divorced, brought up her Mom Jen. A woman had to combine several work at once to feed themselves and daughter.

Actress Hollide Granger

Her acting career began at the age of 6, when a friend of mother, casting agent, offered a little girl to participate in the shooting of the comedy drama "Silence on the Preston Embankment". Baby Hollide immediately caught fire, because she liked the painting "Leon" and young Natalie Portman in the lead role.

Next, other auditions followed. Up to 16 years, it was accompanied by Mom everywhere, and after he let go to "free swimming".

Hollide Granger in childhood

In 2007, Hollide entered the University of Lida - the largest University of Great Britain. But because of the dense shooting schedule, she had to be transferred to correspondence department at an open university.

Once in an interview, she admitted that before the acting career did not even think, because she dreamed of becoming a butcher. I really liked to keep raw meat in my hands. And even at school, when it was already actively filmed in the cinema, the girl was thinking about entering the neurosurgeon. But as a result, a talented actress turned out of Granger.


Since 1995, Hollide has been regularly filmed in TV shows and television films, but in episodic roles. I truly managed to reveal in the TV series "Robin Hood", where she played Meg.

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After this picture, the young actress began to argue with the role and inviting new projects. In 2011, she appeared in the film Carey Fukunaga "Jane Eyre". She played Diana Rivers. Film crimits have positively appreciated the picture, and in the same year the film was nominated for Oscar in the category "Best Design Design".

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The general popularity Granger brought the series "Borgia", telling the story of the famous and scandalous family of Italy Renaissance. Her heroine of Lucretza Borgia is the only daughter of Pope Alexander IV and his mistress, Italian curtains Bathrodski Dei Cattanei. Despite the historical inaccuracies, the series warmly met the audience and extended for another 2 seasons.

In the future, the "historical" roles became in the quarry of Hollide regular. She herself had repeatedly spoke in an interview: it happened that she constantly get the role of girls from the highest society of past centuries. She also noted that the corsets are an extremely comfortable thing.

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In 2012, it appeared in the picture "Cute Friend" in the novel of the novel of Gi de Maupassant. Her colleagues on the set were Robert Pattinson, the mind of Turman, Christina Ricci and others.

In 2013, she got the main role in the adaptation of the Roman Charles Dickens "High Hope". And in 2015, the "Cinderella" fairy tale was released on the screens, where Hollide played a consolidated and harmful sister of the main heroine.

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In 2016, the girl worked in a genre that was not quite familiar to her - she starred in a blockbuster "and hit a storm", based on real events. The plot describes the case of 1952, when the four coast guard officers in the storm, using wooden motor boats, tried to save the crews of two oil tankers.

Hollide played Miriam - the bride of one of these guys. The girl works by the telegraph, and when she has to connect the call from Bernie's beloved, Miriam says that this is the person for whom she is going to marry. Her heroine is strong in spirit and is determined.

In 2017, four paintings came out with the participation of Granger. She played Lucy Candall in the historic melodraman "My Kuzina Rachel". The film was removed according to the novel of the novel Daphne du Morrow. In an equally beautiful film "Tulip Fever", she got the role of Mary.

But perhaps the most unusual picture in which the actress was participating, the series "Electric dreams Philip K. Dick" became the series. Each series is a separate story of the cult American fantastics Philip Kindred Dick. All stories are separated by time and space, but combines their topic of human nature research.

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The Granger also got a role in the series "Strike", which was filmed on the books of Joan Rowling. But now the writer "plays an adult". There is neither Harry Potter, neither magic. In the center of the story - a private detective focusing Strike and his young Assistant Robin Ellakott, which hollide is played.

Personal life

About the personal life Granger does not like to spread. She does not lead "instagram", it is not on Twitter. True, the network has the fan actress pages.

The girl met with the actor Harry Tredewem. He is known for the role of Dr. Viktor Frankenstein in the television series "Terrible fairy tales." Previously, their joint photos regularly appeared on the network. But at the moment it is not known whether Hollide and Harry together or already parted. Official applications none of them did.

Hollide Granger and Harry Tredewei

Despite the fact that the girl is a popular actress, she tries to be a non-public man. Of course, it does not run away from the red tracks, but for the paparazzi actress so far is not a lounge piece. Granger did not get into loud scandals, did not twist the novels with politicians, did not make plastics.

It is just known that while she has no husband or children.

Hollide Granger now

In May 2018, the premiere of the series "Patrick Melrose" is scheduled. The main role in the picture was played by Benedict Cumberbatch, known for the role of Sherlock Holmes. The main character - a star-playboy, aristocrat and alcoholic Patrick Melrose. This is an adaption of the five novels of the popular British author, the Konler nominee Edward Saint-Oba. Hollide Granger got one of the main roles - Bridget Watson Scott.

Another picture with her participation is in the process of production - melodrama "Tell these bees." Anna Pakuine became her counterpart on the set. They had to play women of unconventional sexual orientation. And these events are unfolding against the background of the 50s of the last century, when Puritan morals reign around. The exact date of the premiere is still unknown.


  • 2011 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 2011 - Series "Borgia"
  • 2012 - "Cute Friend"
  • 2012 - "High Hope"
  • 2015 - "Cinderella"
  • 2015 - "Lady Lady Chatterley"
  • 2016 - "And the storm struck"
  • 2017 - "Tulip Fever"
  • 2017 - Series "Strike"
  • 2017 - "My Kuzina Rachel"
  • 2017 - TV series "Electric dreams Philip K. Dick"
  • 2018 - TV series "Patrick Melroz"

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