Brian Orser - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure, Coach 2021



Brian Orser is a Canadian figure skater, speaking in single skating, an eight-round champion of Canada, two-time silver medalist of the Olympic Games, World Champion. Since 2009, it is included in the Hall of Glory of World Figure Skating. Ward coach - Titled figure skaters Yudzuru Khani, Javier Fernandez and others.

Childhood and youth

From the early biography of Brian Orser a little known. He was born on December 18, 1961 in Canada, the city of Belville, the province of Ontario, by the nationality of Canadian. The family was a large, the future athlete was the youngest child of five children.

Parents are not connected with the world of sports. Father worked at the factory, which was engaged in the spill of Coca-Cola. Mother also held a workplace.

According to the current standards, Bryan came in figure skating quite late - he was already 9 years old at that time. The first coach became Linda Liver.

Canada Championship Figure won in 1977. Next season he participated in the World Cup among juniors. In that year, we could not climb the pedestal: he took only the 4th place. At the same time, Bryan Boytano lost to his main competitor. Later, their eternal rivalry got the name "Battle of Brianov".

Personal life

The coach has no wife or children. For a long time, Brian Orser hid his personal life and orientation. But in 1998, a man made Caming Out and admitted that he was gay. It had to be done after the former boyfriend Craig Leask sued him.

Later, Orser told that he was very worried about reputation and financial costs. Brian believed: if everyone knew about his homosexuality, it would hardly be to invite to ice shows. But in the end, after recognition, he gained support from other skaters and the public.

Since 2008, the athlete is in relations with Rajesh Tivari, director of the Bryan Orser Foundation. In the "Instagram", he regularly appears joint photos. Celebrity also has a formal site where fans can follow the news.

Today, all the skaters, whom he trains, know about his orientation, and some are even familiar with a man partner. The coach is happy that now he does not have to hide anything from the disciples.

Despite the fact that Brian left the Great Sport, he tries to support himself in good physical form: it is necessary for his work. The growth of the coach is 168 cm with middleweight.

Figure skating

In 1980, the skater moved to the elder category and won gold at Vienna Cup competitions. Starting from 1981, he never lost the national championship.

In the youth, in 1984, the athlete performed at the Olympic Games. Operser was the first one who managed to fulfill the Triple Axel purely. True, he took the 2nd place, ahead of his American Scott Hamilton.

In 1987, Orter became the world champion in male single skating. He also performed at the 1988 Olympics. The athlete was awarded to carry the flag of the country at the opening ceremony of the games. But this time he received only a silver medal, Gold took Brian Baitano. In the same year, Orter stopped participating in competitions.

At the end of the sports career, Brian was invited to various ice shows. 17 years he traveled to tour with programs. But in 2005 he began to have health problems. The permanent crossings from the city to the city were increasingly difficult.

In one of the interviews, the athlete said that at one point I felt: ideas are over, no music is no longer impressive. Then he was offered to lead the branch of figure skating in one of the sports schools in Toronto.

Orcher hesitated, since he did not have experience in such work. To decide on this step, his friend and Figure Tracy Wilson helped. He said he was ready to help him in difficult things. Together they began to collect the team.

Brian Orser's first student was Kim Yu on - Champion of the Winter Olympic Games of the 2010th and World Championship 2009.

Since 2011, Brian has been working with Spanish Figist Javier Fernandez. And their cooperation brought a lot of fruits - the athlete is a six-time European champion, the world champion and the Bronze Prize-winner of the 2018 Olympics.

Since 2012, he trains Japanese Yudzur Khan. During this time, the skater became the two-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion. And already four times the winner in Japan. Also among his students, Adam Rippon, Elizabeth Tresynbayeva, Sonya Lafunce, Beata Papp.

In May 2018, it became known that the Russian figure skater Evgeny Medvedev decided to escape from the coach Eteri Tutberidze to Brian Osera. For many, the news has become a surprise.

Most likely, the care of Zhenya is associated with the fact that in the Tutberidze group, its main rival Alina Zagitova is trained. Some of the Medvedev colleagues believe that this is the right decision. And confident: the change of coach Evgenia will benefit, she will be able to reveal from Orser from the new side. The athlete plans to continue to speak for Russia.

True, the situation with the departure turned out to be at least strange. The fact is that Eteri Georgievna learned that Medvedev leaves, from the news. On calls and SMS from the coach, the figure skater did not answer. Of course, for Tumberedze, all this was not very pleasant, because she trained 11 years.

However, for her it is a challenge from Brian Orser. 2 days before the official announcement of Medvedeva, he commented on Alexandra Podovoy's speech. A 13-year-old athlete at the World Junior Championships made two quadruple and seven triple jumps. This Canadian coach said that Coward could be a "short-term phenomenon."

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Plus, this is already the second athlete who left Tutberidze to Orser - in 2013, the Kazakh figure skater Elizabeth Tursynbayeva switched to it.

The situation commented on both Brian himself. He said that when he saw a message from her, it was just shocked. On April 22, 2018, the coach met with an athlete and her mother in Seoul. The girl said he wants to change, win the Olympics 2022, but immediately gave to understand: she is not going to say anything bad about her current coaches.

Ortser did not hide the joy that now in his group there is such a talented and promising figure skater. The coach understood: He will be not easy with Zhenya, but he saw that it was open to change.

Training with Orser gave their fruits. After a short program on Skate Canada it was seen that Eugene Evgeny became much better. She also showed a fantastic rental at the Russian Grand Prix, which, according to Brian, was the best for her entire career.

However, at the Russian Championship - 2020 in the arbitrary program Medvedev did not speak. She was broken by skates, and a lot of time was required to rice. As a result, the girl was forced to play with the competition.

Brian Orcher now

In June 2020, the news appeared that Brian would replenish the coaching team of the figure skater Ricky Kihira. Ma Hamad will still be the head coach of athletes. Oster also takes the place of the second coach.

Kihira accepted such a decision because I am sure: Canadian will help her grow in a professional plan, teach to make new rotations, combine steps and jumping. His help will be invaluable in the process of preparing for the Olympics in Beijing, which will be held in 2022.

Training was planned to start in the summer. However, due to COVID-19, the figure skater could not enter Canada.

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Cooperation with Medvedev lasts 2 years. In September, it became known that Eugene decided to resume work with Eteri Tutberidze.

Brian Orter commented on the return of the figure skater to the previous coach. In his opinion, the cause of the transition was a coronavirus infection pandemic. Eugene wanted to ride and needed a qualified mentor. Training in remote mode steel for her serious test.

Evgenia Medvedev, on the air of the First Channel, also gave a comment on the situation. She told that he broke up with Brian Orser on a good note. The celebrity thanked him for the work done and the manifested understanding. Now the figure skater has begun training with Eteri Georgievna.


  • 1981 - Gold Medal at the Championship of Canada
  • 1984 - Silver Medal at the Olympic Games in Sarajevo
  • 1984 - Silver medal at the World Championships in Ottawa
  • 1987 - Gold Medal at the World Championships in Cincinnati
  • 1988 - Silver Medal at the Olympic Games in Calgary
  • 1985 - Silver Medal at the World Championships in Tokyo
  • 1986 - Silver Medal at the World Championships in Geneva
  • 1988 - Silver Medal at the World Championships in Budapest
  • 1983 - Bronze Medal at the World Championships in Helsinki

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