Moon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer, Songs 2021



Simple, sincere lyrics and arrangements in the spirit of the 90s - according to American Vogue, it is this way "face of the Ukrainian Music Revolution" looks like. This status of the publication assigned to Kyivanka Christine Gerasimova, serving under the pseudonym of the moon. Her songs were not rotated on the radio, and the clips did not broadcast on TV. The work of the Moon has become popular thanks to the Internet. At the same time, the actress claims that he does not consider himself an indian project.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the singer - Christina Gerasimov (during marriage - Bardash). She was born on August 28, 1990 in the GDR, where at that time her father served. In the town of Karl-Marx Stadt (now Chemnitz), the family lived 2 years, after which she moved to Ukraine. Gerasimov settled in Kiev.

Together with the younger sister Alina Kristina studied at school number 53 in Kiev, having time after lessons in choreography classes. As a child, Christina visited folk dances, later ballet, who gave 6 years. Then the girl changed the dances to music. In the school of arts for two years, she was engaged in Solfeggio, vocals, visited the choir and took the lessons of playing the guitar.

At the age of 12, in the tribute, Christine fell into a children's camp in Cuba. For the girl it was the first experience of a long stay away from their parents than she did not fail to take advantage. In an interview, the celebrity admitted:

"Cherry in front of the parents, making the visibility that I had everything perfectly. But in fact, I did not go to school. I had a complete nirvana there was a song and texts on the basis, and at that moment I realized that my soul lies with creativity. "

However, Christine's own project was not immediately engaged. The girl entered the faculty of journalism and in parallel with study helped to realize the creative potential to other artists.

Gerasimova performed as a photographer, director, poetess, as well as actresses. Thanks to an excellent figure and high growth (182 cm with a weight of 68 kg), it has repeatedly participated in projects as a model. Christine starred in the clips on the songs "so beautiful", "forget everything", "Bit", which performs the Quest Pistols group. Also, the moon shot a video for the "Nerves" group, performers of Julia Nelson, K.A.T.Y.A, Noggano.

Personal life

Christina was married. Her former spouse is a producer, co-owner of Kruzheva Music, a member of the "Mushrooms" group Yuri Bardash. It is the moon that het "melts ice".

In 2012, the couple was born the son of George. At that time, the family lived in Los Angeles. This period of the biography of Christina describes contradiction:

"I just started a conscious life. And all this pounced on me. It's all cool, but still this America around, and I just turned out to be alone with myself and my vocation to be a woman. I got better for some time, because I wanted to stay a girl who could walk on discos, smoking, hang out ... I threw items from the house, I screamed to come to the police and that I was taken to the madhouse to run into the street. But this is normal, I'm not ashamed. I needed to survive this trash. "

In the calm bed, the life of the Moon entered after writing the first album. As the artist is recognized, sent a familiar. The girl became interested in the human relationship with natural cycles, space, ways to manage their energy.

In 2018, it became known that Christina and Yuri Bardas divorced. The husband accused his spouse in infidelity, but later removed an angry post from social networks. The environment of the couple told the press that the family was crushed in the family due to the incorrect behavior of Yuri. After the divorce of Christina returned the name of his name. Later, she shared their plans to enter their creative pseudonym instead of the last name.

The new beloved singers became the Sound Producer Alexander Voloschuk. The history of relationships with him she devoted a whole album "Enchanted Dreams".

Now Christina Gerasimov, along with his son, lives in Kiev. The capital of Ukraine, the singer considers it more comfortable in terms of rhythm than Moscow.

The celebrity pays for at least four hours a day, which divide equally between meditation and sports. Such energy recharging helps combine the role of Mom with speeches on the scene. Christina abandoned alcohol, tries to adhere to healthy eating.

The moon is an active user "Instagram": the photo in the account appear in non-stop mode. Christina admits that the attention of the audience is also an energy feeding, so it is pleasing to both positive and negative comments.

In the spring of 2019, the singer suddenly decided to tell the audience about the reasons for his divorce. In an interview with Youtube-channel "Gentle editor", she admitted that Yuri Bardash beat her, humiliated and rented jelly scenes. Husband, although it was a producer, sharply perceived many working moments of Christina, for example, an abundance of fans of fans, the need to pose in a swimsuit or underwear, go out onto the scene in candid outfits. The moon admitted that the years "he was on his manipulation", but gradually it was still concluded that these are unhealthy relations and it needs change in personal life.


The first demo of Christina recorded when she was 14 years old. Studying at school, and then at the university, the young Ukrainian wrote poems and music, but did not consider the audience to demonstrate the work. The first speech took place only in 2015: the artist took part in Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days, and in a year he presented his first album "Mag Ni-You".

The magnitude of the first concert made a too strong impression on the performer: Christina took a pause in creating songs and focused on performances. Following the capital of Ukraine, concerts of the Tour "Eclipse" took place in Riga, Yekaterinburg, Moscow.

In the songs of the first album "Boy, you snow", "Bottle", "Bambi" immediately determined the melancholic mood and pop sound in the style of the 90s at the same time. Critics compare its music with the work of Linda, Natalia Vetlitskaya, Guests "Guests from the Future". The singer itself, among the favorite performers, calls Glass Animals, Lana Del Rey, Bjork, Angelica Varum, Bachelor Party, "Guests from the Future", Shura. With a sympathy of the Moon applies to Russian rock - groups "Nautilus Pompilius", "Agata Christie", "Moral Code", Zemfire. It defines its genre as "spiritual pop."

At the end of 2016, Moon released a mini-album "Sad Dance". The record became a successful debut, on the first day, taking the 1st line in iTunes Ukraine and the second in iTunes Russia and iTunes Armenia.

In 2017, the performer released the second album "Freedom Island". Of the eight tracks, three were presented earlier during the year - "bullets", "Spark", "Friend". The clip on the song "Spark" turned out to be the most massive video in the asset of the moon: more than 50 people got into the frame. For 6 months, the clip collected a million views on YouTube. JikeBox and Free Love songs have become hits.

It is noteworthy that in the first video, the moon not only thought over the plot and stylistics, but also tried to control the technical side:

"On the filming of" bullets, "I really laid out completely, because I thought about every frame, I went to Rental, chose lenses, camera, put the light on heels, then climbed into the frame."

In the future, the singer agreed to delegate these duties to directors. This, however, does not exclude the participation of the Moon in creating a script and elaboration of images.

In 2018, the songs of the performer "Boy, you snow", "Choker" and Free Love became part of the official soundtrack for the film Ivan Tverdovsky "Rimbs". Also, her composition "Blood Well" sounded in one of the episodes of the Gogol project dedicated to the Great Writer.

Moon now

In the summer of 2019, the singer released the single "Dolphins", and later introduced the premiere of the same video of the same name, the filming of which took place on Bali. In the frame of the moon dancing in red gloves, and the second heroine of the roller experiences the collapse of his love on the ocean coast.

"Dolphins" entered the new album "Trans", another song from it - "Lilac Paradise" - the moon sang on the air of the Evening Urgant program. The plate became the fourth in the discography of the artist.

In December 2019, the performer had a new clip for the song "Golden Petals". In the frame, semi-fitted nymphs dance among trees. The roller was removed on the film, and the director spoke Andrei Rubet. After 3 months, in February 2020, the moon pleased the fans with a clip to the song "Clean Sleep", in which her son starred. Together with his mother he dances, sings and posing on a deserted beach.


  • 2016 - "Mag Ni-You"
  • 2016 - "Sad Dance"
  • 2017 - "Freedom Island"
  • 2018 - "Enchanted Dreams"
  • 2019 - Trans

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