Yuri Hoy - biography, photo, personal life, songs, "Gaza Strip", Death



Attractive carelessness and rougherness Soviet punk Yuri Hoi remained a simple Voronezh guy, despite the overtaken fame. Mystery of death, throwing the soul between two favorite women, mystical subtext songs - all this is the faces of the life of a talented singer and the author of songs about Russian life.

Childhood and youth

Yury Klinsky's life originates in Voronezh in the family of workers of the local aviation plant on July 27, 1964. The father of the boy, Nikolai Mitrofanovich, worked at the production of an engineer, and Mary Mary Kuzminynna - Rivesman.

Yuri Hoy in childhood

The usual Soviet provincial boy did not differ from the peers. In the school in the diary, they were brought together mostly three, the behavior left much to be desired.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Yura learned to drive ZIL-130 in DOSAAF and worked at the factory. Then the young man was taken to the army, in the ranks of which Klinsky served in the Far East in the tank troops until 1984.

Yuri Hoy in youth

After demobilization, the future musician comes to the service in the traffic police, where she works under the contract for three years. According to the memories of loved ones, the service did not bring joy. Daily from Yuri demanded the execution of planned indicators by the number of fines, and he in turn could not punish drivers for far-thined reasons.

The father of the singer told that on the last day of the contract, returning home, Yuri broke the hated shape and extorted it. The subsequent experience varied from the loader to the milloverr and the machine operator at the VCR plant. Parallel Klinsky begins to engage in music.


It is truth to say, writing poems a musician was fond of at school age. The addiction to the lyrics instilled in Yura Father, who he himself tried himself in poetry and even printed the poems of his own essay. Rock and Roll sounded in the house of Klinsky, so the boy early met this style.

Yuri Hey with a guitar

Even before the army, the young man learned the game on the guitar and tried to write songs. According to the singer, the texts were obtained primitive and uninteresting. After serving in the army, Yuri continued to be amateur music, but perceived them as a hobby and a way to distract from life.

In 1987, a rock club opens in the city, which the novice musician becomes. At first, the singer performed solo or invited someone from familiar to help. After half a year, organizes the Gaza Strip group. The name is selected by a musician in honor of one of the industrial areas of Voronezh, distinguished by increased crime.

Yuri Hoy and group

The first composition of the group was formed only in 1988 and has undergone changes. Only the leader and the collective soloist - Yuri Klinsky remained constant, who are increasingly called Jura Hoy.

By the way, the pseudonym is not connected with the consonant last name of the legends of the Russian rock Viktor Tsoi. The nickname Hoy singer received thanks to the similar clearing, used by a musician on speeches.

In 1989, the Group recorded the first two albums - "Plugov-Vui" and "collective farm punk". The records are made on the magnetic film and are so terrible in quality that the next Voronezh fans did not go.

The albums "ominous dead" and the "yawls" recorded by musicians in 1990 were breaking into the career and popularity. On the style of texts and music, the songs were influenced by punk and rock, coated with a portion of obscene vocabulary. The compositions "without wine" and "vampires" are originally recorded by Yuri Hoem solo in the acoustic version long before the issue of the group's albums.

Yuri Hoy at a concert

Some texts are directly related to the events of the singer, reflect the surrounding reality. Such songs include "Java" (Yura Hoi loved a quick ride on a motorcycle and once came to an accident on "Yava") and "30 years", written in the anniversary of the group leader.

Over time, the texts of the songs are becoming more restrained with popularity. They are recorded by a musician and lyrical compositions, such as "Your Call", "Lyrics". The composition "Introduction" from the Album "Colhomene Punk" (1991) is a cover version of the famous song "Queen" "We Will Rock You".

Perestroika, dashing 90s, thirst for freedom and spirit of extinguishes prepared the soil for the popularity of the "Gaza Sector" with rugged texts and music. Concerts pass around the country and neighboring countries.

The leader of the group did not like universal attention and preferred not to glow in public. Therefore, fans did not know exactly what the author of the favorite songs looks like. This was the reason for the tour tour issuing themselves for the sensational punk group.

Yuri Hoy

By the way, Yuri Hoi himself did not attribute himself to Jury Hoy. Over time, the musician changed the image of a guy in a cute to a more classical image. He began to appear on the stage in the pullover or shirt, trousers and shoes.

Music and popularity did not gain capital to the Contractor. At the time of creative activity, piracy flourished, so the percentage of official album sales went out with a meager. Yuri did not complain about low earnings, was content with concert fees and existing deductions from the implementation of disks.

Personal life

Even before the army of young Yura met Galina. The girl came to clean the beet with a group of classmates of the school. The young man noticed a young beauty and began to care. True, as Galina recalls, not quite skillfully. Nevertheless, he liked the student, young people began to meet, the girl waited for her beloved from the army, and the couple played a wedding.

Yuri Hoy and his wife Galina

In 1984, the first daughter of Irina appeared, and in 1995 hen Lilia. The musician adored children, the girls answered the father of reciprocity.

In 1991, at one of the concerts in Moscow, the singer got acquainted with Olga Samarina. Acquaintance has become fatal for the group leader. The musician fell in love with a blonde who was under 11 years old. On archival photos, the couple spends time together at meetings with friends and in the club clubs. Until the end of the life of Klinsky supported love relationships with Olga, but could not leave the family.

Yuri Hoy and Olga Samarina

Two years before the death of Yuri, his wife learned about the existence of a mistress, although he suspected about it before, offered the spouse to part, but he, according to the woman, could not choose who his heart belongs. Begone Galina Do not apply for a divorce and wait. As a result, the punk rocker of the Russian scene lived for two families, taking off between the favorite women.


On July 4, 2000, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The musician was going to shoot a clip in Voronezh on the song "Night of Fear". Olga was with her beloved, they were going to the studio together. According to the memories of a woman, Yuri felt bad in the morning.

"Blood like a vein booted," the musician complained.

Despite the worsening well-being, the singer abandoned medical assistance, having considered that everything will pass after drank aspirin. The pair went to the shooting, but on the road Klinsky it became worse, he decided to call a buddy.

Olga recalls that there, in a private house, Yury was getting worse with every minute, as a result he lost consciousness. The ambulance refused to receive a challenge, and coming ultimately, the doctors were forced to state the death of a musician.

The official cause of death is called a heart attack, although there was no problems with the heart of the singer. The death of the musician caused many speculations and rumors.

Close friends and wife of Yuri tend to blame in the death of Olga group leader. Thanks to her, the musician was addicted to drugs. Olga did not hide that together with her beloved they began to accept heroin. True, Yuri was treated against addiction, he treated and choices. Against the background of drugs and alcohol, the musician discovered hepatitis C.

The grave of Yuri Hoya

Doctors prescribed a strict diet, which Yuri neglected. Klinsky adored chocolate, who tried to ban physicians. Did not refuse the singer and alcohol, on the memoirs of friends. One way or another, the true cause of death remains a mystery, the official opening was not carried out.

Already after the death of the musician, the last album of the group "Rising from hell" came out. By the way, the fans and colleagues of the singer say that the musician pre-properved in the lyrics in the lyrics. Yuri's wife after the death of her husband did not bother fate with another man. Olga was able to overcome the addiction and married, giving birth to a sown's wife.

Many years after the death of the leader "Gaza Strip", in 2015, the eldest daughter of the musician accidentally stumbled upon the near-the song of the Father's Father on the Moon, which was planned for writing in the album "Gas Attack". The author considered the composition unsuccessful and refused to include on the list. The composition saw the light on the collection of the same name, released 15 years after the author's death.


  • 1990 - "Evil Dead"
  • 1990 - "Switch"
  • 1991 - "Night before Christmas"
  • 1991 - "Colhomene Punk"
  • 1992 - "Gulia, man!"
  • 1993 - "Click on gas"
  • 1993 - "Gas Sector"
  • 1994 - "Dancing after the race"
  • 1994 - "Hading Immortal"
  • 1996 - "Gas Attack"
  • 1997 - "Narcological University of Millions"
  • 2000 - "Rising from hell"

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