Zhanna Bichevskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, hieromona novel, discography 2021



Zhanna Bichevskaya is a special Russian performer. The repertoire is distinguished from most modern pop cess celebrities. The singer chose little popular Russian folk songs, romances, patriotic compositions. The circle of her fans is not so wide, but the loyal students consider Zhanna Vladimirovna the best executor of the style of Country Folk.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on June 17, 1944 in Moscow in the family of Lydia Gavrilovna, Lydia Gavrilovna, Kostentinovich Konstantinovich Bicchevsky's engineer. Father's surname is Polish, has noble roots. The second mother of Jeanne calls Machehu Elena Ilyinichna Bichevskaya, who worked as an accountant.

In early childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming a ballerina like a mother. But Jeanne accidentally crushed her leg with boiling water, and a cross had to put a cross on the dancer. Bicchevskaya recognized that one time wanted to become a surgeon, but I understood that it was afraid of blood. Clowniness is the most unusual profession of those in which the singer dreamed of trying himself.

Zhanna graduated from the Zagorsk Evening Music School in the Guitar Class. This subject became a real passion of the girl. At the age of 17 she was presented with his own guitar, Jeanne played tourist and lyrical ballads with hobby, songs of unknown authors.

Zhanna Bichevskaya in youth

From 1966 to 1971, Zhanna studied at the State School of Circus and Pop Art, where the vocals were taught Irma Younzez and Elena Petker. Students of her stream were Alla Pugacheva, Gennady Khazanov, Yuri Kuklachev and Elena Kambourova.

Being a student, she began to collect forgotten folk songs, circling the Moscow villages, and then record them. In parallel, Zhanna worked for some time in the Zagorsk music school by the teacher.


Professional biography of Bicchevskaya began with a vocalist soloist position in the orchestra Eddie Radin. In 1971, he was invited to VIA "Good Movement", where she sang until 1973. After leaving the ensemble, Zhanna Vladimirovna settled in Moskoncert. In the same year, she became the winner at the contest of the artists of the pop song.

Bicchevskaya visited concerts in 60 countries around the world, some of her were invited several times. The singer admitted that she most likes to speak in Poland most of all, and the Paris Concert Hall "Olympia" called his beloved hall. In the last 8 times in a row arranged anchlags.

In the 70s, its plates flew up with huge circulations in 40 countries. Zhanna Vladimirovna was awarded the prestigious Award "Tenko" at the festival in San Remo. She also became a laureate of the musical competition in Poznan. The second life, the celebrity gave such compositions as "Moya you", "if I was guilty," "the church was facing a carriage."

Vladimir Vysotsky presented the Bichev song "Dome" and dissuaded from the fulfillment of other his own, experiencing that his repertoire would spoil reputation and relationship with "high people." After the death of Vladimir Semenovich Zhanna Vladimirovna dedicated him the composition "On Volodya Vysotsky".

After the collapse of the USSR, Zhanna changed the repertoire: Folklore went to the background, missed the White Guard motifs - "Everything is against us now," the Cossack is walking on Don, and later - religious. A copy of the written blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II on the production of spiritual content of 1997 was posted.

In the early 2000s, in addition to the author's songs, Jeanne Vladimirovna performed the compositions of Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Vertinsky, Bulat Okudzhava. The last Bicchevskaya called his godfather on stage. The "Song of the Old Sharmanber" of the authorship of Okudzhava became popular after the execution of Zhanna.

Her albums of those times are filled with patriotism, love for Russian traditions and hostility to the Western. Zhanna Vladimirovna has never been a fashionable artist, but always - spiritually sought after. In recent years, the songs of the Tsarist subject appeared in the repertoire of Bichevskaya: "Double-headed eagle", "Lord, Homes", "God, give us the king."

In 2014, Zhanna Vladimirovna supported the "Russian Spring" movement, when the Crimea entered the Russian Federation. She planned to give a concert in Sevastopol, but local authorities offered to postpone the performance at a calmer time. Clips The celebrity itself did not shoot, but the fans often mounted them on their own, overlapping the compositions of Bichevskaya on the rollers or photos.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation lives and works in Moscow. On April 14, 2018, a concert of the singer, dedicated to the Orthodox Easter, took place in the hall of the Church Cathedrals of Christ the Savior.

In the framework of the speech, Bichevskaya performed the song of Hieromonach Roman "Rus Holy calls", the old Russian romances "The church was standing by the Care", "Fucks of Chrysanthemum", as well as spiritual and patriotic songs "We are Russians", "Autumn musician", the author of which is her spouse.

The poster of the nearest speeches organizers of concerts lay out on the official website of Zhanna Vladimirovna. There are also posted videos, actual articles and photos of the singer.

Personal life

Happiness married Zhanna Bichevskaya gained relatively late. She says that in his youth preferred alone, I was looking for a "my man." With a spouse, composer Gennady Ponomarev, the singer lives from the mid-1980s in a wedded marriage. At the time of dating, the husband has already sang in the church choir Tula for 10 years. On his initiative, Zhanna Vladimirovna took the baptism of conscious age.

Zhanna Bichevskaya and her husband Gennady Ponomarev

Gennady Ponomarev became not only the second half for the artist, but also the main assistant in creativity. The spouse composes songs and makes arrangements, accompanies on speeches and accompanies on tour.

Fans are interested in whether they have children. There are no them in the family, Moma Zhanna Bichevskaya could not become, but from answers to questions about the reasons for the absence of children a woman leaves. In the metropolitan apartment, a married couple lives together.

Zhanna Vladimirovna shies away from visiting modern parties, even if Alla Pugacheva invites there. The singer does not watch television about 30 years. Bichevskaya songs addresses people who are looking for the road to God. Fans have repeatedly stated that they healed from severe ailments due to the singing of the idol. The main steps on the spiritual path of the Artist considers forgiveness and deliverance from the malice.

It should be noted that believers belong to the creativity of Zhanna Vladimirovna in different ways. Due to instructive and prophetic compositions, some call her concerts in sectarian preachs. An unprecedented criticism of the singer was subjected when the album included the anthem "God, King King" of his own execution.

Zhanna Bichevskaya now

In April 2021, Timur Kizyakov visited the singer - the author of the transmission "when all at home". The leading warmth met the artist with her husband, Ivan Ilyichev, who wrote a biographical book about Bicchevskaya also participated in the conversation.

Spectators learned many interesting facts from the life of the performer. Ivan Ilyichev managed to find a lot of information about the heroine of his book, even the one that she did not know about. For example, Jeanne Vladimirovna is a hereditary nobleman (on the father and mother line), and another singer was baptized twice, because he did not know that the rite was still in infancy.

Thanks to the efforts of Ilyichev, it was possible to find the grave of a mother who died when Bichevskaya was 5 years old. In a conversation with Timur Kizyakov, the artist told a lot about his father, a man with a cruel, who raised her hand on her. But at the same time, thanked him for such an attitude, since it was confident: creativity is born in flour.

Now Bicchevskaya continues to concert activities. In April, she performed its own iconic works in the KZ in Finland (St. Petersburg). The list of compositions also included works by Alexander Dolsky and Bulat Okudzhava.


  • 1994 - "Lord officers"
  • 1997 - "Too short age"
  • 1997 - Jeanne Bichevskaya sings the songs of Hieromonach Roman "
  • 1998 - "Autumn musician"
  • 1998 - "Russian Calvary"
  • 1999 - "Tsar Nikolai"
  • 2002 - "Black Raven"
  • 2007 - "I will tell you ..."
  • 2008 - "Gori, Gori, My Star"
  • 2010 - "Drought"
  • 2014 - "From forgive to agency"

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