Larisa Belogurova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actress, grave, cancer, husband, funeral



Larisa Belogurov called the princess of Soviet cinema. An amazing beauty to a woman, a talented actress, refer to glory and a brilliant career. She rapidly flew to the top, but in the early 1990s unexpectedly disappeared, leaving a place for rumors and speculation.

Childhood and youth

The future star of cinema was born in October 1960 in Stalingrad (Volgograd now). Larisa's native father almost did not remember - the parents diverged after the birth of her younger brother Igor. Soon the children had stepfather Nikolai Ivanovich.

From early childhood, Larisa was fond of sports by choosing artistic gymnastics. She began to engage later, in the 6th grade, but for 2 years she received the 1st adult discharge. Being a teenager, Belogurov dreamed of making a sports career and began to master the program of sports masters.

Change plans forced another hobby - dancing. In the senior classes, Belogurov opened choreography for himself and changed the biography. After the certificate of maturity, he went to Leningrad and became a student of the choreographic studio, which opened with Music Hall.

The graduate dancer in 1979 was offered work in the Music Hall, and soon she became a leading artist. Performed on the stage of the leading European Theater-Review "Friedrichstadtpalast".

In the youth, the stellar appearance of the soloist of the Leningrad Music-Hall was noticed by the director: Larisa was a born film actress.

In Gitis, the future star "Genius" came easily and in the mid-1980 he received a diploma, but the point in education was delivered only in 1993, after graduating from the directorial course of Anatoly Alexandrovich Vasilyeva. Larisa was his beloved and most talented student of a mentor.

Belogurov was invited to the theater named after the Mossoveta, where she played the heroine of the play "Infanta".


The appearance of Beloguro Dictated Images: Directors invited a fragile girl of unearthly beauty on the role of romantic heroines. Director Samvel Gasparov entrusted actress to play a pupil of Hero Mikhail Kozakova Olga in a detective militant "Sixth". Stars gathered on the set: Sergey Nikonenko, Mikhail Pugovkin, Vladimir Grammatikov.

Two years later, in 1983, the premiere of the Music Melodrama "Wolly Wind" director Jan Frida, where Larisa played a key character - the daughter of the deceased sailor Steller. The tape was based on the Superimitative Operetta Isaac Dunaevsky. Andrei Kharitonov and Tatiana Dogileva became partners in the shooting partners.

Then followed the work in the film-fairy tale about the little flour director Elizabeth Kymygarova, where the actress played the Princess Amina. In this project, for the first time, a popular composition called "Expendituring Goodness" was performed. The famous composer Mark Minkov wrote a melody to the soundtrack, and poems - Yuri Entin.

In the mid-1980s, Larisa was in the center of attention of the audience and film critics again: a film-fairy tale "And one more night Shahryzade ..." was released on the screens. Director Tahir Sabirov entrusted actress the role of Princess Malika.

In the melodrama of Albert Mkrtchyan "Legal Marriage" Belogurov appeared in the episode, playing a police girl. In the picture shined Natalia Belochvostikova and Igor Kostoloshevsky.

In the social drama "Farewell, the greens of summer ..." Larisa first had to move away from the role of a romantic heroine: the actress reincarnated into a girl who gave way to the will of his parents and married an unloved person.

In the 1986th, the artist again entrusted the role in the unusual role: Larisa played a teacher and the class teacher of a difficult teenager Anna Pavlovna. In a two-seater social drama "was not", filmed at the Odessa film studio, Valentina Telichkna, Alexey Zharkov, Dmitry Kharatyan and a dozen stars of Soviet cinema appeared.

The musical "Island of the dead ships" became the only one in Belogurore filmography, where she flashed with choreographic talent. The basis of the fantasy in the style of Buffle was the same name of Alexander Belyaeva. The cast entered Gediminas Storpirshtis, Nikolai Lavrov. Dance numbers included in the picture, the artist with their partner on the set by Konstantin Raykin was invented literally on the go. Vocal parties performed Nikolay Soskov, Larisa Dolina, Vladimir Presnyakov. Yuri Senkevich, the popular leading transfer of the film "Film Club", appeared in the project in Kameo.

No less bright work of Belogurovar was the image of Mary in a two-seater tape-fantasy "Apostode". This is a joint project of Belarus, Austria and Germany. The director and Writer Valery Rubychin entrusted Larisa, the main role she was divided with Grigory Stradi and Nikolai Eremenko - senior. The project was awarded the prizes of the International Film Festival in Catalonia for the best male role (gladia) and operator work (Yuri Elkhov).

Under the 1980s, Larisa failed the line role in the historic tragifars "Pirs Valstasar, or Night with Stalin." Director Yury Kara gathered on the set of the project stars of the first magnitude: Evgenia Evstigneev, Valentina Gafta, Alexander Feklisov. Gaft played Lavrentia Beria, and Belogurov - his wife Nina. Stalin was supposed to play Igor Kvasha, but before the start of filming, he fell ill angina, so the hero was embodied by Alexey Petrenko. During filming on the square at the State Drama Theater Abkhazia, a monument to Stalin was established for the day, which caused the strong surprise of residents in Sukhumi.

With the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of the era of the commercial cinema, Larisa was not left without work.

In 1991, a detective tape "Genius" was released on the screens, which became an event of the year. Belogurov played a favorite girl of the charming fraudster of non-Sayshev, in which Alexander Abdulov reincarnated brilliantly. 30-year-old Larisa in the image of a 20-year-old girl looked organically.

The role in "Genius" is called starlight filmography. Belogurov was in the zenith of glory and popularity. No one could assume that next year, the Beauty will appear in the latter in his life project "East Roman". So Mamlakat she said goodbye to the viewer.

Later, the spouse Belogurone Vladimir Tsyrskov said that his star wife was repeatedly offered to be held in soap operations and gangster series, but Larisa did not see herself in the proposed images. Her with difficulty persuaded to play the heroine in the multi-veneer comedy melodrama "all the men of his ...", but at the last moment they were replaced by Freak Dance. The actress took the news calmly.

Yesterday's movie star settled to work in a firm sold kitchen utensils. With former colleagues, Larisa did not communicate, the journalists did not complain and did not let out in their closed world.

Personal life

With the future husband, Vladimir Tsyrkov Belogurov met in 1993 in the theater "School of Dramatic Art", where the man was engaged in the musical part of the productions. In the personal life of Vladimir, it was a second marriage. There was no children in the family. According to one information, the artist laid life on the altar of art and refused motherhood, in others - dreamed of going to the child, but could not. Spouses lived together to the death of the actress.

According to Tsyrskova, the non-painted maternal tenderness of the wife gave four nephews and her pet cat - the cat, whom he loved like a child.

The neighbors in the house told reporters that Belogurov was surprisingly quiet and modest in everyday life, which confirm the last photos from the family archive. Her two-bedroom apartment did not remind the dwelling of the movie star.


Actress was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. Larisa successfully passed the course of treatment, but after a long remission, the disease returned and caused death. The artist adopted his fate and refused to fight for life, she no longer went to the hospital. Belogurov died on January 20, 2015 on her husband's hands in his apartment.

Anatoly Vasilyev came to say goodbye to his beloved student. Larisa buried Larisa on the Verkhnezarechensky cemetery of the native Volgograd - such was her will, indicated in the will. Money for the burial actress allocated the company in which she worked in recent years. On the grave of the artist, a monument is established in the form of a film without a photo.


  • 1981 - "Sixth"
  • 1983 - "Calm is canceled"
  • 1983 - "The Adventures of Little Flour"
  • 1983 - "Wolne Wind"
  • 1984 - "And one more night Shahryzade ..."
  • 1985 - "Goodbye, summer greens ..."
  • 1985 - "Legal Marriage"
  • 1986 - "Was not"
  • 1987 - "Apostate"
  • 1987 - "Island of the dead ships"
  • 1988 - "Kumir"
  • 1988 - "Mountains smoke"
  • 1989 - "Pirs of Valstasar, or Night with Stalin"
  • 1990 - "Broken Light"
  • 1991 - "Genius"
  • 1991 - "Memory of" Cow Marsh ""
  • 1992 - "East Roman"

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