Petruch - character biography, actors and roles, "White Sun of Desert"


Character History

In 1970, the Soviet spectators learned that "the East is a delicate matter": the film "White Sun of the Desert" came to the screens, which was destined to enter the golden legacy of the Soviet cinema. The spectators loved the naive young fighter Petruch, not the charter begging the beloved "Open Lichiko".

History of creation

In the late 1960s, Soviet filmmakers decided to rethink the Western genre of Western, inventing their own direction, which later received the name "Easter". His main difference from the adventure films about the life of the first settlers of America was the historical and revolutionary filling. The first Istrh, who came to the screens in 1966, the viewer accepted on a bang - "elusive avengers" with an expletion looked and revised the whole country. On the wave of success it was decided to continue in the same vein.


For writing a scenario for a new picture (the future of the "White Sun of the Desert"), Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Friedrich Gorenstein took, but the art council did not accept the prepared option. Then Konchalovsky led two co-authors - Valentine Ezhov and Rustam Ibragimbekov, so that those were able to find brilliant ideas for the project. And the playwright coped, although hedges initially refused to work, arguing:

"Our people have a completely different mentality, and the morals of the Wild West will look like funny on our basis."
Frame from the film

During the collection of the material, a real diamond was found, which became the plot basis of the film: Valentina Hiswood told the story of the Basmach who had escaped abroad, who threw a harem right in the middle of the desert. The working version of the script was called the "Desert".

In 2001, the cinema heroes moved on the pages of the novel - the authors of the script presented the books and fans of the painting, which became the benchmark "Istrins", the book "White Sun of the Desert".

Image and plot

The events of the paintings are unfolding at the beginning of the 1920s on the shores of the Caspian Sea. In Russia, the volunteers of the Civil War were sainted, only in Central Asia, Basmachi still do not yet. By the expanses of the hot desert, Krasnoamec Fedor Sukhov houses home. However, the Hero return to his homeland interfere with obstacles - the road intersects with the Rakhimov detachment, who asks Comrade Sukhova to look at the thrown in the fortress by a harem.

Petruch and Fedor Sukhov

It turned out that the escaped gangster named Black Abdullah Obroquin on the faithful death of 11 of his wives. Fyodor Ivanovich reluctantly, but agrees to fulfill the last combat task. In the assistants, the soldier issued a young Petruhu, recently called into the ranks of the Red Army. Holding to accompany the harem to the nearest seaside town, the heroes are binding into dangerous adventures. Later, another colorful character joins them - the head of the customs post Pavel Vereshchagin.

In the fights with Abdullah Petruch, he dies together with the most young wife of Zloda Gulchatay, and the Vereshkin is undermined in a mined barcase.


Inexperienced Petruch's fighter became the main character of the picture of a faithful companion, and the customs officer is a Vereshchagin - almost the Son. The image of the Red Army criticism is compared with the types from the American Western Rio Bravo and the Soviet film "Chapaev". Petruch reminds the young man of Colorado Raina, who entered into a fight with the gangsters along with the sheriff, but even more looks at the legendary Ordarza Petka, which served as faithfully Vasily Ivanovich.

Being still a child in the soul, Petruch is trying to turn into a real soldier, although it does not work well. The authors of the picture showed a typical adult man, for which it is more interesting not to fulfill revolutionary debt, but the opposite sex. Petruch comes up with the image of a girl hidden under Paranja, and in love with Gulchatay, whose face did not see.


At the future of the "White Sun of the Desert" during the preparation for shooting, not only scripts were changed. The director's chair instead of Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky occupied Vladimir Motyl, although candidates and Vitautas Zhalakaviqius were considered, and Yuri Chulukin, and even Andrei Tarkovsky.

Actor Nikolay Godovikov

Many actors also claimed the main roles. Sukhova wished to play George Yumatov, and approved Anatoly Kuznetsov. Igor IgorOdov was trying to Said, but the image embodied Spartak Mishulin. Vereshchagina was also trying to play Efim Copelian, but as a result, Pavel Luspekayev came to the shooting platform, who at that time had already seriously sick and lost his fingers on her legs.

Yes, and the "right" Petruch was not easy to choose. A young fighter could play the Savely Kramarov or Yuri Chernov, but did not work out. The role was performed by Nikolai Godovikov - a non-professional actor operating at the planting plant. And the image of the beloved Petrukhi - Gulchatai - embodied the student of Tanya Fedotov's ballet school, with which Godovikov really began a novel on the shooting platform.

Interesting Facts

  • To the Istrun genre, except for the "White Sun of the Desert" and "Elusive Avengers", the Soviet paintings "their among others, someone else's among their", "Bread, Gold, Nagan" and "Sixth", also conquered visual love.
  • In 1978, they put the play "White Sun of the Desert", where Petruchi's role was given to Rafik Aliyev.
  • Based on the movie created the computer game of the same name. Gamers are divided by the secrets of "survival" Petruchi: it is worth removing the tnyk character from the rifle, and Abdullah will not be able to kill him.
  • The actors Pavel Luspekayev and Nikolai Godovikov before the filming of Eastrun together worked together in the film "Republic of Skid".


"Comrade Sukhov, I want to marry. I wanted to see it, otherwise I suddenly crocodile, and then the whole life. " "I have a good mom, good, everyone respects her ... Yes, you open your face!" "It's nothing that you have been there anyone's wife. You approach me in nature - I love squeezed. " "Petruha: - I do not drink ... Vereshchagin: - right! I, too, now this is an extra and brash ... Pey! "

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