Wes Anderson - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Director, French Bulletin, Cartoons, Style 2021



Wes Anderson is a cult American director, a screenwriter and producer, whose works are so unique that the theorists of the cinema laid them on the shelves and study the creativity of the director at universities. But the WES is self-taught. Bright palettes, love for symmetry, incredibly detailed picture - Inalienable elements of Anderson style, thanks to which the film obtained from the first frame is obtained at the output.

Childhood and youth

Future cult director Wesley Mortimer Wales Anderson was born on May 1, 1969 in the Texas city of Houston. Father, Melver Leonard Anderson, worked in the advertising business, and then organized his own business. Mother, Texis Ann Burrowz, first was an archaeologist, but after the birth of children found a modest work agent for real estate. In addition to Wesley, there are two more sons in the family - chalk and chase. The younger brother of WESS Eric Chase Anderson became a writer and illustrator. So printing and artistic details in Anderson films are his work.

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When Wesley was 8 years old, the marriage of parents collapsed. Trying to cope with a shock from a divorce, the guy began to focus at school, trying to attract attention. Over time, however, he turned to work: as a child, WES took a short films about himself to the 8-mm brothers. The director's deposits manifested themselves then.

After studying at school, St. John, where Anderson distinguished himself, putting big and complex plays on stage, Wes entered the University of Texas in Austin. There, studying philosophy, the young man got acquainted with the future actor Owen Wilson, who later began to shoot in his own paintings. In the end, they became the neighbors around the room and jointly wrote a script for the film, which was called the "Bottle Rocket". In 1991, Anderson received a bachelor's degree in art in philosophy, but Wes's vocation has already seen in another area.


The short film "Bottle Rocket", shot by the director in his youth with Owen and Luc Wilson, was expected initially as a serious film, but eventually grew into a full-length mixture of comedy and crime and was well-meeting with reviewers. For her, Anderson even received the Award "New Best Director" on MTV Movie Awards.

After the first attempt, the WES felt more confident and began to work on the second film - Rashmore Academy with Jason Schwartzman in the lead role. The film received enthusiastic critical reviews and became the subject of a wide advertising campaign. And although the picture earned many awards, the Academy did not nominate the picture in any of the categories of Oscar.

The following works in the Biographies of Anderson - "Family Tennbaum" (2001) and "Water Life" (2004) - brought WSU recognition and long-awaited success. Both paintings shone with star composition: Gwyneth Paltrow, Bill Murray, Angelica Houston, Kate Blanchett, Jean Hackman and unchanged Wilson Brothers. The "family" gave the nomination to Oscar for the best scenario, but it was only the beginning for a brilliant director.

The next film Anderson decided to explore India. "Train to Darjeeling" was removed in the desert Tar in Rajastan, the largest state of India. Critical reviews were ambiguous, but the unique handwriting of the director marked like never exactly: love for large top plans, an additional framework in the form of windows and other openings, an energetic distance and the approximation of the camera and, of course, the favorite Fint director - the following shooting, which creates the doll effect Domika. And the separation of each film on the chapter emphasizes theatricality, creating a sense of removal from the viewer.

Soon, Anderson decided that the multiplication animation would most fully help to realize his ideas, and in 2009 he released the cartoon "Unmatched Mr. Fox", based on the name of the ROALD DALA. A bold project about the struggle of the Fal Family Family Against Evil Farmer brings a picture of two nominations for Oscar.

Three years later, Wes was pleased with the critics another masterpiece in his corporate identity - the "kingdom of the full moon", in which he touched the problem of childhood and adults. Children Sam and Suzy in this film are exaggerated serious, adults, on the contrary, Anderson makes infantile, thus changing fathers and children roles. Trying to not change yourself, the director sat down each frame with juicy details and scenery, which in his films are full storytellers of history. Anderson's team was sighfied by hundreds of antique stores, she took the things from the members of the film crew or the familiar elderly people. Wes searched the necessary props always and everywhere, even going for a walk.

The "Hotel Grand Budapest" was the next with the delight of Critics with critics, which brought the director's gold globes and 9 nominations for Oscar to the film awards. The statuette for the best director Anderson did not take, but did not upset because of this, because he still received deserved attention from the critics of the film academy.

2018 Added by Marta filmography Another animated film - "Island of Dogs" filmography. The cartoon has become the biggest discovery in the director's career and nominated for the highest award of the film academy as the best animated film.

Wes Anderson is often confused with the other two directors - Paul Anderson, who presented the world "Resident Evil", and Paul Thomas Anderson, known on the film "Oil". These are different people, and they are not relatives.

Personal life

The personal life of Wes Anderson, although undergoing "under the vulture" completely secretly "," but something still seeps into the press. Since 2013, the WES consists of strong relationships with Juman Maluf - designer, costume artist, illustrator and writer.

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In 2015, the civilian wife presented Wuz daughter Frey. Juman for the nationality of Lebank, appeared in 1975. At the very beginning of the Civil War, the family managed to emigrate from Beirut to London. There Wes with Juman and met through common friends.

In social networks Wes is not registered. But in "Instagram" you can find curious pages dedicated to the work of the director. Fans included in the game of flowers and forms imposed by WESS: Trying to look at the eyes of Anderson's eyes, looking for shades and symmetry of his films in a photo or presenting, as if he took the "Forrest Gampa" or "X-Men" this director.

Wes Anderson now

In 2021, the regular work of WESSON WESON was announced in the banking program of the Cannes Film Festival. The long-awaited film "French Bulletin" with American actors of the first magnitude director announced before Pandemic. The film, conceived as the Oda weekly The New Yorker, a sample of high-quality journalism of the old school, tells about everyday life of the Paris newspaper. By tradition, the director shot in a picture of long-standing colleagues: Sirsu Ronan, Bill Murray, Tilda Suinton, Edward Norton and others.Embed from getty images

After the film film critic Anton Doline in his review noted:

"In his kingdom, the director is unchanged that the director wishes, the laws of scenario craft or common sense to him no longer have a decree. It is more important to be faithful to yourself and the kind public, whose love over the years is becoming more and passionate. "


  • 1996 - "Bottle Rocket"
  • 1998 - "Academy Rashmor"
  • 2001 - "Family of Tennbaum"
  • 2004 - "Water Life"
  • 2007 - "Train to Darjeeling"
  • 2009 - "Unmatched Mr. Fox"
  • 2012 - "Kingdom of the Full Moon"
  • 2014 - "Hotel Grand Budapest" »
  • 2018 - "Island of Dogs"
  • 2018 - "French Bulletin. Appendix to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San" "

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