Yuri Borisov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation 2021



Yuri Ivanovich Borisov - Personnel Military, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from 2018 to 2020. He participated in the launch of the production of arms systems and military equipment of strategic importance, from the Ministry of Defense supervised the development of a new state program of the arms, is well understood in electronic technologies.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Borisov was born on the eve of all his beloved holiday - December 31, 1956. His homeland is an old town of Vyshny Volochek, the first mention of which is dating from 1471 year. In the Kalinin region, childhood and youth Borisov were held.

Politician Yuri Borisov

After graduating from secondary school, Yuri entered the Suvorov School in Kalinin (today the Tver Suvorov School). In 1974, after the presentation of the diploma, Borisov continued to education in the Pushkin Supreme Command School of Anti-Friend Defense Radioelectronics. After his end, he gave the debt to his homeland in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, served on officers.

Without separation from service, he became a student of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, choosing the Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics. In the mid-1980 he successfully graduated from the university, and in 1998 left the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


After dismissal, the labor biography of Yuri Borisov began. He was appointed by the Director General of CJSC "Scientific and Technical Center" Module ", which developed avionics and sets of identification of images and integrated circuits.

In the summer of 2004, Borisov was headed by the Office of the Radio Electronic Industry and the Office of the Federal Agency for Industry. In this position worked until October 2007, then became the deputy head of the agency.

Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov

In the summer of the next year, Yuri Ivanovich was invited to work at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation to the post of Deputy Minister. The responsibilities of Borisov included observing the target program for the development of radio electronics, the development and implementation of the Russian satellite navigation system (GLONASS).

In March 2011, Yuri Borisov had a new career coil: the official was appointed the right hand of the Chairman of the Military Industrial Commission, which is valid under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Director General of the Electronics Central Research Institute, Boris Avdonin, commented on the appointment of Borisov to a position, characterizing him as a talented official who had made a lot for the development and introduction of electronics in the country.

In November 2012, Yuri Borisov, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin becomes the right hand of the head of the military department, General Sergey Shoigu. In the position of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, he was responsible for military-technical support, the development and modernization of army arms and techniques.

Vladimir Putin and Yuri Borisov

In the summer of 2015, Yuri Borisov, during a working visit to St. Petersburg, announced a reduction in the purchase of fighters of the 5th generation. The official shared the plans of the defense ministry about the purchase of one trial squadron of fighters and intent to increase the purchase of Su-35 fighters, the price of which is lower, and the tactical and technical characteristics are higher than foreign analogues.

From June 2013, Yuri Borisov was headed by the Military Technical Committee under the Council of CIS Defense Ministers. Introduced into the Board of Directors of OJSC Uralvagonzavod and the United Aircraft Building Corporation.

Colleagues characterize Yuri Ivanovich as a highly professional official of the widest range of competence, while compromising and able to find compromise solutions. Borisov was awarded a scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, in 2018 the politician received the title of Hero of Russia.

In May 2018, after the presidential inauguration, Dmitry Medvedev put forward the candidacy of Yuri Borisov to the position of Vice Prime Minister for MIC. Earlier, the post was held by Dmitry Rogozin, whom opponents accused of a series of annoying failures in the space industry.

Yuri Borisov and Sergey Shoigu

The editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine Igor Korutochko called the candidacy of Yuri Borisov to the post of deputy chairmen on the defense and industrial complex "Exceptionally successful personnel decision". Among the priority tasks of the new Deputy Prime Minister, Korotheko called the diversification of defense production.

Heading the Duma Commission on Legal Ensuring Development of the OCP Vladimir Gutenev is confident that the time to adapt in the new position Borisov is not necessary: ​​the deputy minister and earlier provided a reasonable balance between the defense industry enterprises with the customer represented by the defense ministry.

From May 18, 2018, Yuri Ivanovich began to fulfill the responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia, and six months later, another post was taken by the Chairman of the Aviation College.

Personal life

About the personal life of the official, since 2011, working in the defense industry of the country, the information is extremely buying, an account in "Instagram" with personal photos of politics. Yuri Borisov has a family who was created in the youth. Together with his wife, he raised two children.

Yuri Borisov now

In 2019, Yuri Borisov was a question for solving the problem of lending to enterprises of the OPK. In particular, at the MAOC-2019 Aviasame, the politician stated the need to prepare the UAC in the amount of 300 billion rubles. The head of "Rostech" Sergei Chezov also said this earlier. Later, Deputy Chairman of the Government will be called the lack of profitability of the "Achilles Fifte" missiles of the Russian cosmonautics.

In December, Borisov visited Syria, where he met with the head of state Bashar Assad. During the conversation, the work of the port of Tartus was held, as well as the supply of Syrian agricultural products to Russia.

Yuri Borisov in 2020

At the beginning of 2020, Vladimir Putin's speech was held in Moscow with a speech to the Federal Assembly. In his message, the president touched upon the need to revise some provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, expanding the powers of legislative and advantageous authorities, tightening the requirements for state-appliance representatives.

Following the head of state, Dmitry Medvedev reported, who reported the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation. The news was unexpected for Russian citizens, opposition political forces and supporters of the current government. All members of the Cabinan remained in place by performing responsibilities before the election of new ministers. Yuri Ivanovich also happened. However, it soon became known that Borisov would still be a deputy prime minister.


  • Medals of the USSR and the Russian Federation
  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • Order "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree
  • 2014 - Order of Honor
  • 2015 - State Prize of the Russian Federation named after Marshal Soviet Union G. K. Zhukova in the field of creating weapons and military equipment
  • 2018 - Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • 2018 - the title of Hero of Russia

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