Henri Matissses - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, works



Brightness of flowers, simplicity of technology, expression - the pictures of the French artist Henri Matisse affect the originality. The leader of Fovisma tried a bunch of directions in the visual art before found his own style, characterized by the "wild" character.

Childhood and youth

The Motherland of the Great Artist is the North Town of Le Cato-Cambrey in France. Here in 1869, the firstborn, whom Henri Emil Benua Matisss was born in the family of a successful trader grain. The fate of the child was predicted - at that time the first heir in the family was obliged to take on the work of the Father. But, apparently, the boy inherited the Mother's genes who loved to fervent free time for painting ceramic crafts.

Artist Henri Matisse

Henri prepared to the future thoroughly, he studied at school, then in a lyceum. Further, the scene, contrary to the will of the head of the family, went to Paris to comprehend the legal sciences. With a diploma, far from art, returned home, where he worked for several months with clerk.

Fate solved the disease. The creative biography of the gifted artist began in 1889, when Henri Matisse fell under the surgeon's knife with appendicitis.

Self-portrait Henri Matisse

Restored after the operation two months. So that the son does not miss, Mom brought accessories to the hospital for drawing, and Matisse began selflessly copy color postcards. At this time, the young man finally understood what he wants to devote life.


The dream of becoming a student of the metropolitan school of elegant arts was not given. The debut arrival of Henri failed, so I had to first sit at the parties of other educational institutions, where I got acquainted with the Aza painting. And yet in 1895, the "Fortress" surrendered - along with the future famous artist Albert Martis Matisse entered the artist of the arts, in the Moro Gustas workshop.

In the range of interests at the beginning of creativity, modern art was included, Henri Matisse was also curious Japanese direction. The symbolist to the brain of Kostya Moro sent students to learn to "play color" in the Louvre, where Henri tried to imitate the classic paintings, copying the paintings. The master taught to "dream of color", which is from the artist Matisse, there was a passion for finding suitable shades to transmit emotions.

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In early work, a mixture of moro teachings with borrowed elements from recognized masters of the brush has already shown. For example, still life "Schidama Bottle" is distinguished by ambiguity: on the one hand, dark colors give the imitation of Charden, and wide strokes and a mixture of black with silver - mana. Later, Henri recognized:

"I perceive the expressive side of the color purely intuitively. By passing the autumn landscape, I will not remember what colors are suitable for this time of year, I will inspire me only the feelings of autumn ... I choose the color not for any scientific theory, but by feeling, observation and experience. "

The study of the classics quickly bored the artist, and he turned to the impressionists, in particular, bowed to Vincent Winsen's canvas. Van Gogh. The color in the earliest works is still dim, but gradually gained a juicion, the impressionism began to be transformed into its own unique style. Already in 1896, the first creations of a beginner painter began to appear in art salons.

The first personal exhibition did not produce a furyor in circles of art connoisseurs. Henri Matisse decided to leave the capital of France away to the north, where he tried the strength in the technique of point smears. At this time, the first masterpiece - "Luxury, peace and pleasure" came out from under his feather. But the man did not find this manner of the letter "native."

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The revolution in the artist's work came to 1905. Matisse, along with a group of like-minded people, created a new style in painting, called Fovism. The energy of the paints, presented at the exhibition in the fall, shocked the audience. Henri introduced two works - a portrait of a woman in a hat and the picture "Open Window".

The artists hit the wave of indignation, the visitors of the exhibition did not understand how to neglect all the traditions of fine arts. The founders of the style were painted with snovers, that is, savages.

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However, such attention, albeit a negative, brought Matisse the popularity and good dividends: fans appeared at the paintings, who bought them with pleasure. For example, a "woman in a hat" immediately at the exhibition took the American writer Gertrud Stein, and the canvas "the joy of life", which appeared in 1906, bought the famous collector Leo Stein.

A little later, a significant event happened - the artist met with the Pablo Picasso yet, the communication broke out in the decades of friendship, during which the masters of the brush competed with each other. Picasso said that the death of any of them will be for every irreparable loss, because to discuss some creative questions so rapidly no longer with anyone.

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The two most famous canvas - "Dance" and "Music" - Matisse wrote for the patron of Sergei Schukin. Russian ordered paintings for the house in Moscow. The artist, working on the sketches, put the goal to create something that the next to the mansion felt the relief and peace. Interestingly, the installation of Pictures of Henri controlled personally - the Frenchman arrived in the capital of Russia, where he was taken with delight. The artist himself impressed the collection of ancient icons of the owner of the house and simplicity of Russians.

Apparently, the fee the artist got a good, because he immediately went on a journey. She visited Algeria's eastern fairy tale, and returning home, immediately sat down to work - the light saw the picture "Blue Nude". This trip made an indelible impression on Matisse, new elements appear in creativity, a man creates lithographs, engravings on ceramics and a tree.

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The charm of the East did not let go, the Frenchman continued to get acquainted with Africa, moving to Morocco. And then went on a trip to Europe and America. At this time, his work gradually began to lose its focus, folling with the subtlety and special depth, there was a connection with nature.

During World War II, the artist found oncology, after the operation a man could not move. At that time, Matisse revealed a new direction in the field of decoupage, which is based on the compilation of paintings from pieces of painted paper.

Sculptor Henri Matisse

The point in the work of Henri Matisse put a large-scale project of the design of a female monastery in Vansel. It is said that the artist was asked only to edit stained-in sketches, but he enthusiastically dried his sleeves and created a full project. By the way, this work man considered a certain sign of fate at sunset life and the best in his piggy bank of artistic works.

Personal life

Personal life Henri Matisse was decorated three women. In 1984, the artist first became a father - model Carolina Zoblo presented a talented painter with daughter Margarita. However, Henri married not at all on this girl.

Henri Matisse with his wife and daughter Margarita

Amelie Pareir became an official spouse, with which the representative of the world of painting met at the wedding of the comrade. The girl acted as a bride's girlfriend, and Henri randomly planted near the table. Amelie struck love at first sight, the young man also began to put attention signs. The girl became the first close man who believed in his talent unconditionally.

Henri Matisse and Amelie Pareir

Before the marriage of the bridegroom warned the bride that the main place in life will always occupy the work. Even on the honeymoon, the newly new family went to London to get acquainted with the work of William Turner.

In marriage, the sons of Jean-Gerard and Pierre were born. Spouses also took in their family to raising Margarita. For many years, the daughter and wife occupied the places of the main models and the music of the artist. One of the famous paintings dedicated to his wife is a "green strip", written in 1905.

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This portrait of a beloved woman struck the then connoisseurs of art "uglyness". The audience believed that the representative of Fovisma was overwhelmed with the brightness of paints and frank truthfulness.

At the peak of popularity, which came on the 30s, the artist needed an assistant. Matisse at that time with his family moved to Nice. Once there was a young Russian emigrant Lydia Delegrant, which became the secretary of the painter. The spouse first did not see the danger in the girl - her husband did not like the blonde. But the situation changed instantly: accidentally seeing the Lydia in the bedroom of his wife, Henri rushed to draw her.

Henri Matisse and Lydia Delek

Subsequently, Amelie divorced himself with the famous spouse, and the Diektoman became the last Madissa Museum. What kind of relationships reigned in this union, it was love, or a couple was limited to joint work, it is still not known. Among the placer drawings and paintings on which Lydia is depicted, the mansion is the canvas "Odalisk. Blue harmony. "


On November 1, 1954, Henri Matissea struck the microinsult. Two days later, the great artist died. The legend says that the dealer in front of death visited the painter in the bedroom, where he said:"On another day you would say: let's give a pencil and paper."

Henri with a smile answered:

"Let's give a pencil and paper."


  • 1896 - "Bottle of Schidam"
  • 1905 - "Joy of Life"
  • 1905 - "Woman in a hat"
  • 1905 - "Green Star"
  • 1905 - "Open window in the collier"
  • 1907 - "Blue Nude"
  • 1908 - "Red Room"
  • 1910 - "Music"
  • 1916 - "Swimmer at the River"
  • 1935 - "Pink Nude"
  • 1937 - "Woman in violet coat"
  • 1940 - "Romanian blouse"
  • 1952 - "Sadness of the king"

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