Vasily III - biography, photo, personal life, board, Smolensk



Vasily III is the son of Ivan III and the nieces of the last Byzantine emperor Sofia Paleolog, the Grand Duke Vladimir and Moscow, the Sovereign of All Russia, ruled from 1505 to 1533. In the contract with the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, Maximilian I, for the first time in the history of Russia, is named Emperor Rus. He continued his father's policies to strengthen and centralize the Russian state, fought with the feudal opposition. Father Ivan Grozny.

Portrait of Vasily III

With Vasilia III to Moscow, the last half-pointed removal and principality were joined. The Grand Duke limited the privileges of the princely-boyars aristocracy. He became famous for the victorious war against Lithuania.

Childhood and youth

The future emperor of Rusov was born in the spring of 1479. They ordered a grand-road sibling in honor of Vasily confessor, with baptism given the Christian name Gabriel. Vasily III is the first son, born to her husband of Sofia Paleolog, and the second one for seniority. At the time of his birth, the one-year-old brother Ivan the young fulfilled 21 years. Later, Sophia gave birth to a spouse of four more sons.

Ivan III and Sophia Paleologist, Parents Vasily III

The path of Vasily III to the throne was a ternist: Ivan was considered the main heir and legal successor of the sovereign. The second competitor to the throne was the son of Ivan the Young - Dmitry, who wondered the August grandfather.

In 1490, the eldest son of Ivan III passed away, but the boyars did not want to see Vasily on the throne and fell on the side of Dmitry and his mother Elena Voloshanki. The second spouse of Ivan III Sophia Paleologist and her son supported devil and boyars children who goverd by orders. Supporters of Vasily pushed him to a spraying, advising the prince to kill Dmitry Grandschik and, capturing the treasury, flee from Moscow.

Vasily III.

Sovereign people revealed a conspiracy involved by the executed, and Ivan IVI's rebelled sibling was put into custody. Suspending his wife Sophia Paleologist in unkind intentions, Great Prince Moscow began to beware of it. Having learned that a spouse came to the spouse, the sovereign ordered to grab the "dashing women" and under the cover of the night weft in the Moscow River.

In February 1498, Dmitry was crowned on the reign, but in a year the pendulum swung in the opposite direction: the grace of the sovereign left the grandson. Vasily at the field of Father accepted the princess Novgorod and Pskov. In the spring of 1502, Ivan III entered into a daughter-in-law of Elena Voloshanka and the grandson of Dmitry in custody, and Vasily blessed the Grand Diction and announced all Russia.

Governing body

In the internal policy, Vasily III was an adherent of rigid board and believed that the government should not be limited to anything. He disappeared without delay with disgruntled boyars and in confrontation with the oppositionists relied on the church. But in 1521, Metropolitan Varlaam got under the hot hand of the Grand Duke Moskovsky: for unwillingness to face the autocrat in the struggle against the specific prince of Vasily Shemyakin, the priest referred.

Vasily III with ambassadors of Emperor Charles V

Criticizing Vasily III considered unacceptable. In 1525, Ivan Bersen-Beklemishev's diplomat was executed: the statesman did not accept the Greek innovations introduced into the life of Russia's Mother of the sovereign Sophia.

Over the years, the despotus Vasily III intensified: the sovereign, increasing the number of land nobility, limited the privileges of the boyar. The son and grandson continued to be launched by the father Ivan III and grandfather Vasily Dark Centralization of Russia.

Moscow Principality in Vasily III

In church politics, the new sovereign fell on the side of Josephlanes, which defended the right of monasteries to own land and property. Their opponents of non-stoppers were executed or sharpened in monastic cells. During the reign of Father Ivan the Terrible, a new judiciary appeared, which did not reach this day.

On the era of Vasily III Ivanovich, the construction boom fell, the beginning of which put his father. The Arkhangelsk Cathedral appeared in the Moscow Kremlin, and in Kolomenskoye - the temple of the Ascension of the Lord.

Faurel Vasily III

The two-storey travel palace of the king is preserved to this day - one of the oldest monuments of civil architectures in the Russian capital. Such small palaces ("Putank"), in which Vasily III and accompanying the king the retinue rested before entering the Kremlin, was a lot, but only the palace was preserved on the old Basmannaya.

Opposite the "Putaki" there is another monument of architecture - the temple of Nikita Martyr. He appeared in 1518 on the command of Vasily III and was originally wooden. In 1685, a stone church was built in his place. Under the arches of the ancient temple, Alexander Pushkin prayed, Fyodor Rockots, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Church of Nikita Martyr on Old Basmann

In foreign policy, Vasily III was noted as a collector of Russian lands. At the beginning of his rule, they asked them to attach them to the Moscow Principality of Pskovichi. The king acted with them, as earlier Ivan III with Novgorod: I moved 3 hundred noble families from Pskov to Moscow, giving them to serve to serve.

After the third siege in 1514, Smolensk was taken, for the conquest of which Vasily III applied artillery. Smolensk's accession has become the largest military success of the sovereign.

Icon Vasily III

In the 1517th, the king was put into custody of the last prince of Ryazan Ivan Ivanovich, who had conspired with the Crimean Khan Ivan Ivanovich. Soon he was touched into the monks, and the lot was "focused" to the Moscow Principality. Then Starodubsk and Novgorod-Severskiy Principality surrendered.

At the beginning of the board, Vasily III concluded peace with Kazan, and after violation of the agreement went on a campaign against Khanate. The war with Lithuania was crowned with success. The results of the board of the State Job All Russia, Vasily Ivanovich, was the strengthening of the country, they learned about the distant boundaries. Relicious relations with France and India.

Personal life

Ivan III married her son a year before his death. It was not possible to choose a novel spouse: I was chosen by Saburov's wife, the girl of the necchoarsky.

At 46, Vasily III seriously abandoned the fact that the wife did not give him the heir. The boyars advised the king to divorce with barren Solomon. Metropolitan Daniel approved a divorce. In November 1525, the Grand Duke broke up with his wife, which was tonsured in the nuns of the Christmas Maiden Monastery.

Wedding Vasily III and Sabroma Solomonia

After those, rumors broke out that the former wife was sharpened in the monastery gave birth to Son Georgy Vasilyevich, but there is no convincing evidence. According to People's Molve, who grew up the son of Saburova and Vasily Ivanovich became a robber Kudärik, suspended in the Nekrasovskaya "song about twelve robber".

A year after the divorce of the nobleman, I chose the daughter of the deceased Prince Glinsky. The girl conquered the king of education and beauty. For the sake of Elena, Glinsky, the prince even shaved his beard, which was contrary to Orthodox traditions.

Vasily III and Elena Glinsky

It took 4 years, and the second spouse did not give the king of the long-awaited heir. The sovereign together with his wife went on Russian monasteries. It is believed that the prayers of Vasily Ivanovich and his spouse heard Rev. Pafnuts Borovsky. In August 1530, Elena gave birth to the firstborn of Ivan, the future of John Grozny. A year later, the second boy appeared - Yuri Vasilyevich.


The king briefly enjoyed his fatherhood: when the firstbentist turned 3 years old, the sovereign fell ill. On the way from the Trinity Monastery in Volokolamsk Vasily III discovered on the hip.

After treatment, there was a short relief, but after a couple of months, the doctor made the verdict that only a miracle can save Vasily: a patient began to infect blood.

Vasily's grave III

In December, the king died, blessing the firstborn on the throne. The remains are buried in the Moscow Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

Researchers suggest that Vasily III died of cancer in the last stage, but in the XVI century did not know the doctors about such a disease.


  • On the Board of Vasily III, a new judiciary was created, the Arkhangelsk Cathedral was built, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.
  • In 2007, Alexey Shishov published a study "Vasily III: the last collector of the Russian land."
  • In 2009, the premiere of the series "Ivan Grozny" director Andrei Eshpaya was held, in which the role of Vasily III got the actor Vladislav Winds.
  • In 2013, the book of Alexander Melnik was published "Moscow Grand Prince Vasily III and the cults of Russian saints."

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