Irina Feofanova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Songs, News, Filmography 2021



Irina Feofanova - actress theater and cinema. From the young age she was lucky to play tapes with the stars of the Soviet cinema, and became famous for the role of journalist in the comedy Leonid Gaidai "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation ". Today, you will not see a woman in movies, but it remains open to the press and active in life - the forces gives the younger generation, helps children to meet the magic world of cinema.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in Penza in the family of builders. When a girl studied in grade 5, Feofanov moved to Moscow. Andrei's elder brother also went to the footsteps of the parents, but a scientist who was able to the science of the scientific officer or, at a thin end, also a builder.

Irina Feofanova in childhood

Behind the shoulders of Ira school with a biomedical bioholine, in the certificate only one four. But with the 6th grade she dreamed of acting. In an interview, he said that she saw a postcard on which a woman was depicted in a hat. So only actresses may look like, a teenager decided.

The dream seemed unreal, because in childhood and youth, the star of the screens was distinguished by extreme shyness, even the exits to the school board were hardly given. Yes, and parents protested with his brother. However, Andrei Feofanov on the irony of fate in the future became a film producer.

Irina Feofanova in youth

I had to go to the metropolitan construction university. Soon the girl, having passed the entrance exams in the Studio Theater "On Usachevka", threw the institute and plunged into the world of art, parallel working the postman.

A beginner actress involved in the lead role in his formulation Edward Radzinsky. Having gained a little experience, Irina joined the ranks of the students of the theater school named after M. S. Shchepkin. From the second course he shone on the stage of the Small Theater, and then the Moscow Regional Drama Theater.


According to all students of theatrical school students, Irina Feofanova left a photo in the map "Mosfilm", and once the girl was invited to samples of the new picture of Karen Shakhnazarov. But in the Corridor of the film studio, the young actress grabbed another director - Edgar Hodgikyan. Until now, the woman calls the event miracle, because she immediately got the role of the daughter of the character of Roman Paigina in the criminal tape "Without the statute of limitations".

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To the present popularity was still far away. In the piggy bank of the work, Feofanova laid the film "We are your children", introduced it to the stars of the movie Leonid Kuravlev and Galina Polish, "Men's Portraits", "Honor".

He was impressed by the cooperation with Innochentius Smoktunovsky, with whom she was united by the picture "Black Corridor". The actress confessed that he returned to the school to another person: Madre Cinema was inspired by the idea that the actor was not just a beautiful picture, each role should bear the meaning.

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Creative biography received a new round in 1989 - the actress literally woke up famous. Irina Feofanova starred at Leonid Gaidai. In the comedy "Private Detective, or the Operation" Cooperation ", an eminent director entrusted the girl a major role, and Dmitry Kharatyan became a partner, whose name threaten already to the entire Union.

The image got just a wonderful, opening space for fantasy: Journalist Lena is trying on the images of a prostitute, bikers, alcoholic. And Irina coped, yes so that the magazine "screen" called her actress of the year.

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One of his favorite works in the cinema Irina Vyacheslavovna calls Ribert George Shengelii "Sagittarius Non-good" (1993), in which he managed to get acquainted with the spiritual and kind Vladimir Ilyin.

And two years earlier, Feofanova played with Inna Ulyanovoy and Irina Muravyeva in a musical comedy "when late in the registry office." The film is remembered by the brightness of the filming, and by the fact that the coup broken in the capital disappeared work.

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From the mid-90s, difficulties in the career of the actress began. In 1995, Irina Feofanova played in the tape "Son for Father", and then four years did not appear on the screens. In the future, the role of a lawyer in the melodrame "women offended is not recommended", on the set of which Vera Glagolev, Maxim Sukhanov, Alexander Porokhovshchikov and other stars gathered on the set.

Personal life

Irina Vyacheslavovna survived great, but tragic love. At 23 years old began to meet with the peer of Sergey, who made the first steps in entrepreneurship. The actress with tenderness recalls the time. The young man belonged to the beloved as a princess, endlessly cared, bored, could come to the day to shoot at the other end of the country. Irina calls him perfect.

Actress Irina Feofanova

The novel lasted a little over a year, although the couple dreamed of living a long and happy life, give birth to two children. But one day there was a phone call from the police - Sergey car at a huge speed flew from the track. The actress suggests that the beloved was killed, it was often happening with young businessmen at the height of restructuring. Before the tragic event, the young man made a major deal, but this information did not even listen to this information.

The whole year was needed by Irina to come to themselves. The girl threw the theater, did not starred in the cinema and did not answer the phone.

Irina Faofanova and her former husband Vladimir Fatyanov

Later, the actress married, but not for long - family happiness did not work. Irina Faofanova believes that if you live with my husband, then live well, in the world and harmony:

"If you're lucky to find my fate, you need to hold on for it. Did not fall such good luck, it was wrong - then why continue. "

In an interview with the actress says that there is no feeling of loneliness. Parents, brother and nephews live in the neighboring streets, at any time you can come to visit.

Irina Feofanova now

Today, Irina Feofanova is not filmed in the cinema, and the reasons for that are enough. The main is the lack of interesting roles, such directors rarely offer age actresses. And Mamash play a woman does not burn with desire. In addition, having worked at the famous directories in films with brilliant scenarios, it is now difficult to find close by level.

However, the star of the screens does not sit without a case. For example, in 2018, there was already a number of meetings with fans. The main occupation was the leadership of a children's theater studio, which she founded more than a dozen years ago.

Irina Feofanova in 2018

Creative life at school boys: teachers along with children watch movies, and then roast discussions, the children are involved in theatrical productions on the works of William Shakespeare, Anton Chekhov, Alexander Pushkin. Studio suits festivals and poetic evenings. Graduates easily enter theatrical universities. Irina Vyacheslavovna considers it a matter of purpose:

"It is not necessary that all our students will go to artists. More importantly, in order for educated and cultural people, people who have a life position. "


  • 1986 - "Without the statute of limitations"
  • 1987 - "We are your children"
  • 1988 - "Black Corridor"
  • 1989 - "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation "
  • 1991 - "When late in the registry office"
  • 1993 - "Russian Business"
  • 1993 - "Sagittarius Unclean"
  • 1994 - "Miami Groom"
  • 1995 - "Son for Father"
  • 1999 - "Women offended not recommended"
  • 2003 - "Adventure Maga"
  • 2004 - "Sins of fathers"

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