Samuel Marshak - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



In the archives there are often a photo of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak surrounded by children. No wonder, because the poet and the writer remained an excellent friend of small readers. The creativity of the author is not limited to children's literature. Brilliant marching translations are familiar to lovers of English classical literature.

Childhood and youth

Samuel Yakovlevich was born in a Jewish family on October 22 (according to a new style on November 3) of 1887. The family originated from the oldest kind of Talmud researchers. The father of the boy is a chemist who worked on a soap plant, a mother - a housewife, raising children and looks at life. In addition to Samuel, five more children grew in the family.

Samuel Marshak in childhood

Marshak-senior tried to realize the ambitions and the potential of a specialist in the field of chemistry, so the family often moved: Vitebsk, Pokrov, Bakhmut. The list of cities was interrupted in Ostrogojsk in 1900.

For a leaving from the Jewish family, the problem was credited to the gymnasium, since a limited number of places were allocated to children of such origin. That is why when Marshak's father was lucky to find a job in St. Petersburg, Samuel did not immediately follow the relatives.

Samuel Marshak in youth

The young gymnasium came to the capital on vacation. One of these trips has become for the future biography of the writer's fateful. The boy is represented by the famous criticism and art historian of that time to Vladimir Stasov.

It is worth noting that the story about childhood and youth Marshak is impossible without mentioning literature and creativity. As the poet himself remembers, poems began to compose even earlier than learned to write them. Even in Ostrogogsk, the Datvora from all over the county was going to the family of a young poet to listen to the fun work of his writings.

Samuel Marshak in youth

It is not surprising that Stasov, in the hands of which a notebook with the work of the boy, appreciated the writer's talent and contributed to the early translation of Samuel Yakovlevich in St. Petersburg gymnasium.

Arriving to the city on the Neva, the gymnasist disappears in the Public Library, consistent with the works of the classics of world literature. The critic did not forget to instill the love of love for art, especially supported undertaking in the field of national Jewish creativity.

Senior Comrade introduces poet with Maxim Gorky in 1904. Having learned about the problems of Marshak with the health caused by the St. Petersburg climate, Gorky invites the young man to live on his own dacha in Yalta.

Samuel Marshak and Maxim Gorky

In the southern city, a young man spends two years. In 1906, having received a warning about the conspiracy preparing against Jews, it is forced to leave the coast and return to St. Petersburg.

On this nomadic life of the writer did not stop. In 1911, a young man with a group of comrades goes on a trip to the Middle East as a correspondent. 1912 was marked by a trip to England for education at the University of London.

Returning to his homeland in 1914, the young man had changed the cities of residence several times, until he finally moved to Petrograd in 1922.


The works of Samuel Yakovlevich first stepped in print in 1907. The first book was the collection of "Zionida", dedicated to the Jewish theme. In addition to the author's creativity, the writer is enjoyed by translation. At the same time, it also begins work in this direction also from the poems of Jewish poets.

Poet Samuel Marshak

The works of a young poet are addressed to an adult reader. The best cycle of the young author's creativity is called the collection of poems "Palestine", written during the travels of the writer. Studying in England, he is seriously fond of the folk creativity of Britain and Scotland, the translations of the ballad, as well as the works of classics.

Unfortunately, Bolshevik, and then Soviet Stalinist Russia did not feed a constant loyalty to the work of poets and writers. Periodically, the authors fell into disfavor and subjected to repression. Samuel Yakovlevich found a way out and a way to develop the talent of a great poet in works for children.

Samuel Marshak at work

The writer was famous for love for the young generation. In 1920, the first Children's Theater was organized in the current Krasnodar, on the stage of which there were performances on the plays of his writings, such as "twelve months", "teremok".

Since 1923, children's books of the poet are published in Petrograd, including translations from the English "House that Jack built" and the tales of their own essay: "Koshkin House", "That's what scattered", "Baggage", "a stupid little mouse".

Books Samuel Marshaka

In the war years, avoiding mobilization due to poor view, Marshak writes satirical fechens, participates in the creation of anti-fascist posters.

For the contribution to the literature, the writer was awarded several Stalinist and Leninist premiums and awards, including the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Labor Red Banner.

In the 60s, when the winner of the premiums did not threaten anything, the poet released a collection of poems for adult readers "Favorites Lyrics". In 1960, the autobiography of the writer "at the beginning of life" is published.

Personal life

Wife Sophia Mikhailovna Milvid young writer met during the Middle East significant for his life. For study in London, young people went by family already. Until the end of the life of Sophia Mikhailovna remained a true friend and the muse.

Samuel Marshak and his wife Sofya

Contemporaries noted that spouses, despite the difference in temperaments and characters, perfectly complemented each other. Marshak is a creative person, was distinguished by a hot-tempered temper, impulsiveness, and Sophia Mikhailovna - the true "techny" in the warehouse of the mind, had reasonable, tranquility and weighing of the mind.

By the way, Samuel Yakovlevich suffered an impossible scatleton. It is said that a story about a person from the street poet's poet wrote from himself.

The best friend of the Soviet Devya himself has repeatedly encountered tragedies associated with its own children. In 1915, the firstborn of Marshakov's spouses, the one-year-old daughter Nathanael, overturned the boiling samovar. Baby died from the burns received.

Samuel Marshak with family

Two years after the tragedy, the son of Immanuel appeared to the world, and in 1925 - Yakov. It is not surprising that the husband and his wife literally shaking over the children. By the way, the "Tale of a stupid little face" is written by a poet for one night to earn money for the treatment of Immanuel in Evpatoria.

Unfortunately, Yakov's younger son died from tuberculosis at 21 years. The eldest son lived a full-fledged life, became a successful physicist who developed an aerial photography technique. In parallel, the man was engaged in translations.

Samuel Marshak and his son Immanuel

Good and responsive in character, Samuel Marshak in difficult years of repression and persecution of writers' work as he could defend his colleagues. Not afraid, the poet turned to high persons of the NKVD, expressed in defense of the works of I. A. Brodsky, A. I. Solzhenitsyn.

Attempts arose to be accused of cosmopolitanism and Marshak. In addition, rumors raised that Kabbalistic appeals were encrypted in verses for children. Being an offacarious Jew, the writer studied the Talmud, there is information about writing by the poet of the Zionist poems, but in children's books, of course, it did not find reflections.


At the end of his life, the writer practically blind from the cataract.

The great poet was left on July 4, 1964, surviving up to very old years. Official cause of death is recognized as acute heart failure. Hundreds of friends and fans of creativity came to say goodbye to Samuel Yakovlevich. The author's grave is located on the Novodevichy cemetery.


Children's fairy tales:

  • "Twelve months"
  • "Smart Things"
  • "Cat house"
  • "Teremok"
  • "Tale of a stupid little mouse"
  • "Tale about a smart mouse"
  • "Why did the cat called the cat"
  • "Ring Jafar"
  • "Old woman, close the door!"
  • "Baggage"
  • "Where did the sparrow dined?"
  • "Mustachioed - Striped"
  • "Visiting Queen"
  • "Tale about goat"

Didactic works:

  • "Fire"
  • "Mail"
  • "War with Dnipro"


  • "Story about an unknown hero"

Works on military and political topics:

  • "Mail Military"
  • "Byl-Nesbylitsa"
  • "All year round"
  • "On guard of the world"

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