Naina Yeltsin - biography, personal life, photo, news, nationality, pension, wife Boris Yeltsin 2021



Naine Yeltsin rightfully can be called the first of the first, because it is this woman - the life of the life of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin. Always beside and always in the shade of her husband Naina Josephovna provided a reliable rear of the spouse, which decided to build a new state on the ruins of the Soviet Union. In the biography of Yeltsina, the Second World War and the formation of new Russia, and the death of close people took place.

Childhood and youth

14 MARTA 1932 in the village of Titovka Orenburg region was born Anastasia Girin, which was destined to become the first lady of the Russian Federation. A couple of Joseph's nameders and Maria Girini Nastya became the firstborn. Joseph Girin served on the railway, and his wife was engaged in raising 6 children - after the future celebrity in the family, a rose sister and 4 boys were born: Leonid, Anatoly, Vladimir and Vitaly.

In the press there are different opinions about the causes of this fact, but somehow my homemade nastya called them. The eldest daughter of Girini was so accustomed to the name that in 25 years officially changed the data in the passport and became Naault. According to Naina Yeltsin - Russian. However, according to Rambler, the head of the family had Jewish roots. The father was confident that the girl would become a teacher, because the mother was helped with their interest with the upbringing of brothers and sisters.

In Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg), at the 18th age, Naya-Nastya went to the Faculty of Construction Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. S. M. Kirov. Here is the first-grandmother and met a high sports Boris - the future husband. Romantic feelings flashed on the 2nd course, but the girl did not immediately. The future president jokingly was interested in other fans of Na and offered to marry, but then the matter did not go.

First lady

The spouse of the first Russian president traveled to schools, orphanages and hospitals, providing charitable assistance. According to the protocol, the first lady accompanied her husband in overseas trips with an official visit. In 1999, the Frank International Assistance Foundation has awarded Yeltsin the Oliver Prize in the nomination "For the Humanism of the Heart".

Boris Yeltsin told in the autobiographical book about the modest character of his wife:

"When Naina goes to an orphanage, or to a children's hospital, or to the hospital to his beloved actress, she never tells anyone about it. She sincerely considers good deeds to their private affairs. "

Boris Yeltsin's wife rarely gave an interview in the 90s, remaining in the shadow of Boris Nikolayevich. Lies, intrigues and charges of Yeltsin in the deterioration of the economic situation of Naina Josephovna perceived acutely. In the family circle operated the rule - not to discuss politics.

On December 31, 1999, the head of state congratulated the people with the holiday for the last time. The resignation was pleased with Naine Yeltsin, because it meant the end of a restless, fussy life that influenced the health of the beloved spouse.

In 2000, the former president became a pensioner. At this time, the married couple often drove around guests, meeting with the families of the ex-heads of states, with whom he managed to make friends. With Madame Shirac, for example, Naina Yeltsin supports communication to this day.

In 2006, the wife of the former president was awarded the National Award "Olympia" in the nomination "Honor and dignity". And in March 2017, Naina Josephovna became the Kavaler of the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Honor award was presented by Vladimir Putin at an event in honor of the 85-year-old anniversary Yeltsina.

Personal life

The year, young Boris and Naina did not see each other, because after graduating from the university in 1955, both worked on distribution. Boris worked in Sverdlovsk, and the chosen is in the Orenburg region. At that time, lovers exchanged touching letters.

They met the young in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara), from where the overall friend sent a comic telegram, which reported on the critical condition of the heart of Boris. The frightened girl escaped from work, the telegram turned out to be a reason to meet. That evening, Boris and Naina decided not to part.

In the summer of 1956, Boris asked his hands on his father's father, and in September the couple was combined with marriage. 100 people came to the celebration in the upper test. In the youth, the Yeltsin family lived in Sverdlovsk, Elena was born in 1957, and in the 1960s - the second daughter of Tatiana. Children went in footsteps of parents, having received technical education.

Naina Yeltsin worked by an engineer at the Institute "Soyuzodokanalproekt", where filtering and stunctions of wastewater treatment plasters were developed. At this time, Boris Yeltsin rapidly climbed the career staircase, first - in the house-building plant, then put forward on the administrative positions of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU.

In 1985, Boris Nikolayevich became the first secretary of the Moscow City Mountain Communist Party, and the family moved. In the capital of Naina Iosifovna did not make a career, providing strong rear to her husband at home. Finally, in the summer of 1991, Boris Nikolayevich was elected by the President of the RSFSR, and then the Russian Federation. Thus, Yeltsin gained the status of the "first lady". By the way, Sergey Shoigu was played by a noticeable supporter of the new government.

Elena's eldest daughter married Valery Okulov - the former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Today, Valery Mikhailovich holds the position of a valid state counselor of the 2nd class. Elena presented Yeltsin 3 grandchildren: Catherine, Maria and Ivan. The granddaughters, in turn, had time to please the famous Grandfather with great-grandfather: back in 1999, Ekaterina gave birth to the son of Alexander, and in 2005 and 2006, Marya and Fyodor appeared at Mary.

The youngest daughter of Yeltsin Tatyana Yumashev was married three times. With the first spouse, Wiel Hairullin broke up in 2 years. She was then married with a prominent businessman Leonid Dyachenko. From the previous Union, the son of Boris remained, which was recorded on the new husband Tatiana.

In 1995, Gleb boy with Down syndrome was born in the family of Dyachenko. Thanks to professional teachers were able to socialize and develop extraordinary abilities in art and mathematics. The history of the president's grandson forced the representatives of the authorities to pay attention to the problem of disabled children in Russia, develop benefits and other ways to support.

In 2002, Tatyana Dyachenko broke up with her husband and played a wedding with Valentin Yumashev, the former head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin and one of the founders of Yeltsin Center. Maria's daughter was born in marriage. The couple also brought up the daughter of Yumashev from the previous marriage, Polina, who became the wife of a billionaire Oleg Deripaska.

Yeltsin, making an offer to the bride, associated their fate forever. Personal photographer Yuri Feklists so recalled about strong pair:

"They were very touching towards each other. Somehow they returned from Finland and flew on Valaam. There spouses walked around the island. Yeltsin in some kind of well scored water and brought her, gave a bouquet of daisies ... and Naina Josephovna constantly "Boris, Boris ...", shelled him on the ship, all the time he watched him. "

In the fall of 2015, the Yeltsin Presidential Center opened in Yekaterinburg, where the museum works with the personal belongings of the former president of Russia. For example, a statement of leaving the party, the knob, which he signed decrees, and a diploma on the end of the institute. In 2008, the former first ladies entered the Board of Trustees of Yeltsin Center. According to the widow, the activities of the organization will help the younger generation to gain reliable information about the difficult time for Russia.

In 2016, Nikita Mikhalkov criticized Yeltsin Center, accusing the exhibits and cartoons demonstrated in the museum in the distortion of the history of Russia. Naina Josephovna responded to such a filth of the film director, mentioning that Mikhalkov himself never went to the museum. In response, the People's Artist published an open letter with apologies.

In the summer of 2017, a series of presentations of memoirs "Personal Life" took place. The book of Naine Yeltsina has written 5 years. Such a term was explained by the desire of the author to create a product with a description of family, household details without a policy of politics. In the work on the text of the widow, Lyudmila Tellen was helped - First Deputy Executive Director of Yeltsin Center.

Death of Boris Yeltsin

On April 23, 2007, Naina Iosifovna widowed. Boris Nikolayevich died at the age of 76 due to heart stop. The funeral was held at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Sergei Sobyanin, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin and the heads of foreign countries came to say goodbye to the associate. Together, the spouses Yeltsin lived a little over 50 years.

Naina Yeltsin now

After the death of Yeltsin, his successor Vladimir Putin signed a decree on a monthly pension for Naire Josephovna, which amounted to 195 thousand rubles. per month. According to the media, now an elderly woman lives in the famous Maxim Gorky house in slings with a kitchen and another servant. This is not at all the State Department, the structure acquired Boris Nikolayevich back in 1995.

Naina Yeltsin infrequently gives interviews and does not post photos on social networks. It could be called a hermit, but the former first lady appears on significant public events.

On February 1, 2021, the first president of Russia could be 90 years old. In the morning, representatives of the administration of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region laid flowers to the monument to Boris Yeltsin in the capital of the Urals. Naina Josephovna at that time participated in another memorable procession, which was held in Moscow, at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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