Athena - biography, name, goddess of war, image and character


Character History

The Goddess Warring was honored in ancient Greece on a par with the chief God of Olympus. And not surprising, because Athena, in contrast to most of its own relatives, belonged to simple mortals with rational wisdom, care and understanding. The girl became the patron saint of military leaders and just brave men. Dressed in the fighting armor and a beautiful helmet, the goddess descended on the battlefield and gave hope for victory to each meeting of the soldier.

History of creation

In the Greek mythology of Athena is represented by multitasking goddess. The daughter of Zeus is a patroner of wars, arts, crafts and science. The girl symbolizes wisdom, prudacity and calm. In the Roman mythology, the goddess is known under the name of Minerva and is endowed with the same functionality as the Greek version.

God Zeus

The image of the Virgin Warper is found in many parts of the world and in many ancient peoples. Therefore, to determine where the cult of Athens came from, it is impossible. Setting up in Greece, Athena especially entrenched in Attica. The Great Panafineans were arranged to the glory of the wise goddess - holidays, which included night marchs, gymnastic competitions and competitions for the selection of olive oil.

In honor of the revered on a par with Zeus Athens, over 50 temples were built. The most famous are Parthenon on Acropolis and Erehechyon. The goddess has become an inspiration source for ancient sculptors. It is noteworthy that the girl, unlike the rest of the Pantheon, was never depicted nude. Innocence and impossible in the form of Athena with courage, determination and military seamless.


Athena in mythology

Athena is one of the senior daughters of Zeus. The mother of the goddess is considered to be the ocean. The first wife of the thumbnail to his own trouble predicted that he would give birth to a son who will overthrow the Lord of Olympus. In order not to risk the throne, Zeus swallowed a pregnant woman.

After a couple of months (in other sources in 3 days), men developed headaches. Thunders called Hephetz and ordered him to strike him with an ax. An adult Athena was already released from the dissected head, closed in military clothing and a guard by a spear.


The girl quickly became the nearest father's adviser. Zeus appreciated the daughter for a discreet and calm character, unprecedented wisdom and foresight. Athena respected with respect to other children of Zeus and often patronized heroes. The Greek goddess looked at Hercules from his childhood and helped his brother to cope with the trials.

Athena with pleasure patronized heroes and bravests. The girl suggested the combat moves of Achille during the Trojan war and supported Odyssey in the sea journey. Heroes answered such care with sincere reverence and sacrifices. For example, Perseus, to whom Athena wondered, gave the goddess head jellyfish gorgon. Since then, Gorgon, or rather the severe head of the monster, adorns the combat shield of the girl.

Perseus with Medusa Gorgon's head

However, Athena not only helped warriors, but also participated in battles. The nickname "Pallada" goddess received after won the titanium dental.

For courage and wisdom in honor of Athens called the city in Greece. A large settlement was the cause of hostility between the goddess and Poseidon. The fastener, who founded the city, could not choose a patron, at the same time leaning towards the Lord of the Seas, and to the Goddess Warring. To solve the fate of the city, the drinker asked the gods to create the most useful items.

Poseidon created the river and horse, and Athena raised an olive tree and made a horse with a pet. Residents of the city staged a vote. All men chose Poseidon, and women are Athena. The goddess won a uncle with a transcendence into one voice.

Poseidon and Athena

The confrontation continued during the Trojan War. Athena and Gera, who wanted to destroy Paris, had a lot of effort so that the Trojans would lose. Harmful Poseidon, seeing that the stubborn niece was planted, fell on the side of the player. Trojan, however, such patronage did not help.

Despite the external appeal, Athena never married. The girl did not spend time on love adventures, preferring to self-improvement, to create good things and help Zeus in the rule of the earth and Olympus.

Wanting at least somehow recoup, Poseidon pushed Hephasta to the reckless step. When Athena came to the Divine Blacksmith for new armor, God pounced on the girl. The rape attempt failed. The bold and decisive Athena gave a rebuff of Hephaest. During the fight, God is monster the seed on the girl's leg. A squeezing goddess wiped his leg with a woolen handkerchief and buried the unnecessary thing to the ground. Erichtonius was born from the handker with gay. So the famous virgin became a mother.

Athena rejects Gefesta

With the name of Athens are not only conquering myths. The girl, for example, invented flute. Once, having heard the moans of the suffering jellyfish Gorgon, the girl decided to recreate the sounds. The goddess cut out the first flute from the bone of a deer and went on the feast where their native Athens was gathered.

The execution of the musical composition ended with laughter: Gera and Aphrodite had a type of girl during the game. Upset Athena pound flute.

And later, the tool found Satir Mariji, which caused Apollo to the musical contest. Only Mariorsi did not take into account that the creator of the instrument was taught to play on the flute of God. After the victory, God sodged the skin with Marcia than quite upset the judgmental Athena.

Interesting Facts

  • The value of the name of Athena is a light or flower. But there is a theory that because of the ancient cult of the goddess the real translation of the name of the lost.
  • The girl often accompanies the goddess Nick, a victory symbol. At the same time, the native father of Nicky - Titan Railant, who fell from the hand of Athens.
Athena with shield
  • The monster from the jellyfish Gorgon made the Athen itself. The girl compared his own appearance with the appearance of the goddess, for which he paid. According to another version, Poseidon raped a jellyfish in the temple of Athens. The goddess did not squeeze such desecration.
  • Athena patronizes snakes, but most often takes the form of a bird.
  • In honor of the goddess of the asteroid, the discovery of which took place in 1917.

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