Saltay-Bolta - character biography, image and character, quotes


Character History

Character of British children's literature. Appears in verses for children, fairy tales and literary works. Mainly known on the book "Alice in the Casmodicale" of the authorship of Lewis Carroll.

History of creation

Initially, Saltai-Boltay is a character of a children's poem, which was included in the fairytale collection of "Tales of Mother Goose." Such collections were released several. One collected and published the French poet Charles Perra in 1697. In England, the collections of classic children's poems called the "Metallion Mother Goose" left later.

Humpty Dumpty

Since then, Shattay "Kochored" on dozens of literary works and tightly entered the English culture. In modern conversational English expression "HUMPTY DUMPTY" ("SHALTAY-BOLD") is used in the value of "thick short-circuit" or "what fell or crashed and is not subject to recovery".

The etymology, or the value of the expression, as such, most likely, goes back to the name of a large fortress gun, which was used during the Civil War in Britain (the middle of the XVII century). In the summer of 1648, supporters of Oliver Cromwell were deposited by a reliably fortified city of Colchester. A huge instrument was established on the wall near the Church of St. Mary, who in conversations were given an unofficial nickname "Humpty-Dumpty".

Humpty Dumpty

Later, the cannon shot hit under the gun part of the wall, the gun fell to the ground, and the soldiers could not establish that again due to the fact that Saltay-Bolta was too heavy. The "whole royal rati" could not raise and again put into the course "Shaft" due to the weight of this car. As a result, Colchester was delivered to the enemy.

"Alice in the Wonderland"

Saltay-Bolti is known to the Russian reader mainly as a character of the work of Lewis Carroll Alice in the Casmodical. In this book, the hero appears in the form of a huge anthropomorphic egg, for which a tie will come. Alice, the main heroine, buys a simple egg in the sheep store, in which the White Queen has turned. This egg grows and, in turn, turns into a santa-chatting. Alice is trying to disassemble the words in a poem of Barmaglote, and Saltay helps the girl in this, sitting on a high wall and crosses in Turkish.

In the mouth of the neck-bolting Carroll, which in the specialty was a mathematician, invested his own position on some issues of science at that time. According to the hero, any name should mean something, and the words are peculiar only by the meaning that the hero himself attaches. As a mathematician, Carroll did not see sense in finding out what mathematical concepts are "actually", and it believed that it is only necessary to give them a definition. This point of view and prevailed in the end.

Saltay-chat is a person approximate to the white king. The hero claims that the White King presents his gifts on the "day of risen", that is, every day all year round, with the exception of the day of birth. When Saltay-chat falls and breaks down, the king sends the Hero to the Hero of his own Connection and Raint. Egg-shaft-chatter, among other things, does not distinguish one human face from another and says Alice when parting, that he does not recognize the heroine if he meets again.


Shattay Character Alexander Batti appears in the cartoon "Dreamworks Pictures" studio "Cat in boots." This is a spin-off series "Shrek", published in 2011. Saltay-bolt here - a friend of childhood cat in boots, with which the cat is connected by unpleasant memories. The cat met Shaftham in an orphanage, where she was still a kitten. In childhood, pleasures steal a lot to find and get the magic beans that Saltay dreams about. But later, when the cat is trying to get off a criminal walkway, Saltay-chatting substitutes the former accomplice.

Shalte-chat in the cartoon

The shell-bolt is voiced by an American comedian Zac Galifianakis, famous for the films of the "Bachelor Party" series. In Russian dubbing, Choulder voiced diomid of grapes.

In the same year, another cartoon was released, where Saltay-Bolta appears, "Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore". This short fifteen-minute cartoon received an Oscar Award as the best animated short film. Saltay-chat and here one of the key characters. Saltay-chat comes to life on the pages of a book that a flying girl sends the chief hero. The hero comes to the library, which lives anthropomorphic books. Director of the film and script author - William Joyce.

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In 1968, the American family film "Children in the country of toys" came out. Saltay-chat is present there as a minor character working at the toy factory.

In 1983, the creative association "Screen" released a puppet cartoon "Saltay-Bolt" based on the folk English songs for children in the translation of Samuel Marshak.


In Russian, it is mainly known a poem about Shaftai-Bolta in Marshak:

"Saltay-Boltalididel on the wall. Saltai-talked in a dream. After the royal cavalry, the whole royal routine can cant, can't hang, santa-chatting, chatting-shaft, santa-chatting gather!"

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