Group "Gaza Strip" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Decay, Songs



The Voronezh Rock Group "Gaza Strip" must be called the phenomenon of the Soviet and post-Soviet show business, which formed at the dawn. Lovers of the old school of Rock remember this team on many songs that have become real hits. The founder and part-time soloist of the group Yuri Hoy is no longer alive, and his musical heritage continues to live to this day.

The history of creation and composition

The "Gaza Strip" is sharply different against the background of other musical groups, this is a kind of Enfant Terrible on the domestic scene. Sometimes their texts leave a strange aftertaste and sediment. However, the music he was granted by Yuri Klinsky, more famous under the pseudonym Yura Hoy, like the films of Sergei Balabanov, has a kind of attractiveness.

The history of the team creation takes to the beginning of the 80s, when Yuri Hoy's acquaintance with Alexander Kocherg. Young like-minded people were fond of heavy music, so the idea of ​​creating a rock club on the manner of Leningrad was not spontaneous, but more fundamental. December 5, 1987 - the beginning of the point of reference of the Creativity of the Gaza Sector.

It is noteworthy that initially Klinsky, working at that time, a traffic police personally dealt with organizational issues. Perhaps the singer would not feel the taste of glory if it were not for a grasp that noticed creative potential in Yuria: then the future soloist "Gaza Sector" was surprised by the buddy with good execution of Viktor Tsoi songs.

In the spring of 1987, Klinsky engaged in writing songs. Thus, it was how he laid into the music team that daring, malicious and drive foundation, which became a business card for the Gaza Sector.

Initially, the group consisted of one Yuri, who pleased the fans of hard and punk rock by songs and solo on the guitar, and then other members of the team acting at the local rock club were also joined. Musicians quickly climbed to the top of glory and became local stars protruding on the same stage with famous teams ("MU sounds" and "Civil Defense").

The composition of the "Gaza Sector" constantly changed - not enough and fingers of the hands to consume participants in the group speaking at different times. Keyplars, drummers, bass guitarists, guitarists and back vocalists consisted in the team.

The first composition was formed in June 1988, when drummer Oleg Crochekov and the bass guitarist Semyon Titievsky joined Huy. Also at concerts, a certain person was accepted by Max, he played 5-7 concerts, and then disappeared from sight. He was replaced by Sergey Tukhkin.

In 1990, the Group acquired a popular popularity after the release of two albums. In 1991, the composition was reorganized, for example, due to creative disagreements, Igor Kushchev left the group, who dedicated time to a new project called "School". Vladimir Lobanov came to replace him. Among other things, Klinsky changed producers. Active tour groups began thanks to Sergey Savin.


The music of the Gaza sector is characterized by expressiveness. But it is worth saying that the team cannot be described in any single genre, since in the compositions of Yuri Hoy, a burning mixture of hard rock, punk, folk, horror, melodiclamation and even rap.

The first official album "Gaza Sector" had the same name as Sam Raymi's film, where Bruce Campbell played, "the" sinister dead ". The disc is recorded in May 1990 in Voronezh, according to the standards of standards of studio recording, quite professional. In an interview, Klinsky admitted that the album "Bunked" in just 4 days.

"Debyutnik" is saturated with a black humor and a rustic area: where there are houses in a row and graze cows, you can meet the blasphemy of the immortal, Babu Yagu, Vurdalakov and other evil spirits.

"Gulia, man!" He became the fifth studio album of the group and came out in the winter of 1992. It included 12 songs, the most attention of the fans attracted the mothers "Chastushki" with the largest number of abnormative vocabulary, and "homeless" - the most popular disc composition. It is devoted to the time when the "gangster 90s" with the flourishing of ODG and hyperinflation was dominated. The text tells the story of an unnamed person who has lost the house and documents and forced to carry a miserable existence on the street.

In 1993, the Gaza Sector took the clip to the song "Lyrics". In the future, they still had a lot of videos, alone made their fans, imposing music to the video coming on the meaning of the video, other team removed themselves.

"Guliai, a man!", As the second album "Khochnya", released in 1990, influenced the formation of a style that became a business card of the team: the music of Yuri Hoy was called the "collective farm" - such a characteristic gave criticism from various social groups.

The soloist of the Alice Group noted in an interview that it is correct to call the work of the "Gaza Sector" "Kolkhoz Rock", since the official punk community negatively refers to the Group's council to their musical direction.

In 1994, in the Voronezh Studio, the team recorded a new studio album "Kashing the Immortal". He was not like their rest of the work, in fact, the disk became a fairy tale, divided into separate songs and played in the folk rock stylist and horror punk. As a basis, the musicians took the Russian folk fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilis beautiful, but they added their own interpretation.

Two years later, He began to shoot a video version of the album, but did not complete the case due to the lack of money. In the 2000th, a man returned to this project again, but again did not have time, because suddenly left his life. Therefore, now only some of the video materials are available to fans - "Aria Ivan and Frogs", "The second Aria of Ivana", "Third Aria Ivan".

Some compositions of the Gaza sector sounded on "our radio" only a few years later. Thus, the group was outcast on the Russian scene. And it is connected with both obscene vocabulary, which has been abounded by texts and with a topical subject.

Despite all sorts of oppression, the group acquired popular popularity, which is a paradox: Songs of Yuri Hoy playing almost from each apartment or car. According to polls that correspondents conducted among sellers who worked in the kiosks, the collective recording occupied a leading place on sales.

The work of the group is frequently called pseudophollastic chastushki or imitating the well-established musical genres. Hoy used in songs the elements of folklore origin, however, embelling them to their own manner. His music was called informal folk, and the singer agreed with such a definition.

It is worth noting that since 1996, Yuri Klinsky changes the style of the group: obscene expressions in the texts are no longer found. Therefore, the compositions of the "Gaza sector" were rotated on the ether of the "Youth" radio station.

The Gas Attack's Gas Attack, published in 1997, became the first commercially successful album in the entire history of the group, as he received a lyrical sound than previous works. The composition of "30 years" played almost on every festival accompanied by a feast, and the single Life became a favorite among rock performers.

In 1997, he again experiments and offers an idea of ​​creating an album in a severe rap genre. But because of the creative crisis, the soloist plans were not destined to come true: Yuri did not write songs, but continued to tour with concert tours. The collection "Ballades", published in June 1998, helped Klinsky fill out a creative pause.

To write songs, the author took any social spheres and affected almost all the strata of society. The military, the "time home" and "demobilization" composition were not ignored and the Military Army. They are written with a difference in 3 years (1997 and 2000). Yuri served in tank troops, so I knew exactly what she sings. And although in hostilities, a man did not participate, an Afghan campaign took place during his service. At the same time, the tracks were written during the second Chechen campaign, so they immediately became hits.

Another army song of the team "Fog" was born even earlier - in 1995, he became part of the gas attack record and became one of the best along with LIFE and "30 years" tracks. And after some time, the "Gaza Strip" took the clip to her. The history of Russian wars is narrated in the video, starting with the first world and ending with the conflict with the Chechen Republic.

In 1998, the August crisis hit the rock collective: some members of the group were reduced. The situation did not change, and it was connected not only with the lack of inspiration, but also with the household problems of musicians. Despite this, in 2000, the team discography replenished the album "Rising from Hell", characterized by critics as a heavy and most mystical.

Collapse of the collective

The collapse of the Group occurred in 2000, a couple of weeks before this event, Yuri went to the scene of the Moscow "Luzhniki", but could not speak. Finished the concert prevented problems with the technique, then no one assumed that Klinsky acts for the last time. After 10 days it did not become, the cordial attack was officially called, although a man did not suffer from heart disease. Among other versions - alcohol and drug dependence in previous years, worsening his health, as well as hepatitis.

In 2000, after the death of a comrade, Igor Kushchev (Kushch) took an attempt to revive the group by calling the drummer Alexander Krivohat and Vocalist Tatyana Fateev. Musicians performed under the name "Ex-Gaza Strip". Over the years of existence, the team has released an album, but her work caused a negative from the fans of Hoy.

Kushche was accused of betrayal, and Klin's relatives even threatened to sue songs and illegal use of the name of the group. However, the relationship with the recording studio near Kushchev was also spoiled, and gradually a new project Igor disappeared from the sight of the students of the Gaza Sector.

Hoy's daughter Irina Klinsky 15 years after the death of his father initiated a collection of a collection with unacceptable songs. It included tracks recorded by Klin under an acoustic guitar in 1981 and 1985. The presentation took place on Friday on November 13th.

Although after the death of Yura Hoy, a lot of years has passed, now the work of the punk collective is promoted by many followers. Musicians gather in the coalition so that their hits of their idols sounded today. The network appears and remixes recorded on the songs of the team appear.

In 2017, the group fans rated the clip and the song "Lyrics", which the girl sang onto a modern manner named Maria Kachanova. She is a member of the Masha & Dj's project.

At the end of 2017, a tour of the Gas Attack Sector group began on the regions, which is the loud name "Gaza Sector: 30 years of the legendary group", he continued in 2018. In September-November, the musicians gave concerts in Ryazan, Minsk and Voronezh.

Among other things, under the new year, the "Sector" fans enjoyed the premiere of the scenic version of the punk opera of the "Kashing Immortal" punk opera, which was held in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The memory of Yuri Klinsky is still preserved to this day. In October 2020, a concert "Gaza Sector: 20 years without Yuri Hoy" will take place in the Moscow "Heads of Green Concert". It will be held with the support of the eldest daughter of the musician of Irina Klin and special guests who will go to the scene to honor the memory of a person who united them with their own creativity.

The organizers promise that this evening the guests will hear all the main songs of the Gaza Sector in Living Performance. Also at the concert, it is planned to hold a presentation of the album "Gaza Sector: Tribute" and books "Yuri Klinsky (Hoi): Cherniviki and manuscripts of legends." The full composition of the program participants has not yet announced.


  • • 1990 - "Evil Dead"
  • • 1990 - "Violas"
  • • 1991 - "Night before Merry Christmas"
  • • 1992 - "Gulia, man!"
  • • 1993 - "Press gas"
  • • 1993 - Gaza Sector
  • • 1994 - "Kashing immortal"
  • • 1996 - "Gas Attack"
  • • 1997 - "Narcological University of Million"
  • • 2000 - "Rising from hell"
  • • 2015 - "Howl to the Moon"


  • • 1992 - "Collective farm punk"
  • • 1993 - Lyrics
  • • 1996 - "Fog"
  • • 1988 - "It's time home"

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