Sergey Ginzburg - biography, photo, personal life, news, director, movies, wife 2021



The life and biography of Sergey Ginzburg looks like the plot of the series or melodramas. Swift novels, scandalous parting with his beloved wife - all this against the background of hard work on new films and TV shows for the main channels of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Seryozha was born in the Soviet Moscow family on January 24, 1961. Mother of the boy, at the time - a student of the Institute of Communication, brought up the son alone. Passing training in the evening office, the day the woman worked, so it was necessary to raise the child. Sometimes Seryozha remained on the five-day garden.

At school, the energy of Bila from the schoolchildren is a key, so Sergey Ginzburg went to classes in the rugby sports section. Soon the focus of sports passed onto a professional level. Twice the young man became champion of the USSR. Unfortunately, the injuries were made to prevent further training, and Ginsburg was forced to leave the sports field.

The family of Sergey, however, as he himself, remained far from creativity, and about the career of the actor, the boy thought quite accidentally. Mathematics teacher promised to put the lagging student "Troika", if he participates in school amateurs. So Ginzburg first hit the rehearsal of the drama, mentors in which students of the theater on Taganka worked.

Sergey Ginzburg as a child

The boy fell in love with the scenic skill with the first meeting. Having visited the spectacle "Cherry Garden" with Vysotsky in the lead role, Sergey Ginzburg could no longer abandon Char Melpomen and looked at all the stage of the theater on Taganka.

After graduation, the young man went to the army. Having gave the debt home, Sergey did not quit the theater and put the amateur play, for which he was awarded holiday. Upon returning from the doubt in the choice of career, Sergey went to the theater.

The exams student passed in Schukinsky and Shchepkinsky schools. The choice fell on Shchepkinskoye, however, taking the entrance examinations, as a result, the young man was enrolled in the Institute of Culture. Having studied at the university during the year, Ginzburg realized that the interest of study did not cause, and the money was not enough money. Throwing the institute, the student settled in the mother in the company's native theater on Taganka.

Behind the scenes of the theater, the young man met the matrahs of Soviet art - Anatoly Vasilyev, George Burkovoy, Anatoly Efros. Of course, such an experience became unique to the young fader of the scene and superior to dozens of lectures at the desk.

In addition to the post of Montigreer, Sergey managed to work as director at the Moscow State University Student Theater, and sometimes to a simulator in the Surikovsky Art School. There was not enough money, but the young man did not lose and fell in spirit, believed that everything would work out.

Later, Sergey entered the guitis, but, having received an invitation to Oleg Kissev's theater and starting an actor career, did not receive a diploma.


At first, work in the Oleg Kiselyov Theater did not solve the domestic difficulties of the actor, which is primarily associated with finance. However, gradually the repertoire of the troupe begins to be in demand and success. The team is invited to tour, including abroad.

Actor Sergey Ginzburg

Gradually fees are increasing, and life, despite fatigue from permanent business trips, is being established. Care from the theater was caused by the need for emigration to Canada, where the troupe was offered a semi-annual contract. Sergey, not ready to leave his homeland, refused.

Later, a period of television work begins for the actor. Together with Igor Korolnikov and Alexey Kortnev, the humorous project "Both!" Was led by advertising, directed by the author's documentary films. For the program "In Search of Lost", where Ginzburg performed as a director, awarded the Teffi television award.

A talented artist appeared in the cinema. In 1993, the spyware was released on the screens, "Road to Paradise" with his participation. True, Sergey Ginzburg has achieved greater recognition from the audience, being a director.

The first film, which received a warm welcome of the filmuses, is the joint work of Sergei and his friend Alexander Strizhenova "Fall up", released in 2002. According to the memoirs of Ginzburg, the shooting has become a test of both moral and physical forces.

For the first directorial success, new pictures followed. The filmography was replenished with the TV series "Advertising pause", "And I still love." In 2010, there is a continuation of the good comedy "Love-carrot - 3".

It is noteworthy that three parts of the film fees are captured by different directions (Alexander Strizhenov and Maxim Pezhemesky worked on the previous stories of the Poland family). In the same 2010, the director works on the series "Gang".

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On February 22, 2017, the premiere of the fantastic thriller "Vurdalaks" took place, the adaptation of the story of the classics of Russian mysticism Alexei Tolstoy "Family of Vurdalakov". The shooting of the picture was originally planned in 2008, but, facing the problems of financing, the creators were forced to postpone work. The main roles in the film were performed by Konstantin Kryukov, Aglagy Shilovskaya, Mikhail Porechenkov.

In addition to the film, the director Ginzburg continues to work on television series. By the way, the multi-sieves of those years had a historical bias. This refers to the plots of projects to "Kill Stalin", "Son of the Father of Peoples", "Life and Adventures of the Japane Bars".

The shooting of the Grand Project "Zorge" about the Great Soviet Intelligence was not one year. The main role in the picture went to Alexander Domogarov. Speaking by the director in the biographical multiserial tape, Ginzburg also played the role of Schlesinger.

The work of the team was carried out not only in Russia, but also in Shanghai, where the atmosphere of Japan's pre-war time is recreated. Photo and video from the filming are published on the "Instagram" pages. The premiere of the series took place in 2019.

Personal life

The first wife of the young actor was the Lika Mansurov, with which Sergey met during the entrance exams. Young people went to the registry office three days after the meeting. Soon the little Georgy appeared.
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The rapid novel did not stand the test of the routine, a household life, and the family broke down. True, officially dissolved the marriage did not immediately. In an interview with the magazine "Caravan Stories", Sergey referred to the fact that it was necessary to pay for divorce, and there was no money at that time.

With the second spouse, actress and TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya, the director lived 25 years. In marriage, two children rose - Klim and Nikita. The separation of the star couple is associated with the press scandals and mutual accusations of misunderstanding and treasures. It is worth noting that Sergey kept silence for a long time, refusing to comment on the causes of the divorce, while Yana did not avoid interviews.

Versions of spouses are directly opposite, but Ginzburg never denied that he loved his wife and tried to save the family to the last. Who is right, and who really is to be to manage, it is impossible to establish, each side of the conflict looks at the situation with his "bell tower".

After the director gained the status of a free man, he was repeatedly seen with young beauties accompanying him at secular events. In the press there was information about the novel with the actress Yana Koshkina, then with Tatyana Kosmacheva.

Sergey Vladimirovich was cooled after meeting with Olga Vinichenko. In June 2020, he made a sentence of a hand and heart proposal, and in August, lovers substituted signatures in marriage certificate. However, the grand feast decided not to arrange, preferring a modest ceremony in a family circle.

Sergey Ginzburg now

While the spouse worked for the benefit of the domestic cinema, regularly appearing on small screens, Sergey Vladimirovich represented the public a new historical film "Cathedral".

The picture not only showed the time of Petrovsky reforms and cardinal social changes, but also an incredible history of love. And the amazing transformation of an ordinary person and his religious views - from the angry denial of God to desperate desire to build a temple.

Svetlana Ivanova and Sergey Marine were fulfilled in the tape. Also, Yang Tsaznik, Maxim Averin, Julia Snigir and others took part in the project.

The film "Cathedral" Ginzburg characterized as "Lich Adventure Movie". The director set himself a task not only to show the audience transformation in the country, but also how they were given.

In the breaks between work, the spouses manage to enjoy each other's society with benefit. For example, in January, Vinichenko and her husband went to the ski resort in Arkhyze.


  • 1993 - "Road to Paradise"
  • 2003 - "Other Life"
  • 2005 - "Advertising pause"
  • 2008 - "And still I love ..."
  • 2010 - "Gangs"
  • 2013 - "Kill Stalin"
  • 2015 - "Decent People"
  • 2019 - "Zorge"
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2021 - "Cathedral"

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