Yuri Torsuyev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



On Yuri Torsuva, spectator love fell back in adolescence - a curly boy shone in the role of Syroezhkin in the sensational children's picture "Adventures of electronics". The role was the only noticeable actor in fate. Nevertheless, Yuri directors do not forget, from time to time inviting to new film projects.

Childhood and youth

On April 22, 1966, replenishment was happened to the family of Muscovites - twins were born. The head of the family of one heir called in honor of Father Vladimir, and the second got the name of the friend and thesis, astronaut Yuri Gagarin.

Yuri Torsuyev

The father of the future actor is a candidate of philosophical sciences, he worked as secretary to the Central Committee of the W CLSM and the birth of sons found out right during the next Plenum. Mom by education economist. The family of Elena's senior daughter grilled in the family.

Yura with a twin brother grew by the boys with restless and fondant, were heard by hooligans, which were always not going to fight with someone. In the circle of interest entered hockey, playing guitar, motorcycles. Iron horse The future actor confidently saddled at 9 years old. Plus, the guys went to the dramatic and tourist circles.

Yuri Torsuyev and Vladimir Torsuyev in childhood

Father from an early age killed children to read. The house had a rich library, Yura was read on with the adventure novels of Jules Verne, Alexander Duma, Herbert Wells, Jack London. And the family of Torsuva talked with some stars. He was friends with Joseph Kobzon, neighbors Alexander Pakhmutov and Nikolai Dobronravov.

After school, Syroezhkin's spectators have not wanted to act in the theater, together with his brother, filed documents to the Printing Institute. In the first course they decided that they chose the wrong and little interesting life path, left the university.

Yuri Torsuyev and Vladimir Torsuyev in the army

Yuri has studied in a driving school, twisted the Barank of Buffs and Ambulance, and soon called into the army. He fell into the elite military unit. After demobilization, they went for sciences in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Asia and Africa, which did not graduate. The 90s came, it was necessary to make a living.


Glory collapsed on Jura Torsuva in 14 years. Two years earlier, the purses of the brothers caused the "on the carpet" of the school's head. In the office, the boy came, donating the head, but it turned out that they were invited to samples in the children's picture based on the cycle of the works of Evgenia Wellist "Adventures of Electronics". When the script was read, for the first time in life seriously quarreled - everyone wanted to play exactly the robot. But Vladimir gave way to younger brother (Yuri was born for 10 minutes later).

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However, the director Konstantin Bromberg eventually changed the beginning actors in places, because Serezhu Syrozhkin saw a hooligan in Yura. By the end of the filming, the teenager realized that this was the main role, because Moral was in re-education of the boy. Torsuyev remembers:

"It was a great time, because we worked with such stars of Soviet cinema, like Nikolai Karachentsov, Vladimir Basov, Nikolay Grinko. Yes, and the shooting took place in amazing places: in Odessa, Vilnius, on the shore of Kuyalnitsky Liman and in the village of Kotovsky. "

After the premiere of the picture, the fans did not give the twins of the passage. Many wanted to be friends with a star couple, the girls painted the walls of entry recognition in love, and some boys rushed with tomatoes and called.

In 2011, the actors of the film "Adventures of Electronics" met in the studio "Let them say" Andrei Malakhov. Almost all the famous cinema 6 "b", teacher and mother of Syroezhkin gathered together. The reason for the meeting was the tragic death of Maxim Kalinin, who reincarnated in the picture in the clever of Korolkova.

After school, the brothers again lit up on the screen and again turned into golden blondes. Igor Apasyan and Irina Yakovleva removed the musical film "Dunno from our yard." In the fabulous history of Yura and Volodya, the images of the wizards were tried, but the tape did not impress the young viewer and criticism.

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The acting biography of Yuri was interrupted for almost 10 years. Proposals from directors came, but only to each brother separately. Gemini wanted to be filmed in a pair, and such a duet in the cinema is rare. Gradually, calls stopped at all. Only in 1992, the fans again saw on the screens of the induced electronics and Syrozhzhkin - in the historic drama of Nicholas Fomin "Russian Brothers".

According to Yuri Torsuva, the script created a magnificent, the film itself was not very. Two years later, a man starred in a short film "Venetian mirror" and disappeared until 2010.

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Since then, it has rarely, but began to shine on television screens. He got insignificant roles in the criminal series "Department" and the film "Lomozoa", in the criminal multi-sieuled drama "Pyatnitsky" and the picture "Time of Happiness-2".

In 2012, Yuri Yuryevich played a representative of the CSKA club in the Comedy of Studio Walt Disney Pictures and the "First Channel" "after school". The last work was the role of Chechen killer in the criminal militant Egor Shilov (2016).

Personal life

Yuri Torsuyev is married twice. Family life began at 16 years old with the first love, a girl from the neighboring yard. Father, diplomat, often leaving together with his wife on a business trip, daughter stayed at home alone and invited Yura to visit. One day, young people decided to settle together. Parents on both sides simply put before the fact, and they thought that it was useless to prevent. The newly-made father-in-law from the mother-in-law highlighted the young spouses room in the apartment.

Yuri Torsuyev with family and brother

With the first wife, the actor spent under one roof of 10 years, did not come in marriage. The second spouse in 2003 gave Torsuyev Son Nikita.

Yuri with his brother since childhood remained the best friends and business partners, together come up with and embody new projects. Created a creative community "Garage of Syrozhkin", where motorcycles and cars were repaired, including retramodes. In the 90s, opened a grocery store and a wine club, two nightclubs.

Bikers Yuri Torsuyev and Vladimir Torsuyev

Because of the problems with partners, Yuri was leaving abroad for a time. A man changed a bunch of professions, he even led the department of corporate ties of AvtoVAZ dealers. The most, perhaps, a curious project is a store, where all employees were twins. The shopping point was called - "Gemini and Company".

In 2009, the acquaintance of Torsuvoy with the poet Alexander Belov and Singer Tatiana Mikhailova happened. The brothers made them a creative company, several songs became the fruit of cooperation.

Yuri Torsuyev now

Yury's life is boiling. The artist rides in Russia with concerts, together with his brother participates in television shows and at festivals, meets with fans in creative evenings. In social networks, the actor is not active, the man has no page in "Instagram", only one for two in Twitter. Juriating Yuri Torsuyev admits that he dreams of more concerts, filming, touring.

Yuri Torsuyev in 2018

In the fall of 2017, the news was issued in the media that the Torsuva brothers are unable to pay with the bank. Men took a loan of 400 thousand rubles to create a musical album and clip. According to the actors, it is simply nothing to pay for the debt, and the vina part of the unscrupulous producers - the brothers are invited to projects, but after the filming sometimes "forget" to pay.

Yuri Torsuyev and Vladimir Torsuyev

In April 2018, it became known that Yuri and Vladimir replenished the list of the Ukrainian Peacemaker, who accused Donbass guests in the "conscious violation of the border of Ukraine."

Now Yuri is filmed in the film "Female Detective". Dmitry Ulyanov, Anna Dubrovskaya, Rosa Hayrullina and other celebrities are also involved in the picture. The comedy series about the adventures of an adventurist and the lady of handbook creates director Vadim Dubrovitsky.


  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1983 - "Dunno from our yard"
  • 1992 - "Russian Brothers"
  • 1994 - "Venetian Mirror"
  • 2010 - "Department"
  • 2010 - "Burma"
  • 2011 - "Time of Happiness-2"
  • 2012 - "After school"
  • 2014 - Codex Cement-7
  • 2015 - "Points of Support"
  • 2015 - "All this jam"
  • 2018 - "Female Detective"

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