Group "Kukryniks" - Composition, Photo, Clips, Albums, News, Songs



The Kukryniks Group is a vivid example of how the passion for which invested the soul turned into a large-scale musical project that loved millions of fans. And this is not surprising, because in the melodies of "Kukryniks" find something their own and fans of punk rocks, and fans of classic rock jerseys, and those who like Folk music. Along with such teams, as the "Gaza Strip", King and Jester and other groups, "Kukryniks" took the honorable place in the lists of favorite rock-teams of the fans of the genre.

History of creation

The group "Kukryniks" initially was an amateur team of musicians who periodically performed the compositions of their own essay, occasionally performed in the town of DC and absolutely did not perceive what was happening seriously. Also born and the name of the team was also a joke, not seriously.

Cookniks Group

The word "Kukryniks" The musicians borrowed from another creative team - the trios of artists-cartoonists Mikhail Kupriyanov, Porphyria Krylov and Nikolai Sokolov, who worked under this funny pseudonym.

The name seemingly temporary remained with a group for two decades. The very temporary seemed to both the Muzication itself, which was perceived by the participants as a hobby. But in 1997, after the next "frivolous" speech, representatives of the "Manchester Files" sound recorder company drew attention to the team.

Participants in the first composition of the Kukryniks group

This day is May 28 - and it is customary to consider the birthday of the group "Kukryniks". And if until this point, the musicians most often performed "on warming up" the team "King and Jester" (the leader of which was Brother Alexei Gorenev - Mikhail), now a completely new page of independent creativity opened in the biography of the Kukryniks group.


During the years of existence of the team, the composition of the musicians has repeatedly changed, people went to replace new, but the leader and soloist, as well as the author of most songs Alexey Gornev passed with a group all the way to the end.

Alexey Gornev

Alexey Rod from Birobidzhan (born on October 3, 1975). Since childhood, like his elder brother Mikhail, was fond of music. In many interviews, the artist recognized that he was always literally obsessed with the desire to write music - this way to express feelings and thoughts seemed to Gorenev's most obvious. Fate ordered that both brothers found their place in creativity and on stage.

At the same time, Maxim Vostov, Alexander Leontiev (guitar and back-vocal), as well as Dmitry Gusev stood at the origins of the group. The debut album of the collective was recorded in the same composition.

Cookniks Group

Later, Ilya Levakov, Victor Batrakov and other musicians joined the group. The sound of the compositions of "Kukryniks" was becoming more and more multifaceted and professional, and the team began to take seriously even masted rockers.

The current composition of the Kukryniks Group, which became the last, is a permanent Alexey Gorenshev, as well as guitarist Igor Voronov, Drummer Mikhail Fomin and Dmitry Ohanyan (back-vocalist and bass guitarist).


In 1998, the Group recorded the debut plate, called "Kukryniks". The album was met favorably as lovers of rock music and picky musical observers. The most popular compositions that are relevant and still can be called "not trouble" and "Soldier Sadness". With this album, the musicians were toured, so all the music lovers of the country have learned about the new team.

Two years later, the popular group was already invited to participate in the project "Kinoproby", dedicated to the memory of Viktor Tsoi, the leader of the "Cinema team". Alexey Gorenshev and Comrades fulfilled songs "Summer will soon end" and "sadness", giving these compositions a special color, who became a visiting card of "Kukryniks".

At the same time, the musicians managed to maintain the initial mood of each track laid into it by the author. In 2002, he left the second album "Kukryniks", called the "painted soul". Almost the same name was the title song from this plate - "on the painted soul".

Immediately after the release, the team began to write compositions for the next album - "Collision", which saw the light in 2004 and was remembered by the songs of "Black Bride", "Silver September", "Movement". In the same year, the team released another record, called the "Favorite of the Sun".

The next year is marked for the "Kukryniks" by the recording of the song "Star", which was originally intended for the painting of the director Fyodor Bondarchuk "9 Rota" (with Alexey Chadov, Konstantin Kryukov, Arthur Smolyaninov. Unfortunately, the track never entered the film and later came out as part of the album "Shaman", and the "9 companies" frames became a clip on this composition.

In 2007, the team pleased the fans the next lamelte "XXX", which was remembered by the songs "Nobody", "My New World", "Fall". And in three years later, the team took part in the compilation of the collection "Salt" - our musical traditions ", which also included songs of Teiffe groups and Night Snipers, Yulia Chicherina, Alexander F. Sklyar, Picnic team.

In parallel with the work in the studio, the group "Kukryniks" constantly toured, performed with solo concerts, and also did not miss loud musical festivals and prefabricated activities.

The team fans have become more and more, and a rare performance took place without the full hall of the listeners. Alexey Gorenshev also worked on a solo project dedicated to the memory and work of Sergei Yesenin.

It seemed that the triumphal march of "Kukryniks" in concert halls and stadiums will not end, and the new plates will go out one another. But in 2017, Alexey Gorenshev shocked fans with a statement that the Kukryniks team ceases to exist.

"Kukryniks" now

Now the group "Kukryniks" gives the last touring tour, which the musicians tried to include as many cities as possible to say goodbye to fans. Since the base of the team passed 20 years, and 2018 became the anniversary for Alexei Gorenev and the team.


In "Instagram" and other social networks, and at the music forums began to spread all sorts of rumors and speculation about the collapse of the group, but Alexey Gorenstev's presets these assumptions by the announcement on the official website of the collective. According to the musician, this is not the end, but a step forward.

Immediately after the end of the tour, Alexey intends to start working on a solo project. The details have not yet been disclosed, however, it is already known that Gorshev intends to change the style of compositions and the concept of speeches. In addition, according to rumors, the musician is preparing a surprise for fans.

The last speech of "Kukryniks" is scheduled for August 3, 2018 at the "invasion" rock festival. It is noteworthy that the festival itself this year is also 20 years old. In addition to "Kukryniks", the "KnyaZZ", Animal Jazz, Alice, Night Snipers with Diana Arbenina and other stars of rock directions will be released in the scene in the Big Zevodovo (Tver Region).

Those who do not get any of the latest concerts of the favorite team can get acquainted with the "last song" of the group that has already gained popularity on the network.


  • 1999 - "Kukryniks"
  • 2002 - "Colored Soul"
  • 2004 - "Collision"
  • 2004 - "Sun Favorite"
  • 2006 - "Shaman"
  • 2007 - "XXX"
  • 2010 - "Riders of Light"
  • 2012 - "MYSELF"
  • 2016 - "Artist"


  • 1998 - "Not trouble"
  • 2002 - "On the painted soul"
  • 2004 - "Known"
  • 2005 - "Star"
  • 2006 - "Witchcraft"
  • 2008 - "Black Bride"
  • 2009 - "Cell"
  • 2011 - "Shadows in the theater"
  • 2013 - "Dear"
  • 2015 - "Hope"

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