Tohtamysh - biography, photo, personal life, ruin of Moscow, raids, battle



Historians call Takhtamysh last Khan of a single horde. After Mamay, the Mongol-Tatars who had conquered the position of Mongol-Tatars, the ruler gathered together the scattered land of the state called Juchiyev Ulus. According to the preserved certificates, Tukhtamysh possessed a harsh temper, who helped a man to hold out at the head of the horde of 25 years.

Childhood and youth

The date of birth of the future Khan Golden Horde is unknown, but the pedigree of the famous soldier is easily traced. Tohtamysh was born in the Tuy-Khoji family - the son of Jucci Khan and the grandson of Genghis-Khan. The born family belonged to the ruling dynasty, but did not have a great power in the family.


In 1364, Tuy-Khoji, the legitimate ruler of the Mangyshlak peninsula, kills a close relative. The cause of the conflict was the reluctance of Father Tokhtamysh to participate in an unnecessary military campaign. The board of the peninsula proceeds to relatives of the future Khan. A young man, in attempts to escape from possible massacre, breaks several times from his native Horde.

However, the teenager is constantly returning home so as not to lose control of the smaller legitimate ruler of the peninsula. Tukhtamysh, who does not want to put up with such a fate, in 1375 he runs away in possession of Timur (ruler of neighboring lands) and asks for a man's defense.

Portrait of Tukhtamysh

Attempts to relatives once again return Tokhtamyshem ended in failure. Timur did not give out the young man and even supplied a young man with a small army. Against the background of constant battles, the usurper dies, and Takhtamysh proclaimed the legitimate ruler of Mangyshlak. But this turn did not suit the local aristocracy.

Returning home with the victory, Torkhan finds out that the throne again occupied. This time the enemy of the young man became Timur-Melik-Oblan. The new ruler long lasted on the throne. Simple people who did not suit the government appointed by the sovereign aristocrats are calling for Tokhtamysh back. And the young man did not think to give up a legitimate place.

Conquest and Board

In 1378, having mastered in a new position, Tukhtamysh departs in a military campaign. The first goal of the young ruler was the Volga region and the territory on which Mamay rules. Capture passed quickly and without big losses. By the time of the appearance of Tokhtamysh, Mamai has already lost power over subordinates who happily accepted new Khan. After 2 years, the entire golden horde fell under control of the young khan.

Kulikovskaya battle

In the same year, the new Vladyka sends ambassadors to Russian princes. Accustomed to the constant change of usurpers, Rusi rulers recognized Takhtamysh, but ceased to pay tribute. After the victory in the Kulikov battle, the authorities did not perceive the Horde as a threat.

To prove your own strength, Tukhtamysh goes to Moscow personally. Along the way, Khan gives warriors to rob and unwind all meetings. At the same time, the main detachment moved along Rus Thai.

Dmitry Donskoy

However, soon Dmitry Donskoy and Andrei Brave learned about the approach of the Tatar-Mongolian troops. The princes urgently rushed to collect the army, but did not have time. Moscow remained unprotected, panic began in the city.

3 days of siege did not bring the result of the result, so Khan decided to go to the trick. Understanding the confusion of the people, the ruler of the Golden Horde promised to spare all if Moscow opens the gate. People believed. After the opening of the gate, the Tatar-Mongol army ruined and partially burned Moscow.

Tohtamysh near Moscow

Returning to Sarai, Torkhysh took up the settlement of relations with the old familiar - Khan Timur. Advisors who were alarmed by the power of a neighbor were offered to attach new lands to Horde. The protracted military actions have shown that the forces of two khans are equal, but in the decisive battle of the Kundurchi River Tukhtamysha suffered defeat.

The second defeat from Timur, who decided on a retaliatory raid on the Horde, took place in the winter of 1395. The loss was so serious that Takhtamysh had to run to the city of Bulgar (currently a city in Tatarstan).

Golden Horde in 1389

In the same year, the land who united Tukhtamysh again lost the Unified Center. Golden Horde was divided into internecine battles. But as soon as the Great Khan returned, the majority of applicants for the throne disappeared. The resistance was only Timur Cutgut. Emir connected to him, connected by marriage Uzami with the daughter of Takhtamysh.

Attempts to expel Timura-Kutgut from the territory of Horde ended by defeat. Han leaves people and family again. This time a man asks for shelters from the Lithuanian ruler of Vitovt. Timur's tripped victory is sent to the next and requires the issuance of the enemy from the Lithuanians.


Realizing its own superiority (territorial and quantitative), Vitovt refuses to the young contender for the Ordane throne. But in time, we came together to equalize the chances, bringing a large army with him.

The battle of Tatars and Lithuanians ended with the defeat of the latter. Tohtamysh has time to run and returns to his native barn. However, the confrontation of the Khanan and Emir lasts a few more years. In total, men entered the open confrontation 15 times.

Personal life

The first wife of the Great Warrior was the girl named Tagai-Bick. A woman gave birth to a spouse of 5 children: three sons and two daughters. One of the girls and was the reason why Takhtamysh killed his spouse.

Janinka Hanech, so called the girl, reaching the majority, married a bit of a close supporter of his father. But during a military conflict with Timur, Janki's husband turned away from the test. The angry Tukhtamysh replaced angrily on a spouse, having deprived a woman of life.

Tokhtamyshe's tomb in Chufut-Kale

Historian A. P. Grigoriev argues that Tulunbeck Khanum was included in the number of wives of the Great Khan. After the victory over Mama Tokhtamysh, heared the harem of the previous Khan. To secure your own position, a man marries widow.

In 1386, Tulunbek Khanum also died of his own husband. Tukhtamysh suspected a woman in collusion with enemies, so he got rid of the spouse, without finding out the accuracy of suspicion. But there is a version that a woman was subjected to the death penalty because of the betrayal of the Great Husband.


The names of another two Wives of Khan Golden Horde are known: Shukr-Bika-Yeah and Urun-Bick. The first consisted of relationship with Amir Arsaka and gave birth to Tokhtamysh daughter Bakhti-Bick-Hanech. The second could not boast of rich relatives, but she gave birth to Hanu two sons and daughter.

Now the total number of descendants of Tokhtamysh causes regular disputes among researchers. The version is distributed that, together with the children from the concubine, the Great Khan became the Father 13 times, and 9 heirs were born from legitimate wives. But the younger son of the ruler, Said Ahmet, was born from one of the women after the death of Tokhtamysh. Therefore, paternity of Khan causes some doubts, because the exact date of the child's appearance is unknown.


The life of Khan Golden Horde cut off in 1405 near Tyumen. A man who spent the past few years in battles with Eyeshem received false information about the death of the enemy. Without fearful life, Torkama went on a journey without taking protection with him.

Death Tokhtamysh

Tempecia, together with Genghisid, Chop and the Detachment of Warriors attacked Khan suddenly. The enemies cut off the man's path to retreat. Khan understood too late that he got into the Western, and could not hide. Despite the obvious counterweight, Tukhtamysh entered into battle and a long time was fighting from the attackers. But multiple wounds weakened a man who does not want to surrender to the mercy of the enemy, and did not leave Takhtamyshe the opportunity to escape.


In literature:

  • Tohtamysh and Timur, Fail Ibity
  • "Rus against Tokhtamysh. Burned Moscow, "Viktor Vorotnikov
  • "Our Prince and Khan", Mikhail Weller
  • "Label Takhtamysha Khan to Yalang", Ilya Berezin
  • "Ordinsky period. Primary sources ", Boris Akunin

To the cinema:

  • 2007 - "Russian State History" (Series 117)
  • 2015 - "Rule of Moscow in 1382" Video lecture S. S. Volkov

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