Heops - biography, photo, personal life, pyramids, Pharaoh's story



Hurn-hufu - the second pharaoh of the IV Ancient Egyptian dynasty - known to us in the Greek behalf of Heops. In the history of Pharaoh entered due to its beginning the Great Pyramid in Giza. The pyramid of Hufur exceeded the rest and became one of the "seven wonders of the world", the most respectable in age.

The Pyramid of Cheops

Establishing a monument on the century, Heops expensively paid for posthumous glory: antique historians argue that the construction of the giant has exhausted the resources of the state, and the contemporaries allegedly hated Tirana. According to other information, the Egyptians considered Khnum Hufu wise and the far-sighted ruler and worked on him without coercion, what Greek historians affected by the scales of the tomb were not believed.

Life and Board History

Hufa is the son of noble parents: Farraon's Sannery Snofer and Tsaritsa Hietepheres I. This name meant, "God protects me." The ancient Egyptian despot is known and under other names: Herodota he Heops, Diodor, Sicilian called him Chembes, other ancient historians were magnified by Sufis I and Saofis. The ruler had a throne name - Choir-Medez.

Pharaoh Snofer, Heops Father

Pharaoh was born in Middle Egypt. Subsequently, the city, where he appeared, named MenAnt-Houf ("Kormilitsa Huf"). During the reign of Heopse's parent - Pharaoh Snofer - 3 pyramids appeared.

Historians believe that Heops changed his father in adulthood and rules without a small 30 years: the 27th year of government is remembered in found papyrus. Lifting certificates depict the ruler by the builder of cities (the city-fortress of BUN) and settlements on the banks of the Nile.

In the preserved papyrus, the Heopse-Conqueror, who sent the army to Sinai to punish the nomadic Bedouins, with robbery, to punish the nomadic Breaker. The second purpose of the expedition is the mining of the deposits of copper and the "stone of happiness", as the turquoise was called. Heopped high attention and south of Egypt, where valuable pink granite was discovered.

Statue of Heops.

For the earliest legends, Hueops had 4 spouses, the names of two were preserved: Meritates and Henutsen. The wives gave him 9 sons and 15 daughters. The names of the sons of archaeologists and scientists learned to decipher the inscriptions on the tombs on the scale of El Giza.

Daughter Hietepheres II alternately married the pivot brothers and became the queen. After the death of Father, the throne went to the son of Jedfra, which was ruled 8 years. In ancient times, the tomb of Jedfra plundered and partially destroyed.


Heads died presumably in 2566 to the Nativity of Christ. If you believe Herodotus, contemporaries hated a despotic and cruel ruler. Heops deprived the temples of privileges, and the construction of the pyramids weakened the state and caused the fall of the dynasty. There are assumptions that Heops died for a violent death from the hands of representatives of the fifth dynasty, and the name of Pharaoh after his death was banned from pronounced.

Opening a pyramid

To forever stay in the history of Heops helped the construction of a huge tomb. The process of its construction took two decades. Young Pharaoh ordered to proceed to the construction of his pyramid that would barely taking the place of the deceased father. He dreamed of surprising the whole world with unprecedented sizes and tomb height.

Great Pyramid Heops

In the desert, found a stony plateau, which could withstand the weight of more than 6 million tons. Playground 7 km west Giza and South Fustat (Cairo). Hut ("Svetok") - the ancient name of the tomb of Heops - became the first in the complex the pyramids of the dynasty. The architect and the construction of the construction was called Hemioune, he was related to Pharaoh.

The initial height of the tomb - 146.6 m. Nowadays, the pyramid of Cheops is 137.5 m: the offensive of the sands, earthquakes and loss of the wedding pyramidion lowered the structure on a tet meter.

They built a coat by folding a tier on a tier 2.3 million granite blocks weighing from 2.5 to 15 tons, which carved at the foot of the stony plateau. They were customized to each other with such accuracy that the blade did not take place in the gaps. Binder solutions did not use. We were faced with a tomb with a snow-white limestone, which was mined on the other of the bank of the Nile and transported along the river.

In the treatises of Herodotus, it is said that the tomb was erected 100 thousand people, replaced every 3 months. At the same time, not interfering with each other, 8 thousand skilled workers worked. The peasants also participated in construction, when the river was poured and agricultural work ceased. Workers paid the salary, gave food and clothing.

Heops and Eiffel Tower Pyramid

According to the preserved information, the masters polished the facing plates to the mirror glitter, so the pyramid seemed to be solid monolith and sparkled in the lunar light and blurred as crystal. In the Middle Ages, the plates of facing disassembled, using Cairo for the construction.

To beat the high-speed record of the structure only in 1889: The Eiffel Tower reached 300 m. The great pyramid of Heops - the first building in the complex of tombs for the rulers of the dynasty, which includes three pyramids - Heops, Hefren and Micheerin, on the guard of the Sphinx - the crown of the ancient Egyptian architecture .


Inside the main tomb - a network of moves that are branched from the corridor-gallery with a length of 47 m, leading to the chamber of Pharaoh. The chamber lined with granite has a height of 5.8 m, its area is 10.5 per 5.3 m. On the east side of the tomb, the tomb of the mother of Heops was found. Previously, Hietepheres I was plundered in Maidum, and Heops rejected the Queen in his pyramid.

The secret of embalming the bodies of the Egyptian rulers is not revealed so far. Many mummies have survived to this day. The insides extracted during embezzlement was placed in the "Use items", hermetic vessels found next to sarcophagi.

Egyptian mummy

Several hyopstick images have been preserved. In addition to the reliefs, on which the ruler is carved in white clothes and the red crown, a statuette found in the Temple of Osiris is a statuette with a height of 7.6 cm. The remaining three figures are damaged: the famous head of Pharaoh is exhibited in the Munich Museum, granite - in Brooklynsky, part of the head - in Boston.

Contemporaries and descendants of Heops tried to rob the pyramids. Caliph Baghdad Al-Hamun did not listen to the exhortations and with the help of specialists in a siege punched shape in the northern face of the pyramid. The area for softening was watered with boiling vinegar, then dreded the ram. Opening the move in the gallery, the robbers got to the tomb of Heops, but did not find jewels.

At the foot of Hofu during excavations, caches with cedar boats were detected, made without nails and fasteners. They were stored in disassembled form. The longest root (43.6 m) of 1224 parts of the restorers gathered: "Sunny Rye" of Heops is stored in the museum at the south side of the tomb.


In 1798, the tomb of Heops visited Napoleon. This visit is overgrown with speculation and myths. According to the preserved written certificates, the emperor listened to the dark legends of the pyramid protected by the invasion of spirits, and laughed. But after visiting the royal tomb, where he left one for 20 minutes, came out with a gray face and sweatful eyes. Later on the question of the question of the adjutant Zhere, that such a terrible saw Napoleon, he groaned, exclaimed:

"Why is it necessary! After all, you still do not believe it! "

Mystery The famous Frenchman was in eternity. Proponents of mystical theories explain the absence of Mummy Pharaoh in the funeral chamber in that the pyramid was built by aliens or Atlanta, whose descendants founded civilization on the shores of the sacred river.

Napoleon in Egypt

There are assumptions that the huof was not intended for the burial, because in the cheek chamber there were not even hints for decorations, and the sarcophagus for the body of the king is roughly rehears and without a cover. Scientists believe that Mummy Heops is resting in the underground tomb in the hall in the middle of the lake. This explains the virgin cleanliness of the camera, which the first European researchers discovered in the XIX century. Where the "Treasures of Heops" is harnessed - mystery and soline.


  • In April 2013, there were 4 dozen papyrus dated to the 27th year of the reign of Tsar Khufu. The most interesting is the Papyrus-Diary of Merree, an ancient Egyptian official who participated in the construction of the pyramid in Giza.
  • Popular theories about the construction of the pyramid by aliens with Orion or Atlanta. The cosmic theory of origin of the pyramid has become the basis of the film and the series "Star Gate".
Jack Hawkins in the role of Heops
  • Houfa Board Times are displayed in the American film of 1955 "Land of Pharaohs" (in the role of Hofu - Briton Jack Hawkins).
  • The effect of the novel "Wisdom of Heops" (in the original "The game of Fate") of the Egyptian writer Nagiba Makhfuza occurs during the reign of Heops.

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