Tutankhamon - biography, photo, personal life, tomb, curse 2021



The ruler Tutankhamon became famous for the fact that he canceled the reforms of the previous ruler of Ehnaton. But the opening of his tombs has become a truly stunning event in the history of archeology and opened the curtain of the mystery of his biography. Today, Tutankhamon is considered one of the most famous pharaohs of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

Life and Board History

Tutankacton Hekaunushchea Nechaprore - Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt from the 18th dynasty of the new kingdom, which was dominated in 1332-1323 to our era. Brought up in the spirit of the cult of the Sun of Aton, but after his cancellation took the name Tutankhamam.

Tutankhamon on the chariot

It is believed that he is the last pharaoh of a dynasty, which has a relative communication with its predecessor. Since there was no accurate information regarding origin, Egyptologists put forward two hypotheses. Some believe that Tutankhamon was the son of Ehnathon from the second wife Kie. And others that the son of Amenhotep III and the younger brother of Ehnaton.

Tutankhamon will go to the throne with a young boy, aged 8-9 years. Under the fact, the Board passed to two educators and rents - Aeie and Horamheebu. The first was considered the Supreme Synovnik, but under Tutankhamon became the priest of Amon. The second was a warlord, he was not satisfied with the fact that, due to the patribist policy, Ehnaton Egypt lost East Mediterranean.

Tutankhamon in childhood

Previously, Aeie and Horableb were considered to be companions of Ehnaton. But after the death of the former pharaoh, all the teachings betrayed Anathema, that is, they tried to exterminate. The capital of Pharaoh Ehnathon was destroyed and betrayed oblivion. Despite the fact that under Tutankhamon, the capital is returned to the cuts, according to the fact that Pharaoh held a majority of government in Memphis.

Tutankhamon married Anhasenpaton, daughters of Ehnaton, when he was 13 years old. Consequently, there was a son-in-law of the ruler. For what reasons created the Union is unknown, as well as their personal relationships. Later, the wife replaced the end of his own name and began to be called Anhestanam, which means "her life belongs to Amon."

Tutankhamam and his wife Anhasenpaton

During the rule of Tutankhamon, some changes were happened. There is a revival of the traditions of the Egyptian culture and the return of the FVANA treatment to control over the country. Natives from the military and middle layers of the previous ruler retain their influence on the affairs of the state. So, the priests and the military safely get along with the court.

With Tutankhamon, the restoration of abandoned sanctuations of the previous gods both in Egypt and in Kosha. For example, temples in Cave and Faras.

Statues of Tutankhamon and Anhasenpaton

After the restoration of the cult of old gods, Tutankhamon did not force the cult of ATON. On the 9th year of the rule of Pharaoh Temple of the Sun still owns vineyards. The drawing of the Sun and Ehnaton is preserved untouched, and in personal inscriptions the ruler sometimes calls himself "Son Athon."

In addition to restoration work, on the orders of Pharaoh in the Luxor temple, finishing the processing colonnade was completed. Also, thanks to Tutankhamon, the temple of Khoron was built in Giza, and in Nibii - a huge complex from Amenhotep III temples was completed.


After the 9th anniversary of the government, the pharaoh of the new kingdom died at the very young age, compared with others - in 18 or 19 years. Such an early death was considered unnatural, put forward the assumption that the ruler was killed. But Tutankhamon died, affected by the disease.

Historians suggest that Pharaoh fell from the chariot and died of complication - an open leg fracture. On March 8, 2005, the Egyptologist Caakhi Havass, who led the research, the results of the Mummy survey were announced. There were no traces of the cranial injury, and there was no rush in the skull - the result of the actions of the priests-paraschitis. The results of the study refuted and severe scoliosis.

Restored the appearance of Tutankhamon on his skull

Skull Pharaoh is significantly elongated, which confirms related ties with Ehnaton and contradicts the conclusions about the presence of Marfan's syndrome. After holding meetings with colleagues from other countries, researchers came to the conclusion that the cause of the death of Tutankhamon is a progressive gangrene due to a fracture. As evidence is serious damage to the left femoral bone. It used to be believed that this defect is associated with the inept appeal of the participants of the expedition, which they found the tomb.

Opening a tombs

Tutankhamon's tomb (KV62 object) is located in the "valley of the kings", near FIV. This is the only almost intact tomb, which has reached the current scientists in its original form, despite the two attempts to open with utility thieves.

Tomba Tutankhamon

The burial was discovered in 1922 by two English researchers - Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. For historians, Tutankhamon remained an unknown and secondary character, until the discovery of the tomb.

Moreover, some believed that Tutankhamon was not at all. Therefore, the opening of his tomb was the greatest in archeology. Indeed, during the reign, Tutankhamon did not actually accomplished anything outstanding, except for the abandonment of Atonism.

Mummy Tutankhamon

In early November 1922, the entrance to the tomb was cleared, the printing on the doors remained intact. This fact instilled in archaeologists hope to make the largest opening of the century. Two researchers who opened the tomb had the opportunity to go down the first to her.

Among the utensils and items that are buried with the ruler, real treasures were found - art objects that bear the influence of the Amarn period. Then the tomb of Pharaoh has become even more interesting, and its discovery made the name of Tutankhamon well-known.

Golden funeral mask Tutankhamon

In the tomb found a lot of jewelry and sarcophagus with Mumia Pharaoh. Golden burial mask is well preserved. Today, it is the main value of the Cairo Museum, where you can make a photo with this ancient subject. The Egyptian mask includes very reverent.

As for the children of the ruler, the mummy of two his daughters were found in the tomb of Tutankhamon, who died back in infancy. Some experts believe that the children were already born dead. There are no information about other heirs of Pharaoh. The death of children is most likely the result of the bloodstream for a long period of time, which was the cause of the full extinction of the dynasty.

Legends and curse

A common theory regarding the death of the expedition participants is the presence of fungal and microorganisms in the tomb. Excavations financed Lord George Karnarvon, who died on April 5, 1923 at the Cairo Hotel Continental. The researcher was sick with inflammation of the lungs. But the newsipers immediately attributed this death to mysticism. Some representatives of the press said that Karnarvon died due to the "infection of blood from the injury of a razor" or the "mysterious bite of mosquito."

Archaeologist Howard Carter and Lord George Carnarvon

Further, journalists often heated rumors relative to the "Curse of Pharaohs". Allegedly it led to the death of the discovers of the tomb. There were 22 "victims", 13 of which were attended by opening the burial.

However, the facts suggest that "evidence" was fabricated to achieve sensation. Most researchers from the Carter team have reached older age. The discoverer himself died the last of the team when he was 66 years old.


In artistic literature

  • The peripetia of the transition of power from Ehnaton to Horamechek is described in the trilogy of Gerald Messadier "Storms on Nile".
  • In the novel "Shadow of Pharaoh" of the author of Santiago Morata Tutankhamon dusty in love with her stepmother Nefertiti.
  • The main hero of the novel of Dmitry Merezhkovsky "The birth of the gods. Tutankamon on Crete. "
  • Moiseeva Clara. "Daughter of Ehnaton"

In cinema

  • The Canadian-American mini-series of three films "Here" (2015) is based on the life of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamon. The role of adult Pharaoh fulfilled the actor Evan Jogia.
  • The history of the cooperation of the Egyptologist Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon, who led to the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamon, was based on the plot of the mini-series Tutanhamon (2016).
  • The story about the tomb of Tutankhamon is told in the first series of the series "Chronicles of the Young Indiana Jones".
  • Tastein / Tutankhamchik - cartoon about Pharaoh.

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